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Created December 6, 2013 18:06
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A handy Memcached memoization decorator for Python
"""memorised module - container for the memorise python-memcache decorator"""
__author__ = 'Wes Mason <wes [at] 1stvamp [dot] org>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__version__ = '1.0.1'
import memcache
import itertools
from hashlib import md5
from functools import wraps
import inspect
class memorise(object):
"""Decorate any function or class method/staticmethod with a memcace
enabled caching wrapper. Similar to the memoise pattern, this will push
mutator operators into memcache.Client.set(), and pull accessor
operations from memcache.Client.get().
An MD5 hash of values, such as attributes on the parent instance/class,
and arguements, is used as a unique key in memcache.
`mc` : memcache.Client
The memcache client instance to use.
`mc_servers` : list
A list of memcache servers to use in the cluster.
`parent_keys` : list
A list of attributes in the parent instance or class to use for
key hashing.
`set` : string
An attribute present in the parent instance or class to set
to the same value as the cached return value. Handy for keeping
models in line if attributes are accessed directly in other
places, or for pickling instances.
`ttl` : integer
Tells memcached the time which this value should expire.
We default to 0 == cache forever. None is turn off caching.
`update` : boolean
If `invalidate` is False, Refresh ttl value in cache.
If `invalidate` is True, set the cache value to `value`
`invalidate` : boolean
Invalidates key
`value` : object
used only if invalidate == True and update == True
set the cached value to `value`
def __init__(self, mc=None, mc_servers=None, parent_keys=[], set=None, ttl=0, update=False, invalidate=False, value=None):
# Instance some default values, and customisations
self.parent_keys = parent_keys
self.set = set
self.ttl = ttl
self.update = update
self.invalidate = invalidate
self.value = value
if not mc:
if not mc_servers:
mc_servers = ['localhost:11211'] = memcache.Client(mc_servers, debug=0)
else: = mc
def __call__(self, fn):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Get a list of arguement names from the func_code
# attribute on the function/method instance, so we can
# test for the presence of self or cls, as decorator
# wrapped instances lose frame and no longer contain a
# reference to their parent instance/class within this
# frame
argnames = fn.func_code.co_varnames[:fn.func_code.co_argcount]
method = False
static = False
if len(argnames) > 0:
if argnames[0] == 'self' or argnames[0] == 'cls':
method = True
if argnames[0] == 'cls':
static = True
arg_values_hash = []
# Grab all the keyworded and non-keyworded arguements so
# that we can use them in the hashed memcache key
for i,v in sorted(itertools.chain(itertools.izip(argnames, args), kwargs.iteritems())):
if i != 'self':
if i != 'cls':
arg_values_hash.append("%s=%s" % (i,v))
class_name = None
if method:
keys = []
if len(self.parent_keys) > 0:
for key in self.parent_keys:
keys.append("%s=%s" % (key, getattr(args[0], key)))
keys = ','.join(keys)
if static:
# Get the class name from the cls argument
class_name = args[0].__name__
# Get the class name from the self argument
class_name = args[0].__class__.__name__
module_name = inspect.getmodule(args[0]).__name__
parent_name = "%s.%s[%s]::" % (module_name, class_name, keys)
# Function passed in, use the module name as the
# parent
parent_name = inspect.getmodule(fn).__name__
# Create a unique hash of the function/method call
key = "%s%s(%s)" % (parent_name, fn.__name__, ",".join(arg_values_hash))
key = key.encode('utf8') if type(key)==unicode else key
key = md5(key).hexdigest()
# Try and get the value from memcache
if self.invalidate and self.update:
output = self.value
output = (not self.invalidate) and
exist = True
if not output:
exist = False
# Otherwise get the value from
# the function/method
output = fn(*args, **kwargs)
if self.update or not exist:
if output is None:
set_value = memcache_none()
set_value = output
# And push it into memcache
if self.ttl is not None:, set_value, time=self.ttl)
else:, set_value)
if output.__class__ is memcache_none:
# Because not-found keys return
# a None value, we use the
# memcache_none stub class to
# detect these, and make a
# distinction between them and
# actual None values
output = None
if self.set:
# Set an attribute of the parent
# instance/class to the output value,
# this can help when other code
# accesses attribures directly, or you
# want to pickle the instance
set_attr = getattr(fn.__class__, self.set)
set_attr = output
else :
# No memcache client instance available, just
# return the output of the method
output = fn(*args, **kwargs)
return output
return wrapper
class memcache_none:
"""Stub class for storing None values in memcache,
so we can distinguish between None values and not-found
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run unit tests
from memorised import tests
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