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{“Metadata” : {
“active” : true,
“businessProcess” : “Buyer Process”,
“compactLayoutAssignment” : null,
“description” : “This is used to capture Sales”,
“Metadata” : {
“businessOwnerGroup” : null,
“businessOwnerUser” : null,
“businessStatus” : null,
ayub-ansari / CaseChangesPushNotification.cls
Created April 25, 2019 17:42
Custom Push Notification In Lightning Service Cosnole
public class CaseChangesPushNotification
public static void sendAgentMessage(String message)
Case_Event__e event = new Case_Event__e(Message__c=message);
Database.SaveResult result = EventBus.publish(event);
if (!result.isSuccess())
for (Database.Error error : result.getErrors())
global class CalloutController{
public static String requestLabel;
public static Object helpSupportAgents(String body){
Map<String, Object> jsonPayload = new jsonPayload()
jsonPayload.put('searchKeyword', body);
String endpoint = '<long running callout endpoint>';//I can not provide url due to security issue
Continuation searchContinuation = makeContinuation('callbackMethod', 'POST', endpoint, JSON.serialize(jsonPayload));
searchContinuation.state = searchContinuation.addHttpRequest(req);
return searchContinuation;
ayub-ansari / BooleanExpressionCalculation.cls
Last active July 4, 2018 13:54
Boolean expression calculation apex - Salesforce
// BooleanExpression.evaluateExpression('false and (false or (true and (false or true)))')
//updated by ayub...may need to change
public class BooleanExpressionCalculation{
public static boolean evaluateExpression(String expression){