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Created October 2, 2022 17:54
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The PreRender worker function
export async function PreRender({
}: RenderOptions): Promise<RenderResult> {
const result = {} as RenderResult;
// this is the index.html
const browserIndexOutputPath = path.join(clientPath, indexFile);
// correct route folder
const outputFolderPath = path.join(clientPath, route);
// add route/index.html
const outputIndexPath = path.join(outputFolderPath, 'index.html');
// read index file
let indexHtml = await fs.promises.readFile(browserIndexOutputPath, 'utf8');
// change this for critical css
// Workaround for
indexHtml = indexHtml.replace(
/ media="print" onload="this\.media='all'"><noscript><link .+?><\/noscript>/g,
// now get those out of the server bundle,
// notice the dynamic import
const { renderModule, AppServerModule } = await import(serverBundlePath);
// run renderModule
let html = await renderModule(AppServerModule, {
document: indexHtml,
url: route,
// inline critical css, copied as is
// notice the universal common tools are in the parent folder
// if not, you need to install it
const { ɵInlineCriticalCssProcessor: InlineCriticalCssProcessor } = await loadEsmModule<
typeof import('@nguniversal/common/tools')
const inlineCriticalCssProcessor = new InlineCriticalCssProcessor({
deployUrl: '',
minify: true
const { content, warnings, errors } = await inlineCriticalCssProcessor.process(html, {
outputPath: clientPath,
result.errors = errors;
result.warnings = warnings;
html = content;
// create folder if needed, then write file to index
fs.mkdirSync(outputFolderPath, { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(outputIndexPath, html);
return result;
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