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Created November 28, 2016 09:00
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# Format the namenode
bin/hadoop namenode -format
# Start hadoop related processes
# Create input directory and put relavent text file in it
echo "Creating input directory $1 and putting textfile.txt on it."
bin/hadoop fs -mkdir $2
bin/hadoop fs -put ../textfile.txt $2
# Compile the Map reduce job
echo -e "\nCompiling $\n\n"
bin/hadoop $ -Xlint
echo -e "\nCreating jar for given job\n\n"
jar cf wc.jar $1*.class
echo -e "\nExecuting the Map Reduce Job on HDFS\n\n"
bin/hadoop jar wc.jar $1 $2 $3
# Direct output to given file
bin/hadoop fs -cat $3/part-00000 > final_output.txt
echo -e "\nStopping hadoop related processes\n"
echo -e "\nThe Output has been saved to final_output.txt file\n"
gedit final_output.txt
# Provide the arguments to shell script as:
# WordCount /input /output
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