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Created September 29, 2014 19:37
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sample run for racket tutor
; this is a tutorial GUI for each function in racket
; the usage of each function will be demonstrated by interactive examples
; the interaction is made mostly with text fields (for entering data in general) and sliders (for numerical arguments)
; the idea is that user will see the result immediately as silder goes or text entered
; the results (evaluation) are printed out as messages on the canvas
;; how to run this
; to get into a programming environment: open terminal
; to load racket program, type in: racket
; after entering racket, to load the file, type in: (load "filename.scm")
;; load the GUI package
(require racket/gui/base)
; and the package that turns messages into pictures
; so we can change their colors
(require pict)
|text field has an examples
|(hint message & error message)
| introduce function..
| evaluation of function..
| .....
;; 1. after current data in text field is read, if there is an exception,
;; i catch it by the string "...", after that,
;; i let the callback check the validity of the data in text field by (equal? "..." temp-data).
;; this is not an optimal solution.
;; because "..." is evaluated as #t -> test still passes
;; the biggest canvas
(define big-frame (new frame% [label "vector"]
[min-width 500]))
;; SUPPORT FUNCTIONS to read string entered in the text field
(define (read<-data s)
(read (open-input-string s)))
; read<-data is not able to catch extension (error)
; now we add that ability so it becomes (current-data...)
; because this function will get the data as is from the text fields
(define (current-data a-text-field)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (v) "...")])
(read<-data (send a-text-field get-value))))
; now we add the ability to evaluate the data it reads from the text fields
(define (current-value a-text-field)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (v) "...")])
(eval (read<-data (send a-text-field get-value)))))
(define (create-pict-message parent-frame label-string)
(new message%
[parent parent-frame]
[stretchable-width #t]
[label (pict->bitmap (text label-string))]))
(define (colorize-pict-message message-name label-string color-string)
(send message-name set-label
(text label-string)
(make-object color% color-string)))))
; deeppink
; royalblue
; mediumturquoise
;; we need places to store static values
; like a warehouse storing dried hay for the next crop operation
; that's why these values are called temporary
; some initial temporary values will be set to be used as examples
(define temporary-vector (vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(define temporary-position 0)
;; these temporary values will be updated over time by functions
(define (current-vector)
(current-value vector-field))
(define (current-position)
(send position-slider get-value))
;; GUI
;; a text field for user to enter input (string)
(define vector-field
(new text-field%
[parent big-frame]
[label "enter a vector here:"]
[init-value "(vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)"]
(lambda (b e)
(let ([a (current-vector)]) ; current-vector will get what user typed in and evaluates
(if (vector? a) ; if that value typed in is a vector
(update-hint!) ; general hints will show up
(set! temporary-vector a) ; that vector is set as temp value
(update-slider!) ; the slider is reset
(update-ref!)) ; the arguments of vector-length & vector-ref are updated
(update-error!))))] ; if the value typed in is not a vector, an error message shows up
[stretchable-width #t]))
(define hint
(create-pict-message big-frame
" "))
(colorize-pict-message hint "(hint: add numbers, strings, symbols, nested vectors and lists.. check brackets!)" "RoyalBlue")
(new message% [parent big-frame] [label "------------------"])
(define ref-input (new message%
[parent big-frame]
[stretchable-width #t]
[label (~s (list 'vector '...))]))
(define ref-output (new message%
[parent big-frame]
[stretchable-width #t]
[label "=>..."]))
(new message% [parent big-frame] [label ""])
;; position pane
(define position-pane (new horizontal-pane%
[parent big-frame]
[stretchable-width #t]))
; the reason i need a position pane for the position slider is that
; the process of updating the position slider is actually by
; deleting the current one and creating a completely new one.
; that's the only way to reset the slider.
; but each time "updating", the newly created slider will
; be placed automatically at the end of the parental frame it belongs (as new object)
; so it needs a whole parental frame on its own
;; position slider
(define (make-position-slider)
(let ([a (- (vector-length temporary-vector) 1)]
[b temporary-position])
(new slider%
[parent position-pane]
[min-value 0]
[max-value (if (= a -1) 0 a)]
[init-value (if (= b -1) 0 b)]
[label "Position"]
(lambda (b e)
; each time user slides, the position argument in vector-length and vector-ref will be updated in real time
(define position-slider (make-position-slider))
; it's convenient to create a procedure to create the sliders
; and then create a static symbol to store these values
;; TASK FOR CALLBACKS (sub-function inside each dynamic object: sliders, text-fields..)
; as user types/slides, these callbacks will go to do multiple things
; such as: update the messages, refresh the arguments,
; re-evaluate the functions, print out new results..
;; update the sliders
(define (update-slider!)
(set! temporary-position (current-position))
(send position-pane delete-child position-slider)
(set! position-slider (make-position-slider))))
;; update the input & output messages
(define (update-ref!)
;; error message & hint message
(define (update-error!)
(colorize-pict-message hint "=> ERROR: not a vector, check brackets!"
(define (update-hint!)
(colorize-pict-message hint "(hint: add numbers, string, symbols, nested vectors.. check brackets)" "RoyalBlue"))
;; smaller tasks inside updating input & output messages
(define (update-ref-input!)
(send ref-input set-label
(~s (list
(send position-slider get-value)
(define (update-ref-output!)
(if (equal? #() temporary-vector)
(send ref-output set-label "=> error: empty vector")
(send ref-output set-label
(~s '=>
(send position-slider get-value))))))
(send big-frame show #t)
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