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Created January 9, 2020 01:04
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# A little naive probe script for RaspberryPI
# Written by Andrew Yourtchenko (
# public domain
# Save this file as "/usr/local/bin/run-probe"
# Add "/usr/local/bin/run-probe &" to your /etc/rc.local, before the "exit 0" line
# also create the file /etc/probe-targets with the following content:
# (obviously replacing the doc addresses with real ones)
# PROBE_TARGET6=2001:db8::1
. /etc/probe-targets
while true; do
# send the clear screen sequence
clear >/tmp/devtty0
# hostname + current time
echo $(hostname) === $(date) >>/tmp/devtty0
# all of non-link-local IP addresses
hostname -I >>/tmp/devtty0
# errors on the ethernet interface
ifconfig eth0 | grep errors >>/tmp/devtty0
# link-local info with some surgery to remove uninteresting data
sudo ethtool eth0 \
| tail -n +15 \
| egrep -v "Wake|Secure|Current mes|Trans|Auto|drv|MII" \
| sed -e 's/ //' \
| sed -e 's/Link partner advertised link modes:/Partner adv. modes:/' \
# show lldp/cdp neighbors that we see
lldpcli show neighbors | grep -v -- '------' >>/tmp/devtty0
# flood-ping IPv4 default gateway and the probe host
DEFGW4=$(/sbin/ip -4 route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }')
if [ "x$DEFGW4" != "x" ]; then
ping -w 1 -l 64 -c 1 -i 0.1 $DEFGW4 | grep -A 5 statistics \
| sed -e "s/packet/pkt/" -e "s/transmitted/tx/" -e "s/received/rx/g" -e "s/rtt //g" \
>> /tmp/devtty0
ping -w 1 -l 64 -c 1 -i 0.1 $PROBE_TARGET4 | grep -A 5 statistics \
| sed -e "s/packet/pkt/" -e "s/transmitted/tx/" -e "s/received/rx/g" -e "s/rtt //g" \
>> /tmp/devtty0
echo "NO IPv4 DEFAULT GATEWAY" >>/tmp/devtty0
# flood-ping IPv6 default gateway and the probe host
DEFGW6=$(ip -6 route | awk '/default/ { printf "%s%%%s",$3,$5 }')
if [ "x$DEFGW6" != "x" ]; then
ping -w 1 -l 64 -c 1 -i 0.1 $DEFGW6 | grep -A 5 statistics \
| sed -e "s/packet/pkt/" -e "s/transmitted/tx/" -e "s/received/rx/g" -e "s/rtt //g" \
>> /tmp/devtty0
ping -w 1 -l 64 -c 1 -i 0.1 $PROBE_TARGET6 | grep -A 5 statistics \
| sed -e "s/packet/pkt/" -e "s/transmitted/tx/" -e "s/received/rx/g" -e "s/rtt //g" \
>> /tmp/devtty0
echo "NO IPv6 DEFAULT GATEWAY" >>/tmp/devtty0
# show the output to the user
cat /tmp/devtty0 >/dev/tty0
# wait a bit
sleep 1
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