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Last active December 21, 2015 08:58
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Save aykutyaman/6281389 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Template.workspaceBroadcast.workspace = function() {
return Workspaces.findOne(Session.get("selectedWorkspaceId"));
Template.workspaceBroadcast.rendered = function() {
Template.messages.messages = function(){
return Messages.find({workspaceId: Session.get("selectedWorkspaceId")}, { sort: { submitted: -1 }});
"keydown #message": function(event, template) {
if(event.which === 13){
var message = document.getElementById('message');
if(message.value !== ''){
var messageData = {
message: message.value,
workspaceId: Session.get("selectedWorkspaceId")
};"message", messageData, function(error, messageId) {
if (error) throwError(error.reason);
else message.value = '';
"click #clear-messages": function(event, template) {
//Messages.remove({workspaceId: Session.get("selectedWorkspaceId")});"clearMessages", Session.get("selectedWorkspaceId"), function(error) {
if (error) throwError(error.reason);
<template name="workspaceBroadcast">
{{#with workspace}}
<source type="video/flash" src="{{_id}}"/>
{{> broadcastSidebar}}
<template name="broadcastSidebar">
{{> entryfield}}
{{> messages}}
<template name="entryfield">
<input type="text" id="message" placeholder="Your Message" />
<template name="messages">
{{#each messages}}
{{> message}}
<template name="message">
<strong>{{author}}</strong> - {{message}} <br />
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