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Last active November 6, 2017 11:10
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PHP method to display a nicely formatted tree with levels and sublevels and clean HTML output
require __DIR__.'/tree.php';
$tree = [
'item' => 'John',
'comment' => 'John\'s home directory',
'class' => 'folder',
'children' => [
'item' => 'Documents',
'comment' => 'John\'s documents',
'class' => 'folder',
'children' => [
'item' => 'Personal',
'class' => 'folder',
'children' => [
'item' => 'Résumé.pdf',
'class' => 'file'
'item' => 'Professional',
'class' => 'folder'
'item' => 'Music',
'comment' => 'John\'s music',
'class' => 'folder'
'item' => 'Videos',
'comment' => 'John\'s videos',
'class' => 'folder',
'children' => [
'item' => 'my-baby-2017.mp4',
'class' => 'file'
'item' => 'holidays-in-usa.avi',
'class' => 'file'
'item' => 'Sites',
'comment' => 'John\'s sites',
'class' => 'folder'
'item' => 'Helen',
'comment' => 'Helen\'s home directory',
'class' => 'folder',
'children' => [
'item' => 'Music',
'comment' => 'Helen\'s music',
'class' => 'folder'
'item' => 'Sites',
'comment' => 'Helen\'s sites',
'class' => 'folder'
$tree = drawTree($tree);
<title>Tree formatter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" media="all" />
<?php echo $tree; ?>

PHP Tree formatter

This Gist provides a PHP function used for displaying nicely formatted tree using CSS only. It supports multiple levels (no limit).

The HTML output is clean and indented. For example :

<ul class="tree level-0">
	<li class="folder">John: <span class="comment">John's home directory</span>
		<ul class="level-1">
			<li class="folder">Documents: <span class="comment">John's documents</span>
				<ul class="level-2">
					<li class="folder">Personal
						<ul class="level-3">
							<li class="file">R&eacute;sum&eacute;.pdf</li>
					<li class="folder">Professional</li>
			<li class="folder">Music: <span class="comment">John's music</span></li>
			<li class="folder">Videos: <span class="comment">John's videos</span>
				<ul class="level-2">
					<li class="file">my-baby-2017.mp4</li>
					<li class="file">holidays-in-usa.avi</li>
			<li class="folder">Sites: <span class="comment">John's sites</span></li>
	<li class="folder">Helen: <span class="comment">Helen's home directory</span>
		<ul class="level-1">
			<li class="folder">Music: <span class="comment">Helen's music</span></li>
			<li class="folder">Sites: <span class="comment">Helen's sites</span></li>
body {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 12px;
ul.tree, ul.tree ul {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 12px;
list-style: none;
color: #585858;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
ul.tree ul {
margin-left: 20px;
ul.tree li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 7px;
line-height: 15px;
border-left:1px solid rgb(218,214,214);
ul.tree li:last-child {
ul.tree li.folder {
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
ul.tree li.file {
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: normal;
ul.tree li:before {
border-bottom:1px solid rgb(218,214,214);
ul.tree li:last-child:before {
border-left:1px solid rgb(218,214,214);
ul .comment {
font-size: 11px;
font-style: italic;
color: #8a8a8a;
font-weight: normal;
$output = null;
function drawTree($level, $dim = 0) {
static $output;
$i = 0;
// Starting UL node
$output .=
str_pad('', $dim, "\t").
'<ul class="'.(($dim == 0) ? 'tree ' : '').'level-'.($dim / 2).'">'
// Looping on level
foreach ($level as $sublevel) {
$i ++;
// Adding item
$output .=
str_pad('', ($dim + 1), "\t").
'<li class="'.(!empty($sublevel['class']) ? trim($sublevel['class']) : '').'">'.
(!empty($sublevel['item']) ? htmlentities($sublevel['item']) : htmlentities('<untitled>'))
// Displaying comment if applicable
if (!empty($sublevel['comment'])) {
$output .=
': <span class="comment">'.
// If there is a sublevel
if (!empty($sublevel['children']) && is_array($sublevel['children']) && count($sublevel['children']) > 0) {
// Recursivity
drawTree($sublevel['children'], $dim + 2);
// Terminating LI
$output .= '</li>';
// If end of the sublevel
if ($i == count($level)) {
$output .=
str_pad('', ($dim), "\t").
str_pad('', ($dim - 1), "\t")
// Returning final output
return $output;
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