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Created July 8, 2020 11:35
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Downloads SMAP Global Soil Moisture Data from Google Earth Engine and saves it in a netCDF file.
Requires Python3
Author: Ayush Prasad
import ee
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import os
import xarray as xr
import datetime
def gee2pecan_smap(geofile, outdir, start, end, var):
Downloads and saves SMAP data from GEE
geofile (str) -- path to the geosjon file containing the name and coordinates of ROI
outdir (str) -- path to the directory where the output file is stored. If specified directory does not exists, it is created.
start (str) -- starting date of the data request in the form YYYY-MM-dd
end (str) -- ending date areaof the data request in the form YYYY-MM-dd
var (str) -- one of ssm, susm, smp, ssma, susma
output netCDF is saved in the specified directory
# read in the geojson file
df = gpd.read_file(geofile)
if (df.geometry.type == "Point").bool():
# extract coordinates
lon = float(df.geometry.x)
lat = float(df.geometry.y)
# create geometry
geo = ee.Geometry.Point(lon, lat)
elif (df.geometry.type == "Polygon").bool():
# extract coordinates
area = [
list(df.geometry.exterior[row_id].coords) for row_id in range(df.shape[0])
# create geometry
geo = ee.Geometry.Polygon(area)
# if the input geometry type is not
raise ValueError("geometry type not supported")
def smap_ts(geo, start, end, var):
# extract a feature from the geometry
features = [ee.Feature(geo)]
# create a feature collection from the features
featureCollection = ee.FeatureCollection(features)
def smap_ts_feature(feature):
area = feature.geometry()
# create the image collection
collection = (
.filterDate(start, end)
def smap_ts_image(img):
# scale (int) Default: 30
scale = 30
# extract date from the image
dateinfo = ee.Date(img.get("system:time_start")).format("YYYY-MM-dd")
# reduce the region to a list, can be configured as per requirements
img = img.reduceRegion(
# store data in an ee.Array
smapdata = ee.Array(img.get(var))
tmpfeature = (
ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point([0, 0]))
.set("smapdata", smapdata)
.set("dateinfo", dateinfo)
return tmpfeature
# map tmpfeature over the image collection
smap_timeseries =
return feature.set(
"smapdata", smap_timeseries.aggregate_array("smapdata")
).set("dateinfo", smap_timeseries.aggregate_array("dateinfo"))
# map feature over featurecollection
featureCollection =
return featureCollection
fc = smap_ts(geo=geo, start=start, end=end, var=var)
def fc2dataframe(fc):
smapdatalist = []
datelist = []
# extract var and date data from fc dictionary and store in it in smapdatalist and datelist
for i in range(len(fc["features"][0]["properties"]["smapdata"])):
fc_dict = {"date": datelist, var: smapdatalist}
# create a pandas dataframe and store the data
fcdf = pd.DataFrame(fc_dict, columns=["date", var])
return fcdf
datadf = fc2dataframe(fc)
site_name = df[df.columns[0]].iloc[0]
AOI = str(df[df.columns[1]].iloc[0])
# convert the dataframe to an xarray dataset, used for converting it to a netCDF file
tosave = xr.Dataset(
"site_name": site_name,
"start_date": start,
"end_date": end,
"product": var,
# # if specified output path does not exist create it
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
file_name = "_" + var
# convert to netCDF and save the file
tosave.to_netcdf(os.path.join(outdir, site_name + file_name + ".nc"))
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