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Last active June 9, 2024 15:20
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Api platform OR search filter
namespace Axelvkn\AppBundle\Filter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\SearchFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Util\QueryNameGeneratorInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
class OrSearchFilter extends SearchFilter
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function addWhereByStrategy(string $strategy, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator, string $alias, string $field, $value, bool $caseSensitive)
$wrapCase = $this->createWrapCase($caseSensitive);
$valueParameter = $queryNameGenerator->generateParameterName($field);
switch ($strategy) {
case null:
case self::STRATEGY_EXACT:
->orWhere(sprintf($wrapCase('%s.%s').' = '.$wrapCase(':%s'), $alias, $field, $valueParameter))
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value);
->orWhere(sprintf($wrapCase('%s.%s').' LIKE '.$wrapCase('CONCAT(\'%%\', :%s, \'%%\')'), $alias, $field, $valueParameter))
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value);
case self::STRATEGY_START:
->orWhere(sprintf($wrapCase('%s.%s').' LIKE '.$wrapCase('CONCAT(:%s, \'%%\')'), $alias, $field, $valueParameter))
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value);
case self::STRATEGY_END:
->orWhere(sprintf($wrapCase('%s.%s').' LIKE '.$wrapCase('CONCAT(\'%%\', :%s)'), $alias, $field, $valueParameter))
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value);
->orWhere(sprintf($wrapCase('%1$s.%2$s').' LIKE '.$wrapCase('CONCAT(:%3$s, \'%%\')').' OR '.$wrapCase('%1$s.%2$s').' LIKE '.$wrapCase('CONCAT(\'%% \', :%3$s, \'%%\')'), $alias, $field, $valueParameter))
->setParameter($valueParameter, $value);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('strategy %s does not exist.', $strategy));
class: Axelvnk\AppBundle\Filter\OrSearchFilter
parent: "api_platform.doctrine.orm.search_filter"
parent: axelvnk.filter.or_search_filter
- { name: "partial", vatNumber: "partial" }
- { name: "api_platform.filter", id: "" }
#now you can search /api/customers?name=0844.010.460&vatNumber=0844.010.460 and your filter will be applied with all or conditions!
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UtechtDustin commented Dec 7, 2022

Is it possible to use this Filter and the Searchfilter at the same time ?
We have on the left side a few filters e.g. city, but on the top we also want the OrSearchFilter to search on almsot any property of the Entity.

So if someone search for e.g. test123 on the top search we see want to see all entities which has test123 in at least one of the defined properties (orSearchFilter).
If we also set the city filter e.g. new york on the left side we want to see all Entities which are located in new york AND have test123 in at least one of the defined properties (orSearchFilter).

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alexislefebvre commented Dec 8, 2022

@UtechtDustin this code add or conditions so it should work with other filters. Did you try it?

Maybe you don't need this filter but instead create a filter to search in several properties: See also this answer on Stack Overflow.

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Unfortunately doesn't work with API Platform 3.0

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loicngr commented Aug 8, 2023

I write this if you want :


namespace App\Filter;

use ApiPlatform\Api\IdentifiersExtractorInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Api\IriConverterInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Common\Filter\SearchFilterInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Common\Filter\SearchFilterTrait;
use ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\AbstractFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Doctrine\Orm\Util\QueryNameGeneratorInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Operation;
use Closure;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\NameConverter\NameConverterInterface;

final class SearchMultiFieldsFilter extends AbstractFilter implements SearchFilterInterface
    use SearchFilterTrait;

    public function __construct(
        ManagerRegistry $managerRegistry,
        IriConverterInterface $iriConverter,
        ?PropertyAccessorInterface $propertyAccessor = null,
        ?LoggerInterface $logger = null,
        ?array $properties = null,
        ?IdentifiersExtractorInterface $identifiersExtractor = null,
        ?NameConverterInterface $nameConverter = null,
        public string $searchParameterName = 'search',
    ) {
        parent::__construct($managerRegistry, $logger, $properties, $nameConverter);

        $this->iriConverter = $iriConverter;
        $this->identifiersExtractor = $identifiersExtractor;
        $this->propertyAccessor = $propertyAccessor ?? PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();

    protected function getIriConverter(): IriConverterInterface
        return $this->iriConverter;

    protected function getPropertyAccessor(): PropertyAccessorInterface
        return $this->propertyAccessor;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected function filterProperty(
        string $property,
        mixed $value,
        QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
        QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator,
        string $resourceClass,
        ?Operation $operation = null,
        array $context = [],
    ): void {
        if (
            null === $value
            || $property !== $this->searchParameterName
        ) {

        $alias = $queryBuilder->getRootAliases()[0];
        $ors = [];
        $count = 0;

        foreach (($this->getProperties() ?? []) as $prop => $caseSensitive) {
            $filter = $this->generatePropertyOrWhere(
                $caseSensitive ?? false,

            if (null === $filter) {

            [$expr, $exprParams] = $filter;
            $ors[] = $expr;

            $queryBuilder->setParameter($exprParams[1], $exprParams[0]);



    protected function generatePropertyOrWhere(
        QueryBuilder $queryBuilder,
        QueryNameGeneratorInterface $queryNameGenerator,
        string $alias,
        string $property,
        string $value,
        string $resourceClass,
        int $key,
        bool $caseSensitive = false,
    ): ?array {
        if (
            !$this->isPropertyEnabled($property, $resourceClass)
            || !$this->isPropertyMapped($property, $resourceClass, true)
        ) {
            return null;

        $field = $property;
        $associations = [];

        if ($this->isPropertyNested($property, $resourceClass)) {
            [$alias, $field, $associations] = $this->addJoinsForNestedProperty(

        $metadata = $this->getNestedMetadata($resourceClass, $associations);

        if (
            'id' === $field
            || !$metadata->hasField($field)
        ) {
            return null;

        $wrapCase = $this->createWrapCase($caseSensitive);
        $valueParameter = ':' . $queryNameGenerator->generateParameterName($field);
        $aliasedField = sprintf('%s.%s', $alias, $field);
        $keyValueParameter = sprintf('%s_%s', $valueParameter, $key);

        return [
                $wrapCase((string) $queryBuilder->expr()->concat("'%'", $keyValueParameter, "'%'")),
            [$caseSensitive ? $value : strtolower($value), $keyValueParameter],

    protected function createWrapCase(bool $caseSensitive): Closure
        return static function (string $expr) use ($caseSensitive): string {
            if ($caseSensitive) {
                return $expr;

            return sprintf('LOWER(%s)', $expr);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected function getType(string $doctrineType): string
        return 'string';

    public function getDescription(string $resourceClass): array
        $props = $this->getProperties();

        if (null === $props) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Properties must be specified');

        return [
            $this->searchParameterName => [
                'property' => implode(', ', array_keys($props)),
                'type' => 'string',
                'required' => false,
                'description' => 'Recherche sur les propriétés spécifiées.',
        properties: [

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@loicngr This is absolutely on point, thanks !!

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loicngr commented Oct 31, 2023

@aesislabs you're welcome

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@loicngr please that is work only for string what i do if i want to search with int

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Thank you very much! @loicngr

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