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Last active October 23, 2023 15:10
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// This line imports the NonblockingLzApp contract from LayerZero's solidity-examples Github repo.
import "";
// This contract is inheriting from the NonblockingLzApp contract.
contract CrossChainHelloWorld is NonblockingLzApp {
// A public string variable named "data" is declared. This will be the message sent to the destination.
string public data = "Nothing received yet";
// A uint16 variable named "destChainId" is declared to hold the LayerZero Chain Id of the destination blockchain.
uint16 destChainId;
//This constructor initializes the contract with our source chain's _lzEndpoint.
constructor(address _lzEndpoint, address intialOwner) NonblockingLzApp(_lzEndpoint) Ownable(intialOwner) {
// Below is an "if statement" to simplify wiring our contract's together.
// In this case, we're auto-filling the dest chain Id based on the source endpoint.
// For example: if our source endpoint is Klaytn Baobab, then the destination is Polygon Mumbai.
// NOTE: This is to simplify our tutorial, and is not standard wiring practice in LayerZero contracts.
// Wiring 1: If Source == Klaytn Baobab, then Destination Chain = Polygon Mumbai
if (_lzEndpoint == 0x6aB5Ae6822647046626e83ee6dB8187151E1d5ab) destChainId = 10109;
// Wiring 2: If Source == Polygon Mumbai, then Destination Chain = Klaytn Baobab
if (_lzEndpoint == 0xf69186dfBa60DdB133E91E9A4B5673624293d8F8) destChainId = 10150;
// This function is called when data is received. It overrides the equivalent function in the parent contract.
function _nonblockingLzReceive(uint16, bytes memory, uint64, bytes memory _payload) internal override {
// The LayerZero _payload (message) is decoded as a string and stored in the "data" variable.
data = abi.decode(_payload, (string));
// This function is called to send the data string to the destination.
// It's payable, so that we can use our native gas token to pay for gas fees.
function send(string memory _message) public payable {
// The message is encoded as bytes and stored in the "payload" variable.
bytes memory payload = abi.encode(_message);
// The data is sent using the parent contract's _lzSend function.
_lzSend(destChainId, payload, payable(msg.sender), address(0x0), bytes(""), msg.value);
// This function allows the contract owner to designate another contract address to trust.
// It can only be called by the owner due to the "onlyOwner" modifier.
// NOTE: In standard LayerZero contract's, this is done through SetTrustedRemote.
function trustAddress(address _otherContract) public onlyOwner {
trustedRemoteLookup[destChainId] = abi.encodePacked(_otherContract, address(this));
// This function estimates the fees for a LayerZero operation.
// It calculates the fees required on the source chain, destination chain, and by the LayerZero protocol itself.
// @param dstChainId The LayerZero endpoint ID of the destination chain where the transaction is headed.
// @param adapterParams The LayerZero relayer parameters used in the transaction.
// Default Relayer Adapter Parameters = 0x00010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030d40
// @param _message The message you plan to send across chains.
// @return nativeFee The estimated fee required denominated in the native chain's gas token.
function estimateFees(uint16 dstChainId, bytes calldata adapterParams, string memory _message) public view returns (uint nativeFee, uint zroFee) {
//Input the message you plan to send.
bytes memory payload = abi.encode(_message);
// Call the estimateFees function on the lzEndpoint contract.
// This function estimates the fees required on the source chain, the destination chain, and by the LayerZero protocol.
return lzEndpoint.estimateFees(dstChainId, address(this), payload, false, adapterParams);
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