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Created March 13, 2014 15:04
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Some code for making AreaGraphs in R (from a tutorial but I made some memory and speed optimizations).
# Type 0: stacked area, 1: themeriver, 2: streamgraph
areaGraph <- function(thedata, type=2, smooth=TRUE) {
## Color palette
nColors <- 15
## pal <- colorRampPalette(c("#0f7fb4", "#e2e2e2"))
## pal <- colorRampPalette(c("#6364a9", "#e2e2e2")) # Purple
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("#48611d", "#f0f0f0"))
colors <- pal(nColors)
weights <- rowSums(thedata)
## Sort the data
if (type == 0) {
## Stacked area
## Greatest to least weights
sortedData <- thedata[order(weights, decreasing=TRUE),]
layerNames <- rownames(sortedData)
} else if (type == 1 || type == 2) {
## Themeriver or streamgraph
## Initialize sorted data frame
sortedData <- thedata[1,]
topWeight <- weights[1]
bottomWeight <- weights[1]
layerNames <- c(rownames(thedata)[1])
## The statement length(..) gets called at every loop iteration,
## so we pull it out of the loop. Saves about 27% time.
length.thedata <- length(thedata[,1])
if (length.thedata > 1) {
## Commence sorting. Apparently not most efficient way,
## but whatever.
for (i in 2:length.thedata) {
if (topWeight > bottomWeight) {
sortedData <- rbind(sortedData, thedata[i,])
layerNames <- c(layerNames, rownames(thedata)[i])
} else {
sortedData <- rbind(thedata[i,], sortedData)
bottomWeight <- bottomWeight + weights[i]
layerNames <- c(rownames(thedata)[i], layerNames)
## Smooth the data
if (smooth) {
nPoints <- length(thedata[1,]) * 3
sortedData.length <- length(sortedData[,1])
## Initialize smoothed data. Note: Probably a better way to do
## this, but it works. [NY]
## The original code did pretty much the same thing but used a
## data.frame which is time expensive to insert rows. Using a
## matrix of a predefined size speeds the whole thing up quite
## a bit.
firstRow <- spline(1:length(sortedData[1,]),
firstRow <- sapply(firstRow, zeroNegatives)
smoothData <- matrix(nrow=dim(sortedData)[1],
smoothData[1,] <- firstRow
## Smooth the rest of the data using spline().
if (sortedData.length > 1) {
for (i in 2:sortedData.length) {
newRow <- spline(1:length(sortedData[i,]),
newRow <- sapply(newRow, zeroNegatives)
smoothData[i, ] <- newRow
finalData <- smoothData
} else {
finalData <- sortedData
## Totals for each vertical slice
totals <- colSums(finalData)
## Determine baseline offset
if (type == 0) {
yOffset <- rep(0, length(totals))
} else if (type == 1) {
yOffset <- -totals / 2
} else if (type == 2) {
n <- length(finalData[,1])
i <- 1:length(finalData[,1])
parts <- (n - i + 1) * finalData
theSums <- colSums(parts)
yOffset <- -theSums / (n + 1)
## Axis upper and lower bounds
yLower <- min(yOffset)
yUpper <- max(yOffset + totals)
## Max, min, and span of weights for each layer
maxRow <- max(rowSums(finalData))
minRow <- min(rowSums(finalData))
rowSpan <- if ( (maxRow - minRow) > 0 ) { maxRow - minRow } else { 1 }
## Make the graph.
par(las=1, cex=0.6, bty="n")
xtext <- c(); ytext <- c(); textSizes <- c()
xlim=c(1, length(finalData[1,])),
ylim=c(yLower, yUpper),
## for (i in 1:length(finalData[,1])) {
final.length <- length(finalData[,1])
for (i in 1:final.length) {
workingSet <- finalData[i,]
colIndex <- floor((nColors - 2) *
((maxRow - sum(workingSet)) / rowSpan)) + 1
remaining.length <- length(workingSet)
polygon(c(1:remaining.length, remaining.length:1),
c(workingSet + yOffset, rev(yOffset)),
## Label locations
xmax <- which.max(workingSet)
xtext <- c(xtext, xmax)
ytext <- c(ytext, finalData[i, xmax] / 2 + yOffset[xmax])
textSizes <- c(textSizes, 1.7 * sqrt((nColors - colIndex) / nColors))
## Move up to next layer.
yOffset <- yOffset + workingSet
## Add labels last.
if (length(layerNames) > 0) {
text(xtext, ytext, layerNames, cex=textSizes)
## Helper function to convert negative values to zero
zeroNegatives <- function(x) {
if (x < 0) { return(0) }
else { return(x) }
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