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Created August 11, 2019 08:19
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Playing with genetics-sop
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
import Generics.SOP
import Data.List (intercalate)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, prettyCallStack, callStack)
enumShow :: forall a. (IsEnumType a, HasDatatypeInfo a) => a -> String
enumShow a = gShow (constructorInfo (datatypeInfo (Proxy :: Proxy a))) (enumTypeFrom a)
gShow :: (SListI xss) => NP ConstructorInfo xss -> NS (K ()) xss -> String
gShow (c :* _) (Z _) = constructorName c
gShow (_ :* cs) (S next) = gShow cs next
gShow Nil _ = error "The (actually) impossible happened"
enumRead :: forall a. (IsEnumType a, HasDatatypeInfo a) => String -> Either String a
enumRead str = maybe (Left err) (Right . enumTypeTo) $ gRead $ constructorInfo typeInfo
typeInfo :: DatatypeInfo (Code a)
typeInfo = datatypeInfo @a Proxy
gRead :: (SListI xss) => NP ConstructorInfo xss -> Maybe (NS (K ()) xss)
gRead (c :* cs)
| constructorName c == str = Just $ Z $ K ()
| otherwise = S <$> gRead cs
gRead Nil = Nothing
err = concat
[ "enumRead: Could not read type '"
, moduleName typeInfo, " ", datatypeName typeInfo
, "' from string: "
, show str
, " at:\n"
, prettyCallStack callStack ]
enumRead' :: forall a. (IsEnumType a, HasDatatypeInfo a, HasCallStack)
=> (String -> String) -> String -> Either String a
enumRead' f str = maybe (Left err) (Right . enumTypeTo) $ gRead $ constructors
typeInfo :: DatatypeInfo (Code a)
typeInfo = datatypeInfo @a Proxy
constructors :: NP ConstructorInfo (Code a)
constructors = constructorInfo typeInfo
gRead :: (SListI xss) => NP ConstructorInfo xss -> Maybe (NS (K ()) xss)
gRead (c :* cs)
| f (constructorName c) == str = Just $ Z $ K ()
| otherwise = S <$> gRead cs
gRead Nil = Nothing
err = concat
[ "enumRead': Could not read type '"
, moduleName typeInfo, " ", datatypeName typeInfo
," (constructors: ", intercalate ", " (f <$> constructorNames constructors), ")"
, "' from string: "
, show str
, " at:\n"
, prettyCallStack callStack ]
constructorNames :: (SListI xss) => NP ConstructorInfo xss -> [String]
constructorNames Nil = []
constructorNames (c :* cs) = constructorName c : constructorNames cs
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