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Created July 10, 2011 02:17
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Binary tree that allows lazy reading from disk (if used with bytestring-mmap)
data BTree a
= Null
| Leaf a
| Node a (BTree a) (BTree a)
deriving (Show)
-- makeTree :: [a] -> BTree a
-- makeTree xs =
instance Binary a => Binary (BTree a) where
put Null = putWord8 0
put (Leaf a) = putWord8 1 >> put a
put (Node a l r) = do
putWord8 2
put a
put (encode l)
put r
get = do
w <- getWord8
case w of
0 -> return Null
1 -> fmap Leaf get
2 -> do
x <- get
ls <- get
r <- get
return (Node x (decode ls) r)
empty :: BTree a
empty = Null
insert :: Ord a => BTree a -> a -> BTree a
insert Null x = Leaf x
insert l@(Leaf y) x =
case x `compare` y of
LT -> Node y (Leaf x) Null
GT -> Node y Null (Leaf x)
EQ -> l
insert n@(Node y l r) x =
case x `compare` y of
LT -> Node y (insert l x) r
GT -> Node y l (insert r x)
EQ -> n
toList :: BTree a -> [a]
toList t = go t []
go Null xs = xs
go (Leaf x) xs = x:xs
go (Node x l r) xs = go l $ x : go r xs
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