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Created November 21, 2011 15:19
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4doors Cells Maze Generator
import Data.List
import System.Random
randomInitNo :: Int
randomInitNo = 1
data Cell = Cell {
} deriving Eq
instance Show (Cell) where
show (Cell pos e w s n) =
"<cell position=\"" ++
(show pos)
++ "\" doors=\""
++ "East:" ++ (show e)
++ ",West:" ++ (show w)
++ ",South:" ++ (show s)
++ ",North:" ++ (show n) ++ "\" />"
openCell :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> Cell
openCell (x,y) size = Cell (x,y) (x<size-1) (x>0) (y<size-1) (y>0)
andCells :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
andCells (Cell p1 e1 w1 s1 n1) (Cell p2 e2 w2 s2 n2)
| p1 == p2 = Cell p1 (e1 && e2) (w1 && w2) (s1 && s2) (n1 && n2)
| otherwise = error "both of cells position must be same."
lockLevel :: Cell -> Int
lockLevel (Cell _ e w s n) =
foldl1 (+) (map (\a->if a then 0 else 1) [e,w,s,n])
createCellById :: Int -> (Int,Int) -> Cell
createCellById id pos
| id `elem` [0..2^4-1] = Cell pos (i2b 0) (i2b 1) (i2b 2) (i2b 3)
| otherwise = error ("id must be 0 to "++(show (2^4-1)))
i2b x = (1==(id `div` (2^x) `mod` 2))
getNeighborPosition :: Cell -> [(Int,Int)]
getNeighborPosition (Cell (x,y) e w s n) =
snd (unzip (filter (\(tof,_)->tof)
([e,w,s,n] `zip`
(map (\(x0,y0)->(x+x0,y+y0))
([1,-1,0,0] `zip` [0,0,1,-1])
searchCell :: (Cell,[Cell]) -> Cell -> [Cell] -> [Cell]
searchCell (stCell,field) edCell route
| edCell == stCell = edCell:route
| edCell `elem` route = route
| stCell `elem` route = []
| stCell `elem` field , edCell `elem` field = snb nb
| otherwise = []
nb :: [Cell]
nb = filter
(\c ->
any (==(position c))
(getNeighborPosition stCell))
snb :: [Cell] -> [Cell]
snb [] = []
snb (x:[]) = searchCell (x,field) edCell (stCell:route)
snb (x:xs) = (\r->case r of [] ->snb xs;_->r) $
searchCell (x,field) edCell (stCell:route)
searchCells :: (Cell,[Cell]) -> [Cell] -> Bool
searchCells stPos edCells
| [] <- edCells = True
| (edCell:[]) <- edCells = searchCell stPos edCell [] /= []
| (edCell:xs) <- edCells
= (\f->f/=[] && searchCells stPos (xs\\f)) $
searchCell stPos edCell []
gridCells :: Int -> [Cell]
gridCells size = grow (0,0) size [] [] 0
grow :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> [Cell] -> [Cell] -> Int -> [Cell]
grow (x,y) size list faults n
| y >= size = list
| otherwise = (\nws dms->
if head nws `notElem` faults
all (\tof->tof)
(case dms of
[] -> [searchCells (st,nws) nws|st<-nws]
dm:_ -> [searchCells (st,nws++dms) (dm:nws)|st<-nws])
then (grow (sweep1 (x,y)) size nws [] n)
else (grow (x,y) size list (head nws:faults) (n+1)))
(newRandomCell (x,y) size (cellNum x y+n):list)
[openCell pos size|pos<-dummyPos]
sweep1 :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
sweep1 (x,y) = (((x+1) `mod` size),(y+((x+1)`div`size)))
sweep1_ :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
sweep1_ (x,y) = (\p@(_,y)->if y < 0 then (0,0) else p)
(((x-1) `mod` size),(y+((x-1)`div`size)))
cellNum :: Int -> Int -> Int
cellNum x y
| x `elem` [0..size-1] && y `elem` [0..size-1]
= (size * y) + (x `mod` size)
| otherwise = -1
dummyPos = [(x1,y1)
cellNum x y < cellNum x1 y1]
newRandomCell :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Cell
newRandomCell (x,y) size n
= (\f->if (lockLevel f) <= 3
then f
else (newRandomCell (x,y) size (n+1)) )$
openCell (x,y) size
createCellById (n`mod`(2^4)) (x,y)
randList :: [Int]
randList = randomRs (0,2^4-1) (mkStdGen randomInitNo)
rnd4CellTypeId :: Int -> Int
rnd4CellTypeId x = randList !! x
main = print $ gridCells 5
import Data.List
import System.Random
-- Setting
randomInitNo = 1
comp = 70
-- Data Type Definitions
data Cell = Cell {
} deriving Eq
instance Show (Cell) where
show (Cell pos e w s n) =
"<cell position=\"" ++ (show pos\\"()") ++ "\" "
++ "doors=\"" ++ "East:" ++ (show e)
++ ",West:" ++ (show w)
++ ",South:" ++ (show s)
++ ",North:" ++ (show n) ++ "\" />"
-- Util
i2b _id _x = 1 == _id `div` 2^_x `mod` 2
rndGen = mkStdGen randomInitNo
randList x = randomRs (0,x) rndGen
-- Utils for Data
openCell (_x,_y) _size = Cell (_x,_y) (_x<_size) (_x>1) (_y<_size) (_y>1)
andCells (Cell p1 e1 w1 s1 n1) (Cell p2 e2 w2 s2 n2)
| p1 == p2 = Cell p1 (e1 && e2) (w1 && w2) (s1 && s2) (n1 && n2)
| otherwise = error "both of cells position must be same."
