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Created April 4, 2011 22:01
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sealed abstract class Token[T <: Ordered[T]](location: T) extends Ordered[Token[T]] {
override def compare(other: Token[T]): Int = {
location compare other.location()
def location(): T = location
case class Start[T <: Ordered[T]](loc: T) extends Token[T](loc)
case class End[T <: Ordered[T]](loc: T) extends Token[T](loc)
class MyRange[T <: Ordered[T]](start: T, end: T) {
override def toString: String = "%s -> %s".format(start, end)
def getEdges: List[Token[T]] = List(Start(start), End(end))
object MyRange {
def apply[T <% Ordered[T]](start: T, end: T) = new MyRange[T](start, end)
def overlaps[T <% Ordered[T]](inputRanges: List[MyRange[T]]): List[MyRange[T]] =
overlaps[T]((inputRanges map { range => range.getEdges } flatten) sorted, 0, List(), None)
private def overlaps[T <: Ordered[T]](sortedTokens: List[Token[T]], state: Int, acc: List[MyRange[T]], lastStart: Option[Start[T]]): List[MyRange[T]] = sortedTokens match {
case Start(location) :: xs if state == 1 =>
overlaps(xs, state + 1, acc, Some(Start(location)))
case Start(location) :: xs if state >= 0 =>
overlaps(xs, state + 1, acc, lastStart)
case End(location) :: xs if state == 2 =>
overlaps(xs, state - 1, acc ::: List(MyRange(lastStart.get.location(), location)), None)
case End(location) :: xs if state >= 0 =>
overlaps(xs, state - 1, acc, lastStart)
case Nil => acc
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("The tokens are in incorrect order. (An end before a start???)")
class ListOfMyRanges[T <: Ordered[T]](xs: List[MyRange[T]]) {
def overlaps = MyRange.overlaps(xs)
object RangeTest extends App {
implicit def listExtension[T <: Ordered[T]](xs: List[MyRange[T]]) = new ListOfMyRanges[T](xs)
Console.println(List(MyRange(1, 2), MyRange(1.4, 5), MyRange(1.8, 5)) overlaps)
Console.println(List(MyRange(0, 5), MyRange(4, 15), MyRange(12, 15)) overlaps)
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