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Created March 29, 2011 16:52
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package personal.ayaeiya.minos
import scala.util.Random
import scala.xml._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListMap
* Setting Object *
object Setting{
val fieldSize = 10
val doorOpenProbability = 0.4
val saveAsSVGFile = """c:\tmp\LabyrinthMaker.svg"""
//val saveAsSVGFile = null
* Util Object *
object Util{
def addLists(l1:List[Int],l2:List[Int]):List[Int] = for((a,b)<-l1 zip l2) yield a+b
def getRandomList2:List[Int] = List(1+Random.nextInt(Setting.fieldSize),1+Random.nextInt(Setting.fieldSize))
* Define Cell *
object Cell{
def getWayCountMap = {for(c<-Cell.cellList ;cs< if cs!=c) yield cs}.groupBy(v=>v).map(f=>f._1->f._2.length)
def getLonely = Cell.cellList.filter(cell => {for(c<-Cell.cellList ;cs< if cs!=c) yield cs==cell}.forall(!_) )
def get(target:List[Int]):Cell = cellList.find(_.position==target).get
def getNeighbor(c:Cell):List[Cell] =>cellList.filter(_.position == Util.addLists(c.position,Arrow.toList(a)))).reduceLeft(_:::_)
private var _cellList:List[Cell] = Nil
def cellList:List[Cell] = _cellList
def canMoveTo(cell:Cell,arrow:Arrow.Value):Boolean = Util.addLists(cell.position,Arrow.toList(arrow)).forall(i=> 1 <= i && i <= Setting.fieldSize )
def doorOpenProbability ={_+_}/Cell.cellList.length
class Cell(list:List[Int]){
val position = list
// var for toggling between Wall and Door
val walls = List[Wall](Wall(this,Arrow.e),Wall(this,Arrow.w),Wall(this,Arrow.s),Wall(this,Arrow.n))
def getDoorOpenProbability = walls.count(_.isDoor).floatValue/Arrow.lengthAt(this)
def canMoveTo(arrow:Arrow.Value):Boolean = Util.addLists(this.position,Arrow.toList(arrow)).forall(i=> 1 <= i && i <= Setting.fieldSize )
def getNeighbor = Cell.getNeighbor(this)
Cell._cellList = Cell._cellList ::: List(this)
* Define Door & Wall *
case class Wall(cell:Cell,arrow:Arrow.Value){
private var locked = true
def move:Cell = if(locked) cell else Cell.get( Util.addLists(cell.position , Arrow.toList(arrow)) )
def lock = { locked = true }
// If this is by a wall,this can't be unlocked.
def unlock = if( cell.canMoveTo(arrow) ) locked = false
def isDoor = !locked
* Define Arrow to Move *
object Arrow extends Enumeration{
val e = Value("East")
val w = Value("West")
val s = Value("South")
val n = Value("North")
def length = values.size
def lengthAt(c:Cell):Int = values.count(c.canMoveTo(_))
def random = Arrow.values.find(
def randomAt(c:Cell):Arrow.Value = random match {case Some(a) if c.canMoveTo(a) => a case _ => Arrow.randomAt(c) }
def toList(v:Arrow.Value):List[Int] ={
v match {
case Arrow.e => List( 1, 0)
case Arrow.w => List(-1, 0)
case Arrow.s => List( 0, 1)
case Arrow.n => List( 0,-1)
case _ => List( 0, 0) // Just in case
* Define Digger (route search) *
object Digger{
private var successList:List[Cell] = Nil
def reset = {successList = Nil}
def isSucceeded(cell:Cell):Boolean = successList.exists(_==cell)
class Digger(start:Cell){
private var pastCellList:List[Cell] = Nil
private val cell = start
// get PastCellList Length
def dugLength:Int = pastCellList.length
// clear passCellList
def reset = {pastCellList = Nil}
// add to pastCellList
private def pass(cell:Cell) = (pastCellList = pastCellList ::: List(cell))
// check cell was past
private def past(cell:Cell):Boolean = pastCellList.exists(_==cell)
// search all route from cell
private def dig(cell:Cell):Boolean = {
if(!Digger.isSucceeded(cell) && !past(cell)){
for(d<-cell.walls ;c = d.move) if(c!=cell)dig(c)
if(dugLength == Cell.cellList.length || Digger.isSucceeded(cell)){
Digger.successList = Digger.successList ::: List(this.cell)
def dig:Boolean = dig(cell)
* Entry point definition *
object Main{
def main(arg:Array[String]){
for(i<- 1 to Setting.fieldSize;j<- 1 to Setting.fieldSize){ new Cell(List(j,i)) }
assert(Cell.cellList.length == Setting.fieldSize * Setting.fieldSize)
// init cells have one door at least
def reset = {
for(c<-Cell.cellList){val v=Arrow.randomAt(c);c.walls.foreach(m=>if(m.arrow == v) m.unlock else m.lock)}
val arw = Arrow.toList(Arrow.randomAt(c))
