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Last active November 16, 2022 13:14
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Add (already followed) users to a Mastodon list using
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Very quickly thrown together script to add (already followed) Mastodon users to a list.
# YMMV - it probably needs some tweaking to work for you
# relies on and needs a "" file with the variables access_token and api_base_url
# I created my access token following the docs at and
# but you might be able to get the access token by going to Settings|Development|New Application (I haven't tried though).
# As there is a rate limit for usage of the API I wouldn't try to import lots of users at once - I imported 132 users and it worked though...
import signal
from urllib.request import urlopen
from mastodon import Mastodon
from credentials import access_token, api_base_url
# name of the text file to import
# one username in the format @user@instance per line
list_filename = "makers.txt"
# Initialise
mastodon = Mastodon(
access_token = str(access_token),
api_base_url = str(api_base_url)
# grab all lists and print their IDs
my_lists = mastodon.lists()
print (my_lists)
# let user enter a list's id
list_id = int(input ("please enter list id:"))
# get all account ids that are currently in the list
the_list = mastodon.list_accounts(list_id)
account_ids_in_list = [user['id'] for user in the_list]
# remove the new line characters
not_added = []
not_found = []
account_ids_to_add = []
# open the text file and loop through each entry
with open(list_filename) as f:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
for line in lines:
# for each entry search for the corresponding account, only searching for accounts you already follow
account = mastodon.account_search(q=line, following = True)
# if the account is found and not already in the list, add it to "account_ids_to_add", otherwise add it to "not_found" or "not_added" respectively
if (len(account) == 1):
account = account[0]
print(account['acct'] + ", " + account['display_name'] + ", " + str(account['id']))
if(account['id'] not in account_ids_in_list):
# print out any possible errors / warnings
if (len(not_found) > 0):
print("error: the following accounts could not be found: ")
if (len(not_added) > 0):
print("warning: the following accounts were already in the list: ")
# finally, try to add the accouts to the list
makers = mastodon.list_accounts_add(list_id, account_ids_to_add)
print("error: can't add the following accounts: ")
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