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Created May 5, 2009 01:07
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Save axiixc/106775 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- iTunes Info by James Savage [ AXIIXC : ]
-- Best used with GeekTool
if appIsRunning("iTunes") then
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is stopped then
set output to ".: No Track Selected :."
-- Player State
if player state is playing then
set state to "Playing"
set state to "Paused"
end if
-- Basic Info
set song to name of current track
set song_artist to artist of current track
set song_album to album of current track
-- Rating
if true then -- set to false to disable
set has_stars to ((rating of current track) / 20) as integer
set not_stars to 5 - has_stars
set song_rating to ""
repeat has_stars times
set song_rating to song_rating & "#"
end repeat
repeat not_stars times
set song_rating to song_rating & "-"
end repeat
set song_rating to ""
end if
set song_info to state & " : " & song & " - " & song_album & " (" & song_artist & ") " & song_rating
-- Times (time converson taken from Graham Nelson's
set no_seconds_played to the player position as number
set no_minutes_played to no_seconds_played div 60
set no_seconds_played to no_seconds_played mod 60
if no_seconds_played < 10 then
set seconds_text_played to "0" & (no_seconds_played as string)
set seconds_text_played to no_seconds_played as string
end if
set no_seconds_left to the (duration of current track) - player position as integer
set no_minutes_left to no_seconds_left div 60
set no_seconds_left to no_seconds_left mod 60
if no_seconds_left < 10 then
set seconds_text_left to "0" & (no_seconds_left as string)
set seconds_text_left to no_seconds_left as string
end if
set time_played to (no_minutes_played as string) & ":" & seconds_text_played
set time_total to time of current track
set time_left to (no_minutes_left as string) & ":" & seconds_text_left
set time_info to "[" & time_played & "[" & time_total & "]" & time_left & "]"
-- Playbar
set the_length to (length of song_info) - (length of time_info) - 3
set has_played to ((player position / (duration of current track) * the_length) as integer)
set not_played to the_length - has_played
set cap to "["
set end_cap to ""
repeat has_played times
set cap to cap & "="
end repeat
if has_played is 100 then
set cap to cap & "="
set cap to cap & ">"
end if
repeat not_played times
set end_cap to end_cap & " "
end repeat
set end_cap to end_cap & "]"
-- Putting it all together
-- There is an extra space appended here. It helps it line up better for me
-- but you may want to remove it
set output to song_info & "
" & cap & end_cap & time_info & ""
end if
end tell
set output to ".: iTunes Not Running :."
end if
on appIsRunning(appName)
tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end appIsRunning
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