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Last active August 12, 2017 08:25
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My friend Jake hates typing `hdfs dfs -` so he made these aliases. Enjoy!
alias happendToFile='hdfs dfs -appendToFile'
alias hcat='hdfs dfs -cat'
alias hchecksum='hdfs dfs -checksum'
alias hchgrp='hdfs dfs -chgrp'
alias hchmod='hdfs dfs -chmod'
alias hchown='hdfs dfs -chown'
alias hcopyFromLocal='hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal'
alias hcopyToLocal='hdfs dfs -copyToLocal'
alias hcount='hdfs dfs -count'
alias hcp='hdfs dfs -cp'
alias hcreateSnapshot='hdfs dfs -createSnapshot'
alias hdeleteSnapshot='hdfs dfs -deleteSnapshot'
alias hdf='hdfs dfs -df'
alias hdu='hdfs dfs -du'
alias hexpunge='hdfs dfs -expunge'
alias hfind='hdfs dfs -find'
alias hget='hdfs dfs -get'
alias hgetfacl='hdfs dfs -getfacl'
alias hgetfattr='hdfs dfs -getfattr'
alias hgetmerge='hdfs dfs -getmerge'
alias hhelp='hdfs dfs -help'
alias hls='hdfs dfs -ls'
alias hmkdir='hdfs dfs -mkdir'
alias hmoveFromLocal='hdfs dfs -moveFromLocal'
alias hmoveToLocal='hdfs dfs -moveToLocal'
alias hmv='hdfs dfs -mv'
alias hput='hdfs dfs -put'
alias hrenameSnapshot='hdfs dfs -renameSnapshot'
alias hrm='hdfs dfs -rm'
alias hrmdir='hdfs dfs -rmdir'
alias hsetfacl='hdfs dfs -setfacl'
alias hsetfattr='hdfs dfs -setfattr'
alias hsetrep='hdfs dfs -setrep'
alias hstat='hdfs dfs -stat'
alias htail='hdfs dfs -tail'
alias htest='hdfs dfs -test'
alias htext='hdfs dfs -text'
alias htouchz='hdfs dfs -touchz'
alias htruncate='hdfs dfs -truncate'
alias husage='hdfs dfs -usage'
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