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Last active July 26, 2020 15:47
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function Test($Scripts, $N) {
# 各スクリプトの並びをシャッフルしてN回試行しその平均タイムを取得
$Scripts * $N | Sort-Object { Get-random } |
Select-Object Name, @{ name = "Time"; expression = { (Measure-Command $_.Script).TotalMilliseconds } } |
Group-Object Name |
Select-Object Name, @{ name = "AverageTime"; expression = { ($_.Group | Measure-Object Time -Average).Average } } |
Sort-Object AverageTime |
Format-Table Name, @{ label = "AverageTime(msec)"; expression = { $_.AverageTime -as "int" } } -AutoSize
#Import-Module ".\looptest.dll" -Cmdlet "Get-Twice"
# $src = @"
# using System;
# using System.Linq;
# public class LoopTest
# {
# public static int[] Twice(object[] array)
# {
# return array.Select(x => 2 * (int)x).ToArray();
# }
# }
# "@
# Add-Type -TypeDefinition $src -Language CSharp
filter TwiceFilter { 2 * $_.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $_.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second }
function TwiceFunction { process { 2 * $_.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $_.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } }
function TwiceAdvance { param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][IO.FileSystemInfo]$v) process { 2 * $v.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $v.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } }
$foreachScripts = @(
Name = "ドットソース演算子(.)"
Script = { $array | . { process { 2 * $_.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $_.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } } }
Name = "呼び出し演算子(&)"
Script = { $array | & { process { 2 * $_.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $_.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } } }
Name = "filter"
Script = { $array | TwiceFilter }
Name = "関数"
Script = { $array | TwiceFunction }
Name = "高度な関数"
Script = { $array | TwiceAdvance }
Name = "ForEach-Object"
Script = { $array | ForEach-Object { 2 * $_.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $_.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } }
Name = "ForEachメソッド"
Script = { $array.ForEach( { 2 * $_.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $_.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second }) }
Name = "foreach文"
Script = { foreach ($i in $array) { 2 * $i.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $i.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } }
Name = "for文"
Script = { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Length; $i++) { 2 * $array[$i].Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $array[$i].GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } }
Name = "while文"
Script = { $i = 0; while ($i -lt $array.Length) { 2 * $array[$i].Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $array[$i].GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second; $i++ } }
Name = "switch文"
Script = { switch ($array) { default { 2 * $_.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $_.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second } } }
Name = "Select(LINQ)"
Script = { [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Select($array, [Func[object, IO.FileSystemInfo]] { param($i) 2 * $i.Where( { [IO.FileInfo] -eq $i.GetType() }).LastWriteTime.Second }) }
# [pscustomobject]@{
# Name = "C# (Add-Type)"
# Script = { [LoopTest]::Twice($array) }
# }
# Name = "コマンドレット(Binary Module)"
# Script = { $array | Get-Twice }
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse "$env:ProgramFiles"
$array = $files
$type = $files[0].GetType().BaseType.Name
$n = 50 # ループ1種類辺り計測回数
"*" * 60
"*" * 60
Test $foreachScripts $n
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