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Last active August 12, 2023 02:56
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  • Save axemclion/f01cbb32fcb5b14bf6b4fd4594192825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save axemclion/f01cbb32fcb5b14bf6b4fd4594192825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
React Native Android - Systrace from ReactMarkers
import React from "react";
const performanceNow = require("fbjs/lib/performanceNow");
// Construct a simple trace record
const traceRecord = ({
time: ts,
tag = null,
instanceKey = 0,
tid = 0,
pid = 0
}) => ({
cat: "react-native",
ph: "I",
args: {
// Gets the logs that Java sends from ReactMarker and converts them into the format that
// chrome://tracing can understand.
// Note that we should not really do this on the device, but send the data to the server
// and the server to change the format
const logsToTrace = (logs, epochStart) => {
const findClosingEventTime = (
{ name, args: { tag, instanceKey } },
) => {
if (
) {
// Some events like the above do not have all the information to be associated with the
// end event. In that case, we look for the first matching end event with the same name
// and assume that it would be the end event.
// This will be fixed in React Native soon
for (let i = index; i < records.length; i++) {
if (records[i].name === name.replace(/_START$/, "_END")) {
return records[i].time;
} else {
// For most events, we just look for the name, tag and instance to match, to
// find the closing event
const endEvents = records.filter(
e =>"_END") &&$/, "_START") === name &&
// Either the tag, or the instance, or both will match for the end tag
(e.tag ? e.tag === tag : e.instanceKey === instanceKey)
if (endEvents.length === 1) {
return endEvents[0].time;
if (__DEV__) {
"Could not find the ending event for ",
const traceEvents = [];
// Iterate over each element find its closing event, and add that to the list of traceEvents
logs.forEach((record, index) => {
let event = traceRecord({ ...record, time: record.time - epochStart });
if ("_START")) {
const endTime = findClosingEventTime(event, index, logs);
if (typeof endTime !== "undefined") { = "X";
event.dur = endTime - record.time;
} =$/, "");
} else if ("_END")) {
// Nothing to do for end event, we have already processed it
} else {
// This is an instant event - an event without a close. We just log this
return traceEvents;
let jsStartTime = performanceNow();
// Function to convert raw logs to a format that chrome://tracing can consume.
// Ideally this should be done at the server, not on the device
const getTrace = () => {
const trace = { traceEvents: [] };
// Iterate over logs from Java and convert them
if (typeof global.AXE_PERFLOGGER !== "undefined") {
// TODO (me) We currently react logs from ReactMarker that Java sends using a global
// variable. This should ideally be a native module
if (typeof global.AXE_PERFLOGGER.startTime !== "undefined") {
jsStartTime = global.AXE_PERFLOGGER.startTime;
if (typeof !== "undefined") {
trace.traceEvents = logsToTrace(,
// Iterate over the JS components logs, and convert them.
for (var name in jsTimeSpans) {
let { start, end } = jsTimeSpans[name];
const event = traceRecord({
time: start - jsStartTime,
tag: "JS_EVENT"
}); = "X";
event.dur = end - start;
return trace;
// A helper to record timespans that JS components send us
const jsTimeSpans = {};
const TimeSpan = {
start(name) {
jsTimeSpans[name] = { start: performanceNow() };
stop(name) {
const timespan = jsTimeSpans[name];
if (typeof timespan !== "undefined") {
jsTimeSpans[name] = { ...timespan, end: performanceNow() };
// A simple component to record the time taken to construct and mount JS components
class ComponentLogger extends React.Component {
_hasLoggedUpdate = false;
constructor(props) {
const { name, type } = this.props;
TimeSpan[type](name + "_mount");
shouldComponentUpdate() {
if (!this._hasLoggedUpdate) {
const { name, type } = this.props;
this._hasLoggedUpdate = true;
TimeSpan[type](name + "_update");
return false;
render() {
return null;
module.exports = {
// Use this function in your JS code to instrument load time. Usage is
// render() { logComponentPerf('Component_NAME', <Component ...props />); }
logComponentPerf(name, component) {
return (
<ComponentLogger type="start" name={name} />
<ComponentLogger type="stop" name={name} />
// TODO (me) This should not happen on a timeout, but when TTI or loading completes.
// We could do that by adding a callback on the component that marks the end
// of loading.
global.setTimeout(() => {
// TODO (app) Change this to your app's server, that can recieve trace.json
fetch("http://localhost:3000", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(getTrace())
console.log("---- Uploaded Performance Metrics ----");
}, 10000);
package com.nparashuram;
import android.os.Process;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
import com.facebook.react.ReactInstanceManager;
import com.facebook.react.ReactNativeHost;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactMarker;
