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Forked from teramako/bartab-integration.js
Created August 23, 2010 23:10
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* BarTab integration - Vimperator Plugin
* Commands:
* :tap tap the current tab
* :tap # tap the previous seleced tab
* :tap {num}:? tap the {num}-th tab
* :tap! tap all tabs without the current tab
* Tab Completion is available !!
* Completion:
* overwrite completion.buffer and urlCompleter
* these can search title or url even if the tab is tapped
* So, buffer command and urlCompleter ("t" in 'complete' option)
* are completable.
* Other:
* overwrite tabs.get method.
let originalBufferCompletion = completion.buffer;
let originalBufferURLComplter = completion.urlCompleters.t;
let originalTabsGet = tabs.get;
completion.buffer = barTap_bufferCompletion;
completion.addUrlCompleter("t", "Open tabs (+BarTabGlue)", completion.buffer);
tabs.get = tabsGet;
function barTap_bufferCompletion (context) {
context.anchored = false;
context.title = ["Buffer", "URL"];
context.keys = { text: "text", description: "url", icon: "icon" }; = CompletionContext.Sort.number;
let process = context.process[0];
context.process = [function (item, text) <>
<span highlight="Indicator" style="display: inline-block; width: 2em; text-align: center">{item.item.indicator}</span>
{, item, text) }
context.completions =, function ([i, browser]) {
let indicator = " ";
let ontap = browser.hasAttribute("ontap");
if (i == tabs.index())
indicator = "%"
else if (i == tabs.index(tabs.alternate))
indicator = "#";
indicator = (ontap ? "*" : " ") + indicator;
let tab = tabs.getTab(i);
let url = ontap ? browser.linkedBrowser.userTypedValue : browser.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.location.href;
i = i + 1;
return {
text: [i + ": " + (tab.label || "(Untitled)"), i + ": " + url],
url: template.highlightURL(url),
indicator: indicator,
icon: tab.image || DEFAULT_FAVICON,
ontap: ontap
function tabsGet () {
let buffers = [];
let tabbrowser = getBrowser();
for (let i=0, len=tabbrowser.mTabs.length; i<len; i++){
let tab = tabbrowser.mTabs[i];
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
let title = tab.label || "(Untitled)";
let uri = browser.hasAttribute("ontap") ? browser.userTypedValue : browser.currentURI.spec;
let number = i + 1;
buffers.push([number, title, uri]);
return buffers;
function tap (arg, isAll) {
let tab;
let tabbrowser = getBrowser();
if (isAll) {
for (let i=0, len= tabbrowser.mTabs.length; i<len; i++) {
let tab = tabbrowser.mTabs[i];
if (tab != tabbrowser.mCurrentTab && !tab.hasAttribute("ontap"))
} else if (!arg) {
} else if (arg == "#") {
} else {
let matches = arg.match(/^(\d+):?/);
if (matches) {
gBrowser.BarTabHandler.unloadTab(tabs.getTab(parseInt(matches[1], 10) - 1));
commands.addUserCommand(["tap"], "BarTab: tap",
function (args) {
tap(args.literalArg, args.bang);
}, {
argCount: "?",
bang: true,
literal: 0,
completer: function (context) {
context.filters.push(function(item) !item.item.ontap);
}, true);
function onUnload () {
completion.buffer = originalBufferCompletion;
completion.addUrlCompleter("t", "Open tabs", completion.buffer);
tabs.get = originalTabsGet;
// vim: sw=2 ts=2 et:
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