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Last active August 14, 2023 12:34
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((<\?php)|(<\?)|(<script language=('|")php('|")>)|(<%)) 0 Source code Low Firm
AH[0-9]{5}: 0 Apache Server Low Firm
mod_[\w]+: 0 Apache Server Low Firm
([A-Za-z]{1,32}\.)+[A-Za-z]{0,32}\(([A-Za-z0-9]+\s+[A-Za-z0-9]+[,\s]*)*\)\s+\+{1}\d+ 0 ASP.Net Low Certain 3
"Message":"Invalid web service call 0 ASP.Net Low Certain
Exception of type 0 ASP.Net Low Certain
--- End of inner exception stack trace --- 0 ASP.Net Low Certain
Microsoft OLE DB Provider 0 ASP.Net Low Certain
Error ([\d-]+) \([\dA-Fa-f]+\) 0 ASP.Net Low Certain
\bat ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\.)*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\([a-zA-Z0-9, \[\]\&\;]*\) 0 ASP.Net Low Certain 4
System.([A-Za-z]{1,32}\.)*[A-Za-z]{0,32}Exception: 0 ASP.Net Low Certain 6
in [A-Za-z]:\\([A-Za-z0-9_]+\\)+[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+(\.aspx)?\.cs:line [\d]+ 0 ASP.Net Low Certain 2
[A-Za-z\.]+\(([A-Za-z0-9, ]+)?\) \+[0-9]+ 0 ASP.Net Low Certain 3
Syntax error in string in query expression 0 ASP.Net Medium Certain
CLI Driver.*DB2 0 DB2 Low Certain 0
DB2 SQL error 0 DB2 Low Certain 0
db2_\w+\( 0 DB2 Low Certain 0
\bdb2_\w+\( 0 DB2 Low Certain 0
\[function.ibase.query\] 0 Firebird Low Certain 0
Dynamic SQL Error 0 Firebird Low Certain 0
Warning.*ibase_.* 0 Firebird Low Certain 0
\.groovy:[0-9]+ 0 Groovy High Certain
org\.hsqldb\.jdbc 0 HyperSQL Low Certain 0
Exception.*Informix 0 Informix Low Certain 0
Warning.*ingre_ 0 Ingres DB Low Certain 0
Ingres SQLSTATE 0 Ingres DB Low Certain 0
Ingres\W.*Driver 0 Ingres DB Low Certain 0
HSQLDB 0 Ingres DB Low Certain 0
\.java:[0-9]+ 0 Java Low Certain
\.java\((Inlined )?Compiled Code\) 0 Java Low Certain 2
\.invoke\(Unknown Source\) 0 Java Low Certain
nested exception is 0 Java Low Firm
java\.lang\.([A-Za-z0-9_]*)Exception 0 Java Medium Firm 5 0 Java Low Certain
\.js:[0-9]+:[0-9]+ 0 Javascript Low Certain
JBWEB[0-9]{6}: 0 JBoss Low Firm
((dn|dc|cn|ou|uid|o|c)=[\w\d]*,\s?){2,} 0 LDAP Low Firm
DB Error: 0 Maria Low Certain 0
\[(ODBC SQL Server Driver|SQL Server|ODBC Driver Manager)\] 0 Microsoft SQL Server Low Certain
Unclosed quotation mark 0 Microsoft SQL Server Low Certain 1
warning.*mssql_.* 0 Microsoft SQL Server Low Certain 0
Driver.* SQL[-_]*Server 0 Microsoft SQL Server Low Certain 0
(\W|\A)SQL Server.*Driver 0 Microsoft SQL Server Low Certain 0
Conversion failed when converting the 0 Microsoft SQL Server Low Certain 0
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "[\w]*" for linked server "[\w]*" 0 Microsoft SQL Server Low Certain
E QUERY\s+\[thread1\] SyntaxError: 0 MongoDB Low Certain 2
uncaught exception: 0 MongoDB Low Certain
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 0 MySQL Medium Certain
Illegal mix of collations \([\w\s\,]+\) and \([\w\s\,]+\) for operation 0 MySQL Medium Certain
Error: Unknown column 0 MySQL Low Certain 0
Warning.*mysql_.* 0 MySQL Low Certain 0
valid MySQL result 0 MySQL Low Certain 0
MySqlClient\. 0 MySQL Low Certain 0
com\.mysql\.jdbc\.exceptions 0 MySQL Low Certain 0
warning mysql_ 0 MySQL Low Certain 0
1062 Duplicate entry 0 MYSQL Low Certain 0
client intended to address 0 NGINX Server Low Firm
could not build optimal proxy_headers_hash 0 NGINX Server Low Firm
ReferenceError: 0 Node.js Low Certain
TypeError: 0 Node.js Low Certain
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: 0 Node.js Low Certain
quoted string not properly terminated 0 Oracle Low Certain 1
\bORA-[0-9]{5} 0 Oracle Low Certain
Oracle.*Driver] 0 Oracle Low Certain 0
Warning.*\Woci_.* 0 Oracle Low Certain 0
Warning.*\Wora_.* 0 Oracle Low Certain 0
Warning: oci_parse() 0 Oracle Low Certain 0
at (\/[A-Za-z0-9\.]+)*\.pm line [0-9]+ 0 Perl Low Certain
\.php on line [0-9]+ 0 PHP Low Certain 4
\.php</b> on line <b>[0-9]+ 0 PHP Low Certain
Fatal error: 0 PHP Low Certain 2
\.php:[0-9]+ 0 PHP Low Certain
Undefined (index|variable|offset): 0 PHP Low Certain 3
PostgreSQL.*ERROR 0 PostgreSQL Low Certain 0
Warning.*\Wpg_.* 0 PostgreSQL Low Certain 0
valid PostgreSQL result 0 PostgreSQL Low Certain 0
Npgsql\. 0 PostgreSQL Low Certain 0
org\.postgresql\.util\.PSQLException 0 PostgreSQL Low Certain 0
Traceback \(most recent call last\): 0 Python Low Certain
File \"[A-Za-z0-9\-_\./]*\", line [0-9]+, in 0 Python Low Certain
NameError: 0 Python Low Certain
ImportError: 0 Python Low Certain
IndentationError: 0 Python Low Certain
\.rb:[0-9]+:in 0 Ruby Low Certain
SQL error.*POS([0-9]+).* 0 SAP MaxDB Low Certain 0
Warning.*maxdb.* 0 SAP MaxDB Low Certain 0
\.scala:[0-9]+ 0 Scala Low Certain
SQLite/JDBCDriver 0 SQLite Low Certain 0
SQLite.Exception 0 SQLite Low Certain 0
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException 0 SQLite Low Certain 0
Warning.*sqlite_.* 0 SQLite Low Certain 0
Warning.*SQLite3:: 0 SQLite Low Certain 0
\[SQLITE_ERROR\] 0 SQLite Low Certain 0
(?i)Warning.*sybase.* 0 Sybase Low Certain 0
Sybase message 0 Sybase Low Certain 0
Sybase.*Server message.* 0 Sybase Low Certain 0
\(generated by waitress\) 0 Waitress Python server Information Certain
132120c8|38ad52fa|38cf013d|38cf0259|38cf025a|38cf025b|38cf025c|38cf025d|38cf025e|38cf025f|38cf0421|38cf0424|38cf0425|38cf0427|38cf0428|38cf0432|38cf0434|38cf0437|38cf0439|38cf0442|38cf07aa|38cf08cc|38cf04d7|38cf04c6|websealerror 0 WebSEAL Low Certain 2
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