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Created September 4, 2015 07:58
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(ns twilog-scraper.core
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]
[skyscraper :as s])
(defn seed [username]
(let [url (str "" username "/archives")]
[{:username username
:url url
:processor :archives-page}]))
(s/defprocessor archives-page
:cache-template "twilog/:username/archives"
:process-fn (fn [res context]
(let [month-links (html/select res [[:a.side-list-icon (html/attr= :title "日別ツイート一覧")]])]
(for [link month-links
:let [url (s/href link)
month (last (re-find #"monthlist-(:?\d+)" url))]]
{:month month
:url url
:processor :monthlist-page}))))
(s/defprocessor monthlist-page
:cache-template "twilog/:username/months/:month"
:process-fn (fn [res context]
(let [day-links (html/select res [:div#content :ul.side-list.wide :a])]
(for [link day-links
:let [url (s/href link)
day (last (re-find #"date-(:?\d+)" url))]]
{:day day
:url url
:processor :day-page}))))
(defn- tweet-attr [t selector]
(html/text (first (html/select t selector))))
(s/defprocessor day-page
:cache-template "twilog/:username/days/:day"
:process-fn (fn [res context]
(let [tweets (html/select res [])]
(for [t tweets
:let [text (tweet-attr t [])
posted-at (tweet-attr t [ :a])]]
{:text text
:posted-at posted-at}))))
(defn -main [username]
(map :text (take 20 (s/scrape (seed username) :processed-cache false))))
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