for(cs<-Cell.getNeighbor(c) if arw == Util.addLists(cs.position,{
for(d <- cs.walls if !d.isDoor){d.unlock;if(d.move!=c)d.lock}
val diggers = Digger(_))
def isClear = diggers.forall(d=>{d.reset;d.dig})
// random unlock
val cMap = Cell.getWayCountMap
val cList = cMap.filter(map=>map._2 == cMap.foldLeft(Int.MaxValue)((f:Int,g)=>List(f,g._2) min)).map(_._1).toList
assert(cList.length > 0)
val c = cList(Random.nextInt(cList.length))
val arw = Arrow.toList(Arrow.randomAt(c))
for(cs<-Cell.getNeighbor(c) if arw == Util.addLists(cs.position,{
for(d <- cs.walls if !d.isDoor){
if(d.move!=c) d.lock else assert(d.isDoor)
// relock
for(c<-Cell.cellList;d<-c.walls if d.isDoor){
if(!isClear) d.unlock
if(Cell.doorOpenProbability > Setting.doorOpenProbability) reset
// build xml
val xml = {
{for(c<-Cell.cellList) yield{
doors={ => d.arrow + ":" + d.isDoor ).mkString(",")}
(f,g)=>f match {
case <labyrinth>{ p @ _*}</labyrinth> => <labyrinth>{p}{g}</labyrinth>
case _=> <labyrinth>{f}{g}</labyrinth>
if(Setting.saveAsSVGFile != null),drawSVG(xml.child),"UTF-8")
// LabyrinthChecker.main(Array(null,xml.toString))
def drawSVG(nodeSeq:Seq[Node]):Node = {
var svgSize = (0d,0d)
val s = 0.2 // zoom
def max(d1:Double,d2:Double) = if(d1>d2) d1 else d2
def put(pos:(Int,Int))(e:Boolean)(w:Boolean)(s:Boolean)(n:Boolean)(scl:Double):Node ={
val (x,y) = pos
val (px,py) = ((x-1)*scl*300,(y-1)*scl*300)
svgSize = (max(svgSize._1,px+300*scl),max(svgSize._2,py+300*scl))
<g id={"cell_"+x+"_"+y} transform={format("translate(%f,%f) scale(%f)",px,py,scl)}>
<rect width="180" height="180" x="120" y="120" style="fill:#eeccff;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;"></rect>
{if(e){<g class="toEast">
<rect width="120" height="40" x="300" y="225" style="fill:#9999ff;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;"></rect>
<path d="m 340,225 0,5 15,15 -15,15 0,5 20,-20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
<path d="m 360,225 0,5 15,15 -15,15 0,5 20,-20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
</g>}else ""
{if(w){<g id="toWest">
<rect width="120" height="40" x="0" y="155" style="fill:#99ff99;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;"></rect>
<path d="m 60,155 0,5 -15,15 15,15 0,5 -20,-20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
<path d="m 80,155 0,5 -15,15 15,15 0,5 -20,-20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
</g>}else ""
{if(s){<g class="toSouth">
<rect width="40" height="120" x="155" y="300" style="fill:#66ffff;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;"></rect>
<path d="m 155,340 5,0 15,15 15,-15 5,0 -20,20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
<path d="m 155,360 5,0 15,15 15,-15 5,0 -20,20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
</g>}else ""
{if(n){<g class="toNorth">
<rect width="40" height="120" x="225" y="0" style="fill:#ff9999;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1;"></rect>
<path d="m 225,60 5,0 15,-15 15,15 5,0 -20,-20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
<path d="m 225,80 5,0 15,-15 15,15 5,0 -20,-20 z" style="fill:#000000;" />
</g>}else ""
val nodes = for(node<-nodeSeq if node.label == "cell") yield {
node.attribute("position") match{
case Some(p) if p.toString.matches("^[0-9]+,[0-9]+$")=>{
val ps = p.toString.split(",",2).map(_.toInt)
val arwMap = ListMap("East"->false,"West"->false,"South"->false,"North"->false)
node.attribute("doors") match{
case Some(d) if d.toString.matches("^((East|West|South|North):(true|false),)*((East|West|South|North):(true|false),?)$")=>{
for(v <- d.toString.split(",")){
val arw = v.split(":",2)
arwMap(arw(0)) = arw(1).toBoolean
case _=> Unit
case _ => Null
nodes.foldLeft(<svg />){ (f,g)=> f match{case <svg>{c @ _*}</svg> => <svg>{c}{g}</svg> } }.%{
new UnprefixedAttribute("xmlns" ,""
, new UnprefixedAttribute("width" , svgSize._1.toString
, new UnprefixedAttribute("height" , svgSize._2.toString
, new UnprefixedAttribute("viewBox" , "0 0 " + svgSize._1.toString +" "+ svgSize._2.toString
, new UnprefixedAttribute("version" ,"1.1",Null)))))}
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