#Angular.js / Vue.js similarities & differences
##Similar stuff
Same transtion API (enter/leave)
Two-way data-binding
Nested scope inheritance
- Angular enables to separate an application into modules
- Vue allows to encapsulate assets, check Encapsulating private assets for more info
[!] Directives are kind of different:
- Angular: DOM manipulation, Events, web components
- Vue: DOM manipulation and Events only. Vue.component for the web components
Performance: see this performance comparison
##Untested stuff
- ~~Not sure if Vue has an under-the-hood equivalent for ng-src & ng-href (prevent 404 before compilation when binding images & links)~~~ Use the v-attr directive.
- Don't know how testable Vue is, while Angular is built with testability (mocks, DI, karma…) in mind. Check the last paragraph on this documentation page.
- IE8+ (IE8 support is to be dropped in the future)
- Full-blown framework: routing, services, DI, promises, $http...
- Real structure & config (app.run, app.config)
- $templateCache for building & caching templates
- Get complex on large-scale with nested/isolated $scope, $apply/$digest cycles
- ~80ko bare
- Poor documentation, official tutorial doesn't cover directives and stuff (better with the community growth)
- Dirty checking for data-binding
- Feels a bit like 'writing angular' more than 'writing javascript'
- Still a great framework overall
- IE9+
- Well written documentation with examples, and cover all of Vue's features
- Add your features: promises, ajax, routing: more flexible but sometime more glue to write (routing for instance)
- Less declarative templates (only directive are present, no ng-app and stuff)
- Doesn't enforce a particular structure
- require('template.html') for building & caching
- I like the clean, separated scopes:
for all models,vm.methods
for the event listeners & stuff, and lifecycle-related methods directly on the vm, such asvm.ready
… (check this example for a better understanding) - Overall simpler API (Vue, Vue.extend, Vue.component, Vue.directive, Vue.filter)
- ES5 getters/setters for data-binding
- Feels simpler because of a simpler API. No confusion between factory/service/provider...
- ~30ko bare
Good writeup! Regarding testability: Angular definitely has better testing infrastructure because that's been a huge focus for the team and they have dedicated effort in that aspect. But due to the declarative nature of the API, well-written Vue code is very test friendly too. I'd love to provide a more comprehensive example of testing setup in the future.