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Last active March 18, 2022 09:51
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pragma solidity ^0.4.13;
library BytesTool {
function memcopy(bytes src, uint srcoffset, bytes dst, uint dstoffset, uint len) pure internal {
assembly {
src := add(src, add(32, srcoffset))
dst := add(dst, add(32, dstoffset))
// copy 32 bytes at once
iszero(lt(len, 32))
dst := add(dst, 32)
src := add(src, 32)
len := sub(len, 32)
{ mstore(dst, mload(src)) }
// copy the remainder (0 < len < 32)
let mask := sub(exp(256, sub(32, len)), 1)
let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask))
let dstpart := and(mload(dst), mask)
mstore(dst, or(srcpart, dstpart))
library ModexpPrecompile {
function modexp(bytes base, bytes exponent, bytes modulus) internal returns (bool success, bytes output) {
uint base_length = base.length;
uint exponent_length = exponent.length;
uint modulus_length = modulus.length;
uint size = (32 * 3) + base_length + exponent_length + modulus_length;
bytes memory input = new bytes(size);
output = new bytes(modulus_length);
assembly {
mstore(add(input, 32), base_length)
mstore(add(input, 64), exponent_length)
mstore(add(input, 96), modulus_length)
BytesTool.memcopy(base, 0, input, 96, base_length);
BytesTool.memcopy(exponent, 0, input, 96 + base_length, exponent_length);
BytesTool.memcopy(modulus, 0, input, 96 + base_length + exponent_length, modulus_length);
assembly {
success := call(gas(), 5, 0, add(input, 32), size, add(output, 32), modulus_length)
// Optimised for small exponent (such as RSA)
function modexp(bytes base, uint exponent, bytes modulus) internal returns (bool success, bytes output) {
uint base_length = base.length;
uint modulus_length = modulus.length;
uint size = (32 * 3) + base_length + 32 + modulus_length;
bytes memory input = new bytes(size);
output = new bytes(modulus_length);
assembly {
mstore(add(input, 32), base_length)
mstore(add(input, 64), 32)
mstore(add(input, 96), modulus_length)
mstore(add(input, add(128, base_length)), exponent)
BytesTool.memcopy(base, 0, input, 96, base_length);
BytesTool.memcopy(modulus, 0, input, 96 + base_length + 32, modulus_length);
assembly {
success := call(gas(), 5, 0, add(input, 32), size, add(output, 32), modulus_length)
contract ModexpPrecompileTest {
function test1() returns (bytes) {
var (success, ret) = ModexpPrecompile.modexp(hex"03", hex"fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2e", hex"fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f");
return ret;
function test2() returns (bytes) {
bytes memory S = hex"77c6b0c53800d37b6b946df6d91a693c25b1ba97cac16879a10b3231a5cea0932a0bc16443b2e82b33ec155a61b29572a5faaf574152bd509a248fdb8ed9d7af";
uint e = 65537;
bytes memory N = hex"00890e68c2485f2c725116f259a7ac871e1de3618dfc41e1df8eacc0131b2d433de6ed6d1f36bbf5a401d5afa32eeb2d444cf02a920c81f8088ba0b99d47a0bfdf";
var (success, ret) = ModexpPrecompile.modexp(S, e, N);
return ret;
library RSAVerify {
function rsaverify(bytes rawmsg, bytes N, uint e, bytes S) internal returns (bool) {
// This would be modexp(S, e, N) == modexp(rawmsg, 1, N), but we simplify it a bit.
var (retS, valS) = ModexpPrecompile.modexp(S, e, N);
// NOTE: keccak256(valS) == keccak256(rawmsg) is the cheapest shortcut for equality comparison
return retS == true && keccak256(valS) == keccak256(rawmsg);
//Memory.equal(valS, 0, hash, 0, hash.length);
contract RSAVerifyTest {
function test() returns (bool) {
bytes memory paddedMsg = hex"000001ffffffffffffffffffff003031300d0609608648016503040201050004201b827e1225a53512ffb1252c94c64d529bb15aaae069b295923a3c80d97a108c";
bytes memory S = hex"77c6b0c53800d37b6b946df6d91a693c25b1ba97cac16879a10b3231a5cea0932a0bc16443b2e82b33ec155a61b29572a5faaf574152bd509a248fdb8ed9d7af";
uint e = 65537;
bytes memory N = hex"00890e68c2485f2c725116f259a7ac871e1de3618dfc41e1df8eacc0131b2d433de6ed6d1f36bbf5a401d5afa32eeb2d444cf02a920c81f8088ba0b99d47a0bfdf";
return RSAVerify.rsaverify(paddedMsg, N, e, S);
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