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Created November 11, 2021 23:19
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Script used to monitor the VPN Tunnel for Transmission
* You must either define the PUBLIC_IPV4 constant if you have a static address
// define('PUBLIC_IPV4', '');
* Or define the DDNS_HOSTNAME below. We'll do the lookup
define('DDNS_HOSTNAME', '');
* Both values CAN'T BE SET at the same time
define('TRANSMISSION_USER', 'debian-transmission');
define('TUNNEL_GROUP', 'vpntunnel');
# WARNING : make sure you use services that support both IPv4 and IPv6
# doesn't seem to support IPv6. This may affect results
$ipcheckers = [
'' => 'json',
'' => 'json',
'' => 'json'
$local_ipv6 = null;
function output($str, $type = 'i'){
switch ($type) {
case 'e': //error
fwrite(STDERR, "\033[31m ✗ ".$str." \033[0m".PHP_EOL);
case 's': //success
fwrite(STDOUT, "\033[32m ✓ ".$str." \033[0m".PHP_EOL);
case 'w': //warning
fwrite(STDERR, "\033[33m ⚠ ".$str." \033[0m".PHP_EOL);
case 'i': //info
fwrite(STDOUT, "\033[36m ℹ ".$str." \033[0m".PHP_EOL);
fwrite(STDOUT, $str.PHP_EOL);
function get_ip($host, $version = 4, $format = 'raw') {
$host_nice = @parse_url($host)['host'] ?? $host;
output("\tFetching \033[1mIPv".$version);
$c = shell_exec('curl --connect-timeout 5 -'.$version.' -s '.$host);
if ($c === false || empty($c)) {
//output("\tCould not fetch IPv".$version." from \"".$host_nice."\"", 'w');
return false;
switch ($format) {
case 'json':
if (false === $d = @json_decode($c)) {
output("\tUnable to decode the JSON response for \"".$host_nice."\"", 'w');
return false;
//TODO: should be dynamic
$ip = $d->ip ?? null;
if (is_null($ip)) {
output("\tThe fetched IP is null", 'w');
return false;
case 'raw':
$ip = $c;
output("\tUnknown response format", 'w');
return false;
output("\tPublic IPv".$version." is ".trim($ip));
return trim($ip);
function check_ip($host, $format = 'raw') {
$host_nice = @parse_url($host)['host'] ?? $host;
$alert = false;
$failed = 0;
// We check the presence of a public IPV4
$ipv4 = get_ip($host, 4, $format);
if ($ipv4 !== false && defined('PUBLIC_IPV4')) {
if ($ipv4 == PUBLIC_IPV4) {
output("\tThis IP is publically exposed!", 'e');
$alert = true;
else {
output("\tThis IP is safe", 's');
else {
output("\tCould not fetch public IPv4", 'w');
++ $failed;
// If there is at least one local IPv6 found
if (defined('HAS_IPV6')) {
//TODO: not very clean
global $local_ipv6;
// We check the presence of a public IPv6
$ipv6 = get_ip($host, 6, $format);
if ($ipv6 !== false && count($local_ipv6) > 0) {
if (in_array($ipv6, $local_ipv6)) {
output("\tThis IP is publically exposed!", 'e');
$alert = true;
else {
output("\tThis IP is safe", 's');
else {
output("\tCould not fetch IPv6, assuming this is safe AS LONG AS this IP checker supports IPv6", 's');
++ $failed;
if (intval($failed) == 2) {
output("\tBoth IPv4 and IPv6 tests have failed", 'w');
return false;
if ($alert === true) {
return true;
function block_transmission() {
output('Stopping Transmission daemon immediately', 'i');
if (false !== @shell_exec('sudo /bin/systemctl stop transmission-daemon.service')) {
$running = @shell_exec('/bin/systemctl is-active transmission-daemon.service');
if ($running !== false && trim($running) == 'inactive') {
output('Transmission daemon was stopped', 's');
output('Please do not forget that the Transmission daemon could be restarted in case of an unexpected reboot.', 'w');
else {
output('We have tried to stop Transmission but it is still running according to Systemd', 'e');
else {
output('Could not stop transmission daemon, immediate action is required', 'e');
function check_vpn_service() {
output('Checking whether VPN service is running', 'i');
$active = shell_exec('systemctl is-active openvpn@openvpn.service');
if (trim($active) == 'active') {
output("VPN service is Active according to Systemd", 's');
return true;
else {
output("VPN service is Inactive according to Systemd", 'w');
return false;
function check_transmission_group() {
output('Checking whether Transmission user belongs to the '.TUNNEL_GROUP.' group', 'i');
$group = shell_exec('id -gn '.TRANSMISSION_USER);
if ($group !== false && ! empty($group)) {
if (trim($group) == TUNNEL_GROUP) {
output('The Transmission user belongs to the '.TUNNEL_GROUP.' group', 's');
return true;
else {
output("The Transmission user doesn't belong to the ".TUNNEL_GROUP." group. \033[4mYour Public IP may be exposed even if the VPN tunnel is working.", 'e');
return false;
else {
output('Unable to check Transmission daemon group', 'w');
return null;
function get_ipv6_addresses() {
global $local_ipv6;
output("Getting local IPv6 addresses");
$cmd = shell_exec('ip -6 -o a');
if ($cmd !== false && !empty($cmd)) {
if (preg_match_all('~([0-9a-f]{1,4}:+){1,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}~im', $cmd, $ips) && count($ips[0]) > 0) {
define('HAS_IPV6', true);
foreach ($ips[0] as $i) {
// Dropping local IPs
if (substr($i, 0, 4) == 'fe80') {
$local_ipv6[] = $i;
output("\t- ".$i, 's');
else {
output("\tNo IP found", 'i');
else {
output("Could not get local IPs", 'w');
function get_ddns_ip() {
output("Looking for your DDNS IP");
$ip = gethostbyname(DDNS_HOSTNAME);
if ($ip !== false && !empty($ip)) {
output("Your DDNS IP is: ".$ip, 's');
if (! defined('PUBLIC_IPV4')) {
define('PUBLIC_IPV4', $ip);
return true;
else {
output("The \"PUBLIC_IPV4\" constant is already defined", 'e');
return false;
else {
output("Could not get your DDNS IP", 'e');
return false;
function dienow() {
output(' ', 'a');
output("\033[1mThe output of the previous command prevents me from going on. Please fix and retry", 'e');
# Starting the checks here
output(' ', 'a');
output("\033[1;4;36mTHE VPN TUNNEL FOR TRANSMISSION KILL SWITCH \033[0m", 'a');
output(' ', 'a');
# Checking that Transmission daemon has the right group
if (true !== check_transmission_group()) {
output(' ', 'a');
# We check the VPN service
if (true !== check_vpn_service()) {
output(' ', 'a');
# Getting the DDNS IP
if (defined('DDNS_HOSTNAME')) {
if (! get_ddns_ip()) {
output(' ', 'a');
# Getting local IPv6 addresses
output(' ', 'a');
# Then we check the public IP
$failed = 0;
foreach ($ipcheckers as $host => $format) {
$host_nice = @parse_url($host)['host'] ?? $host;
output('Checking public IPs on "'.$host_nice.'"', 'i');
$result = check_ip($host, $format);
if ($result === false) {
++ $failed;
output('IP check failed on "'.$host_nice.'"', 'w');
output(' ', 'a');
else {
output(' ', 'a');
output('All checks done', 'i');
if ($failed == count($ipcheckers)) {
output(' ', 'a');
output("All tests have failed!. Quick action is required.", 'e');
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