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Created October 25, 2017 00:48
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import Foundation
typealias TableInfo = [String: Any]
typealias TableSectionArray = [TableSection]
typealias TableRowArray = [TableRow]
struct TableSection {
var groupIdentifier: String?
var identifier: String?
var title: String?
var footer: String?
var rows = TableRowArray()
var userInfo = TableInfo()
init(title: String?, rows: TableRowArray) {
self.title = title
self.rows = rows
extension TableSection: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
let dictionary = [
"title": "\(String(describing: title))",
"rows": "\(rows)"
return "\(dictionary)"
struct TableRow {
enum Style {
case text
case detail
case subtitle
case custom
var style: Style = .custom
var identifier: String?
var groupIdentifier: String?
var text: String?
var detail: String?
var userInfo = TableInfo()
var object: Any?
var height: CGFloat?
init(style: Style, text: String?, detail: String?) { = style
self.text = text
self.detail = detail
init(text: String?, detail: String? = nil) {
if let _ = detail {
style = .detail
} else {
style = .text
self.text = text
self.detail = detail
init(object: Any?) { = .custom
self.object = object
extension TableRow: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
let dictionary = [
"style": "\(style)",
"text": "\(String(describing: text))",
"detail": "\(String(describing: detail))"
return "\(dictionary)"
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