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Last active December 14, 2015 23:29
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Save aybabtme/5165927 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempt at #14, CSI2501 devoir 2.
// Give a recursive algorithm for finding a mode of a list of integers.
// (A mode is an element in the list that occurs at least as often as
// every other element.)
func mode(l list<integer>) integer {
if null(l) { return NaN }
else { return aux_mode(l, new map<int,0>) }
func aux_mode(l list<integer>, count map<int,int>) integer {
if size(l) == 0 {
max_pair := count.first
for pair in count {
if( pair.val > max_pair.val ) { max_pair = pair }
return max_pair.key
} else {
count.key( l[0] ).val++
sub_l := l[1: end]
return aux_mode( sub_l, count )
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