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Created November 10, 2012 21:10
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CSI 2110 Hashing
public class DoubleHash {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DoubleHash map = new DoubleHash(17);
map.insert( 17 );
map.insert( 2 );
map.insert( 8 );
map.insert( 19 );
map.insert( 15 );
map.remove( 19 );
map.insert( 26 );
map.insert( 51 );
map.remove( 8 );
map.insert( 36 ); 25 );
map.insert( 19 );
int n;
Integer[] array;
public DoubleHash(int n) {
this.n = n;
array = new Integer[n];
void insert(int key){
System.out.printf("\nINSERT %d\ntable = %s\n",key, toString());
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
int hash = hashHJ( key, j );
Integer value = probe( hash );
if( value == null ){
System.out.printf("set cell %d to value %d\n", hash, key);
array[hash] = Integer.valueOf( key );;
System.out.printf("table = %s\n", toString());
System.out.printf( "found %s but looking for an empty cell, iterate!\n", value.toString() );
System.out.println("HASH FULL!");
void remove(int key){
System.out.printf("\nREMOVE %d\ntable = %s\n",key, toString());
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
int hash = hashHJ( key, j );
Integer value = probe( hash );
if( value == null ){
System.out.printf("NO SUCH ELEMENT %d\n", key);
} else if ( value.equals( key )){
System.out.printf("remove value %d from cell %d\n", key, hash);
array[hash] = null;
System.out.printf( "found %s but looking for %d, iterate!", value.toString(), key );
System.out.printf("table = %s\n", toString());
void search(int key){
System.out.printf("\nSEARCH %d\ntable = %s\n",key, toString());
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
int hash = hashHJ( key, j );
Integer value = probe( hash );
if( value == null ){
System.out.printf("NO SUCH ELEMENT %d\n", key);
} else if ( value.equals( key )){
System.out.printf("Found value %d in cell %d!!\n", key, hash);
System.out.printf( "found %s but looking for %d, iterate!", value.toString(), key );
Integer probe(int index){
System.out.printf("probing cell %d; contains %s\n",
array[index] == null? "nothing": array[index].toString());
return array[index];
int hashHJ(int k, int j){
System.out.printf("h_%d(%d) = [h(%d) + %dd(%d)] mod %d\n",j,k,k,j,k,n);
int h = primaryHashH( k );
int d = secondaryHashD( k );
int hash = (h + j*d) % n;
System.out.printf("h_%d(%d) = %d\n",j,k,hash );
return hash;
int primaryHashH(int k){
System.out.printf("h(%d) = %d\n", k, k % n);
return k % n;
int secondaryHashD(int k){
System.out.printf("d(%d) = %d\n", k, k / n);
return k / n;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
b.append( '[' );
b.append( array[0] == null ? " ": array[0].toString() );
if(array.length > 1){
for(int i = 1; i < array.length; i ++){
b.append( ',' );
String value = array[i] == null ? " ": array[i].toString();
if(value.length() == 1) value = " " + value;
b.append( value );
b.append( ']' );
return b.toString();
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