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Last active January 27, 2021 07:28
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Schoof algorithm (without Elkies/Atkins improvements) to compute number of points on a curve
from sage.all_cmdline import *
def curve_fx(e: EllipticCurve):
a4 = e.a4()
a6 = e.a6()
return X**3 + a4*X + a6
def trace_mod_2(e: EllipticCurve):
(X,Y) = e.multiplication_by_m(1)
if gcd( X**q - X, curve_fx(e)).degree() > 0:
return 0
return 1
def normalize(polyList, fx):
const_term = 0
y_term = 0
for i, v in enumerate(polyList):
xterm = polyList[i]
if i % 2 == 0:
expo = int(i/2)
const_term = const_term + xterm * (fx ** expo)
expo = int(int(i-1)/2)
y_term = y_term + xterm * (fx ** expo)
return (y_term,const_term)
def mul_iso_mod_l(iso_1, iso_2, div_poly, curve : EllipticCurve):
x1,y1 = iso_1
x2,y2 = iso_2
x3 = x1(x2,y2) % div_poly
y3 = y1(x2,y2) % div_poly
return (x3,y3)
def add_iso_mod_l(iso_1, iso_2, div_poly, curve : EllipticCurve):
X,Y = curve.multiplication_by_m(1)
(a1,b1) = iso_1
(a2,b2) = iso_2
if a1 == None and b1 == None:
return iso_2
if a2 == None and b2 == None:
return iso_1
if a1 == a2 and b1 == -b2:
return (None, None)
b1 = b1 // Y
b2 = b2 // Y
r = None
fx = curve_fx(curve)
if b1 == b2:
r_den = 2*b1*fx
r_num = 3*a1*a1 + curve.a4()
r_num = b1 - b2
r_den = a1 - a2
poly_factor = gcd(r_den, div_poly)
if > 0:
div_poly = div_poly // poly_factor
return add_iso_mod_l((a1 % div_poly, b1 % div_poly),
(a2 % div_poly, b2 % div_poly),
div_poly, curve)
r_den_inverse = r_den.univariate_polynomial().inverse_mod(div_poly.univariate_polynomial())
r = r_num * r_den_inverse
a3 = (r*r*fx - a1 - a2)
b3 = r*(a1 - a3 ) - b1
return (a3 % div_poly, (b3 % div_poly)*Y)
def scalar_mul_iso_mod_l(iso, n : int, div_poly, curve : EllipticCurve):
n = Integer(n)
result = (None, None)
for bit in n.bits()[::-1]:
result = add_iso_mod_l(result, result, div_poly, curve)
# Nothing about this is constant time
if bit == 1:
result = add_iso_mod_l(result, iso, div_poly, curve)
return result
def trace_mod_l(e : EllipticCurve, l : int):
q = e.base_field().characteristic()
assert gcd(q, l) == 1
assert l.is_prime()
if l == 2:
return trace_mod_2(e)
curve_x = curve_fx(e)
l_torsion = e.division_polynomial(l,two_torsion_multiplicity=1)
l_iso = ((X**q) % l_torsion, (((curve_x)**((q-1)//2)) % l_torsion)*Y)
l_sq_iso = mul_iso_mod_l(l_iso, l_iso, l_torsion, e)
q_iso = scalar_mul_iso_mod_l((X,Y), q, l_torsion, e)
target_sum = add_iso_mod_l(q_iso, l_sq_iso, l_torsion, e);
if target_sum[0] == None and target_sum[1] == None:
return 0
for i in range(1,l):
n_time_frob = scalar_mul_iso_mod_l(l_iso, i, l_torsion, e)
if n_time_frob[0] == target_sum[0] and n_time_frob[1] == target_sum[1]:
return i
return 0
def compute_trace(curve : EllipticCurve):
prime_prods = Integer(1)
l = Integer(1)
t = 0
q = curve.base_field().characteristic()
search_bound = 4 * int(sqrt(float(q)))
while prime_prods < search_bound:
l = next_prime(l)
if l % q == 0:
tl = trace_mod_l(curve, l)
prime_prods_inv = Integer(prime_prods.inverse_mod(l))
l_inv = Integer(l.inverse_mod(prime_prods))
t = (prime_prods * prime_prods_inv * tl + l * l_inv * t ) % (l*prime_prods)
prime_prods = l * prime_prods
if t > (prime_prods // 2):
return prime_prods - t
return t
if __name__=='__main__':
print(trace_mod_2(E)); print(E.trace_of_frobenius() % 2)
trace = E.trace_of_frobenius()
trace2 = compute_trace(E)
print("Trace-1: {}, Trace-2: {}".format(trace, trace2))
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