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Created August 31, 2015 22:42
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function BSTLinearPartition(seq, k) {
if (seq.length <= 1) return [seq];
if (k >= seq.length) return => [el]);
const limit = threshold(seq, k);
let current = 0;
return seq.reduce((res, el) => {
if (sum(res[current]) + el > limit) current++;
return res;
// waiting for more elegant solutions (Array.fill) to work correctly
}, new Array(k).join().split(',').map(() => []));
// find the perfect limit that we should not pass when adding elements
// to a single partition.
function threshold(seq, k) {
let bottom = max(seq);
let top = sum(seq);
while (bottom < top) {
const mid = bottom + ( top - bottom) / 2;
if (requiredElements(seq, mid) <= k) {
top = mid;
} else {
bottom = mid + 1;
return bottom;
// find how many elements from [seq] we cann group together stating below
// [limit] by adding their weights
function requiredElements(seq, limit) {
return seq.reduce((res, el) => {
res.tot += el;
if (res.tot > limit) {
res.tot = el;
return res;
}, {tot: 0, n: 1}).n;
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