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Last active February 16, 2018 15:21
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// EthabiFunction
use ethabi;
const INTERNAL_ERR: &'static str = "`ethabi_derive` internal error";
#[doc = r" Contract"]
pub struct Eip20 {}
impl Default for Eip20 {
fn default() -> Self {
Eip20 {}
impl Eip20 {}
pub mod events {
use ethabi;
use ethabi::ParseLog;
pub struct Approval {
event: ethabi::Event,
impl Default for Approval {
fn default() -> Self {
Approval {
event: ethabi::Event {
name: "Approval".to_owned(),
inputs: vec![
ethabi::EventParam {
name: "owner".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Address,
indexed: true,
ethabi::EventParam {
name: "spender".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Address,
indexed: true,
ethabi::EventParam {
name: "value".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Uint(256usize),
indexed: false,
anonymous: false,
impl ParseLog for Approval {
type Log = super::logs::Approval;
#[doc = r" Parses log."]
fn parse_log(&self, log: ethabi::RawLog) -> ethabi::Result<Self::Log> {
let mut log = self.event.parse_log(log)?.params.into_iter();
let result = super::logs::Approval {
impl Approval {
#[doc = r" Creates topic filter."]
pub fn create_filter<
T0: Into<ethabi::Topic<ethabi::Address>>,
T1: Into<ethabi::Topic<ethabi::Address>>,
owner: T0,
spender: T1,
) -> ethabi::TopicFilter {
let raw = ethabi::RawTopicFilter {
topic0: owner.into().map(|i| ethabi::Token::Address(i)),
topic1: spender.into().map(|i| ethabi::Token::Address(i)),
pub struct Transfer {
event: ethabi::Event,
impl Default for Transfer {
fn default() -> Self {
Transfer {
event: ethabi::Event {
name: "Transfer".to_owned(),
inputs: vec![
ethabi::EventParam {
name: "from".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Address,
indexed: true,
ethabi::EventParam {
name: "to".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Address,
indexed: true,
ethabi::EventParam {
name: "value".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Uint(256usize),
indexed: false,
anonymous: false,
impl ParseLog for Transfer {
type Log = super::logs::Transfer;
#[doc = r" Parses log."]
fn parse_log(&self, log: ethabi::RawLog) -> ethabi::Result<Self::Log> {
let mut log = self.event.parse_log(log)?.params.into_iter();
let result = super::logs::Transfer {
impl Transfer {
#[doc = r" Creates topic filter."]
pub fn create_filter<
T0: Into<ethabi::Topic<ethabi::Address>>,
T1: Into<ethabi::Topic<ethabi::Address>>,
from: T0,
to: T1,
) -> ethabi::TopicFilter {
let raw = ethabi::RawTopicFilter {
topic0: from.into().map(|i| ethabi::Token::Address(i)),
topic1: to.into().map(|i| ethabi::Token::Address(i)),
pub mod logs {
use ethabi;
pub struct Approval {
pub owner: ethabi::Address,
pub spender: ethabi::Address,
pub value: ethabi::Uint,
pub struct Transfer {
pub from: ethabi::Address,
pub to: ethabi::Address,
pub value: ethabi::Uint,
#[doc = r" Contract events"]
pub struct Eip20Events {}
impl Eip20Events {
pub fn approval(&self) -> events::Approval {
pub fn transfer(&self) -> events::Transfer {
impl Eip20 {
#[doc = r" Get contract events"]
pub fn events(&self) -> Eip20Events {
Eip20Events {}
#[doc = r" Contract functions (for decoding output)"]
pub struct Outputs {}
impl Outputs {
#[doc = r" Returns the output for this contract function converted to native types"]
pub fn transfer(&self, output_bytes: &[u8]) -> ethabi::Result<bool> {
#[doc = r" Returns the output for this contract function converted to native types"]
