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Created December 13, 2020 15:10
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function! TermWrapper(command) abort
if !exists('g:split_term_style') | let g:split_term_style = 'vertical' | endif
if g:split_term_style ==# 'vertical'
let buffercmd = 'vnew'
elseif g:split_term_style ==# 'horizontal'
let buffercmd = 'new'
echoerr 'ERROR! g:split_term_style is not a valid value (must be ''horizontal'' or ''vertical'' but is currently set to ''' . g:split_term_style . ''')'
throw 'ERROR! g:split_term_style is not a valid value (must be ''horizontal'' or ''vertical'')'
if exists('g:split_term_resize_cmd')
exec g:split_term_resize_cmd
exec buffercmd
exec 'term ' . a:command
exec 'startinsert'
command! -nargs=0 CAR call TermWrapper(printf('g++ -std=c++11 %s && ./a.out', expand('%')))
command! -nargs=1 CompileAndRunWithFile call TermWrapper(printf('g++ -std=c++11 %s && ./a.out < %s', expand('%'), <args>))
autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <Buffer><F5>fw CAR<CR>
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