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Last active January 3, 2016 04:28
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Save axelGschaider/8408802 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
There has got to be a better way
trait Model[A <: Model[A]] {
val internalKey:String
def key:Key[A] = Key[A](internalKey)
// removed this function because it did not make my intent clear.
// def isThatYou(k:Key[A]) = key == k
case class Key[A <: Model[A]]( keyVal:String )
case class ClassOne(internalKey:String) extends Model[ClassOne] // <- need to retype the type . . . error prone
case class ClassTwo(internalKey:String) extends Model[ClassTwo]
case class ClassThree(internalKey:String) extends Model[ClassTwo] // See! Here I went wrong with retyping. Not all that
// bad though. Trying to define a DAO[ClassThree] will
// result in compile time errors.
// this is the use case I really need!
// Trying to use a Key[ClassOne] on a DAO[ClassTwo] will result in a compiletime error
trait DAO[A <: Model[A]] {
def get(key:Key[A]):Option[A] = None // dummy implementation
// this test
object Test {
// old demonstration code. Commented it since it didn't communicate what I was trying to do.
// def works = ClassOne("foo").isThatYou( ClassOne("bar").key )
// def fails = ClassOne("foo").isThatYou( ClassTwo("bar").key ) // <- compiler error. As expected.
// // ClassTwo key can't be used with ClassOne
val oneDAO = new DAO[ClassOne](){}
// usually we would get our keys somehow differently
// this is just for demonstration reasons
val oneKey = ClassOne("123").key
val twoKey = ClassTwo("456").key
val someOne:Option[ClassOne] = oneDAO.get( oneKey ) //works
oneDAO.get( twoKey ) //fails to compile . . . as expected
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Here you don't parameterize classes and you don't get desired compiler error:

trait Model {
val internalKey: String
def key: Model
def isThatYou(k: Model) = key == k

case class ClassOne(internalKey:String) extends Model {
def key: Model = ClassOne(internalKey)

case class ClassTwo(internalKey:String) extends Model {
def key: Model = ClassTwo(internalKey)

val k1 = ClassOne("a")

val k2 = ClassTwo("a")

k1.isThatYou(k2) // false

k1.isThatYou(k1) // true

val l: List[Model] = List(k1, k2) // l: List[Model] = List(ClassOne(a), ClassTwo(a))

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One more option - you get desired compiler error and don't have to parameterize classes but you have to define type A within subclasses:

trait Model {
type A <: Model
val internalKey: String
def isThatYou(k: A) = this == k

case class ClassOne(internalKey:String) extends Model {
type A = ClassOne

case class ClassTwo(internalKey:String) extends Model {
type A = ClassTwo

val k1 = ClassOne("a")

val k2 = ClassTwo("a")

k1.isThatYou(k2) // error: type mismatch; found : ClassTwo required: k1.A

k1.isThatYou(k1) // true

val l: List[Model] = List(k1, k2) // l: List[Model] = List(ClassOne(a), ClassTwo(a))

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Now I think I understand what it was about:

trait Model {
self =>
val internalKey: String
def isThatYou(k: self.type) = this == k

case class ClassOne(internalKey:String) extends Model

case class ClassTwo(internalKey:String) extends Model

val k1 = ClassOne("a")

val k2 = ClassTwo("a")

k1.isThatYou(k2) // error: type mismatch; found : ClassTwo required: k1.A

k1.isThatYou(k1) // true

val l: List[Model] = List(k1, k2) // l: List[Model] = List(ClassOne(a), ClassTwo(a))

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Hi izmailoff

many many thanks for your work and time. Really appreciate it!

But actually the point of the whole thing was to have that parameterized Key trait. I'm working in a domain where I will really need keys. But instead of having keys like pure Strings that I can (falsely) stuff everywhere, I want keys that only "fit certain locks".

so for example if there where Book and Car classes. The BookDAO would only accept keys of the type Key[Book] and of course not Key[Car]. So I can't accidentally misuse a key. In the haskell world I saw something like this in the yesod framework, fell in love with it and am now trying to mimic it in scala . . .

I'll be adding a DAO trait to the gist to make my intent more clear.

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