pub fn balance_of(&self, output_bytes: &[u8]) -> ethabi::Result<ethabi::Uint> {
impl Eip20 {
#[doc = r" Gets contract functions (for decoding output)"]
pub fn outputs(&self) -> Outputs {
Outputs {}
pub mod functions {
use ethabi;
pub struct Transfer {
function: ethabi::Function,
impl Default for Transfer {
fn default() -> Self {
Transfer {
function: ethabi::Function {
name: "transfer".to_owned(),
inputs: vec![
ethabi::Param {
name: "_to".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Address,
ethabi::Param {
name: "_value".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Uint(256usize),
outputs: vec![
ethabi::Param {
name: "success".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Bool,
constant: false,
impl Transfer {
pub fn decode_output(&self, output: &[u8]) -> ethabi::Result<bool> {
let out = self.function
pub fn encode_input(&self, tokens: &[ethabi::Token]) -> ethabi::Result<ethabi::Bytes> {
pub struct BalanceOf {
function: ethabi::Function,
impl Default for BalanceOf {
fn default() -> Self {
BalanceOf {
function: ethabi::Function {
name: "balanceOf".to_owned(),
inputs: vec![
ethabi::Param {
name: "_owner".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Address,
outputs: vec![
ethabi::Param {
name: "balance".to_owned(),
kind: ethabi::ParamType::Uint(256usize),
constant: true,
impl BalanceOf {
pub fn decode_output(&self, output: &[u8]) -> ethabi::Result<ethabi::Uint> {
let out = self.function
pub fn encode_input(&self, tokens: &[ethabi::Token]) -> ethabi::Result<ethabi::Bytes> {
#[doc = r" Contract function with already defined input values"]
pub struct TransferWithInput {
encoded_input: ethabi::Bytes,
impl ethabi::EthabiFunction for TransferWithInput {
type Output = bool;
#[doc = r" Returns the previously set function arguments encoded as bytes"]
fn encoded(&self) -> ethabi::Bytes {
fn output(&self, output_bytes: ethabi::Bytes) -> ethabi::Result<Self::Output> {
impl TransferWithInput {
pub fn from_tokens(v: Vec<ethabi::Token>) -> Self {
let encoded_input: ethabi::Bytes = functions::Transfer::default().encode_input(&v).expect(
TransferWithInput { encoded_input: encoded_input }
#[doc = r" Contract function with already defined input values"]
pub struct BalanceOfWithInput {
encoded_input: ethabi::Bytes,
impl ethabi::EthabiFunction for BalanceOfWithInput {
type Output = ethabi::Uint;
#[doc = r" Returns the previously set function arguments encoded as bytes"]
fn encoded(&self) -> ethabi::Bytes {
fn output(&self, output_bytes: ethabi::Bytes) -> ethabi::Result<Self::Output> {
impl BalanceOfWithInput {
pub fn from_tokens(v: Vec<ethabi::Token>) -> Self {
let encoded_input: ethabi::Bytes = functions::BalanceOf::default()
BalanceOfWithInput { encoded_input: encoded_input }
#[doc = r" Contract functions (for encoding input, making calls, transactions)"]
pub struct Eip20Functions {}
impl Eip20Functions {
#[doc = r" Sets the input (arguments) for this contract function"]
pub fn transfer<T0: Into<ethabi::Address>, T1: Into<ethabi::Uint>>(
to: T0,
value: T1,
) -> TransferWithInput {
let v: Vec<ethabi::Token> = vec![
#[doc = r" Sets the input (arguments) for this contract function"]
pub fn balance_of<T0: Into<ethabi::Address>>(&self, owner: T0) -> BalanceOfWithInput {
let v: Vec<ethabi::Token> = vec![ethabi::Token::Address(owner.into())];
impl Eip20 {
#[doc = r" Gets contract functions (for encoding input, making calls, transactions)"]
pub fn functions(&self) -> Eip20Functions {
Eip20Functions {}
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