lockLevel (Cell _ e w s n) =
foldl1 (+) (map (\a->if a then 0 else 1) [e,w,s,n])
getFieldComplex _field _size
= _complex $ getFieldLockNum _field
_complex _lockNum = _lockNum * 100 `div` _maxLockNum
_maxLockNum = (4*2) + ((_size-2)*4*3) + (((_size-2)^2)*4)
getFieldLockNum _field = foldl1 (+) (map lockLevel _field)
hasWay _field (Cell p _ _ _ _)
= any (\c->p `elem` (getNeighborPosition c)) _field
maxId = 2^4-1
allIdList = [0..maxId]
createCellById _id _pos
| _id `elem` allIdList = Cell _pos (i2b _id 0)
(i2b _id 1)
(i2b _id 2)
(i2b _id 3)
| otherwise = error ("id must be 0 to "++(show maxId))
cellList _size _p = [o|i <- allIdList,
o <- [openCell _p _size
createCellById i _p],
lockLevel o <= 3]
getNeighborPosition (Cell (x,y) e w s n) =
snd (unzip (filter (\(tof,_)->tof)
([e,w,s,n] `zip`
(map (\(x0,y0)->(x+x0,y+y0))
([1,-1,0,0] `zip` [0,0,1,-1])
getNeighborCells _cell _field
= filter (\(Cell p _ _ _ _)->p `elem` getNeighborPosition _cell) _field
getReachableCells _field@(s:_)
= _search [s] []
_search _nextCells _mList
| null _nextCells = nub _mList
| otherwise
= (\ns->_search ns (ns++_mList)) $
n<-getNeighborCells x _field,
n `notElem` _mList]
getRandomField n _size
= [newRandomCell n (x,y) _size|x<-[1.._size],y<-[1.._size]]
newRandomCell n _p _size = cellList _size _p!!(_randList _p !!(_cellNum _p + n))
_cellNum (x,y)
| x `elem` [1.._size] && y `elem` [1.._size]
= (_size * (y-1)) + ((x-1) `mod` _size)
| otherwise = -1
_randList _p = randList $ length (cellList _size _p) - 1
gridField _size
= head [mField
field <- [getRandomField n _size],
validateField field,
mField <- [minimize field _size 0],
mField /= []]
validateField _field
= all (hasWay _field) _field &&
all (\c->lockLevel c <= 3) _field &&
length (getReachableCells _field) == length _field
minimize _field _size i
| getFieldComplex _field _size <= comp = _field
| i > _size^2 = []
| otherwise = minimize (sq 0 (sortBy lockOrder _field)) _size (i+1)
lockOrder c0 c1
| lockLevel c0 > lockLevel c1 = LT
| otherwise = GT
sq i fd@(x@(Cell p _ _ _ _):xs)
| i > length fd = fd
| otherwise
= sq (i+1) $
case [xs++[c] |c <- map (andCells x) (oneLockSet p),
c /= x && validateField (xs++[c]) ]
of fld:_ -> fld
[] -> xs++[x]
oneLockSet p = [Cell p False True True True ,
Cell p True False True True ,
Cell p True True False True ,
Cell p True True True False]
main = putStrLn $
(unlines $ map show (gridField 9))++
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