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Last active February 3, 2020 06:52
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package require json
# Data from current window
set window [
json::json2dict [
exec i3-msg -t get_tree \
| jq ".. | (.nodes? // empty)\[] | select(.focused == true)"
set win_id [dict get $window id]
if {[dict exists $window title_format]} {
set title [dict get $window title_format]
} else {
set title "%title"
# Ask for new title
tk scaling 5
wm attributes . -type dialog
wm title . "Edit title for <[dict get $window name]>"
. configure -bg #022
entry .input \
-textvar title \
-bd 0 \
-bg white \
-fg black \
-font monospace \
-width 50
proc cursor_to_quote {} {
global title
.input selection clear
.input icursor [expr [string first \" $title] + 1]
bind .input <Key-Escape> { exit 1 }
bind .input <Key-F1> {
set title "<span color=\"\">$title</span>"
bind .input <Key-F2> {
set title "<span color=\"\" background=\"\">$title</span>"
bind .input <Key-Return> {
if {[expr [string length $title] == 0]} {
set title "%%title"
exec i3-msg \[con_id=$win_id] "title_format [exec jq -R . <<$title]"
pack .input -fill both -expand 1 -padx 20 -pady 20
focus .input
.input selection range 0 [string length $title]
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