import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactMarkerConstants;
import com.facebook.react.uimanager.util.ReactFindViewUtil;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* A class to record the Perf metrics that are emitted by {@link ReactMarker.MarkerListener} It
* records the metrics and sends them over to the server
public class PerfLogger {
// TODO (axe) This also used as a global JS variable. Need a better way to expose this
private static final String TAG = "AXE_PERFLOGGER";
private final long mStartTime;
private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost;
/** Class holds the individual records from the performance metrics */
private class PerfLoggerRecord {
private final long mTime;
private final String mName;
private final String mTag;
private final int mInstanceKey;
private final int mTid;
private final int mPid;
PerfLoggerRecord(String name, String tag, int instanceKey) {
mTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
mName = name;
mTag = tag;
mInstanceKey = instanceKey;
mPid = Process.myPid();
mTid = Process.myTid();
public JSONObject toJSON() {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
try {
result.put("time", mTime);
result.put("name", mName);
result.put("tag", mTag);
result.put("instanceKey", mInstanceKey);
result.put("pid", mPid);
result.put("tid", mTid);
return result;
} catch (JSONException e) {
return new JSONObject();
public String toString() {
return TextUtils.join(
new String[] {
@Nullable private List<PerfLoggerRecord> mPerfLoggerRecords;
public PerfLogger(ReactNativeHost reactNativeHost) {
mStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
mPerfLoggerRecords = new ArrayList<>();
mReactNativeHost = reactNativeHost;
public void initialize() {
* Currently, we set a global JS variable to send the data from {@link ReactMarker.MarkerListener}
* to JS This should ideally be a native module. The global variable is {@link PerfLogger#TAG}
* <p>Currently, we call it on start and when the initial loading is complete, but it can
* technically be called at the end of any scenario that needs to be profiled
* @param records
private void setVariableForJS(List<PerfLoggerRecord> records) {
final ReactInstanceManager reactInstanceManager = mReactNativeHost.getReactInstanceManager();
ReactContext context = reactInstanceManager.getCurrentReactContext();
if (context != null) {
// Called when React Native is ready. In this file, its when TTI is complete
context.getCatalystInstance().setGlobalVariable(TAG, getPerfRecordsJSON(mStartTime, records));
} else {
// Called when React Native is not readt, in this file during {@link PerfLogger#initialize}
// In this case, we wait for React Native, and then set the global JS
new ReactInstanceManager.ReactInstanceEventListener() {
public void onReactContextInitialized(ReactContext context) {
// TODO (axe) Use a native module instead of setting a global JS
.setGlobalVariable(TAG, getPerfRecordsJSON(mStartTime, null));
private static String getPerfRecordsJSON(
long startTime, @Nullable List<PerfLoggerRecord> records) {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
try {
result.put("startTime", startTime);
if (records != null) {
JSONArray jsonRecords = new JSONArray();
for (PerfLoggerRecord record : records) {
// Log.d(TAG, record.toString());
result.put("data", jsonRecords);
return result.toString();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Could not convert perf records to JSON", e);
return "{}";
* This is the main functionality of this file. It basically listens to all the events and stores
* them
private void addReactMarkerListener() {
new ReactMarker.MarkerListener() {
public void logMarker(ReactMarkerConstants name, @Nullable String tag, int instanceKey) {
mPerfLoggerRecords.add(new PerfLoggerRecord(name.toString(), tag, instanceKey));
* Waits for Loading to complete, also called a Time-To-Interaction (TTI) event. To indicate TTI
* completion, add a prop nativeID="tti_complete" to the component whose appearance indicates that
* the initial TTI or loading is complete
private void addTTIEndListener() {
new ReactFindViewUtil.OnViewFoundListener() {
public String getNativeId() {
// This is the value of the nativeID property
return "tti_complete";
public void onViewFound(final View view) {
// Once we find the view, we also need to wait for it to be drawn
// TODO (axe) Should be OnDrawListener instead of this
new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
public boolean onPreDraw() {
mPerfLoggerRecords.add(new PerfLoggerRecord("TTI_COMPLETE", null, 0));
return true;
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bogas04 commented May 5, 2022

Any chance of making this a module? I tried copy-pasting this but for some reason the traces are coming out as []. Not sure if something changed since the time of writing this gist.

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I don't have the bandwidth to make this a module, but if you would like to, I can help

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