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Created January 19, 2014 20:18
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A PHP snippet that reads the files of a folder and returns the filename as an array
//vvvvvvvvvv *INCLUDE_FUNCTIONS vvvvvvvvvv
/* phpReadDir v0.1
* This function gets the contents of a directory.
* It returns an array ($contentsArr) of strings for each item in the target directory
* $dir : The path of the directory to search in
* Attributes:
ignoreSystemFiles: Do not include system files in the array
Such as: ., .., DS_Store
num: How many entries to return. 0 will return all
ignore: Ignore this file(s)
ignoreType: Ignore this file type(s)
function phpReadDir($dir, $attributes){
// echo "get contents<br>";
// echo " dir: $dir <br> handle: '$handle' <br>";
$contentsArr=array(); //this array holds the names of all the files in the target dir
$index=1; //How many times the loop has run
while ($entry = readdir($handle)) { //While there are files in the target dir
if($attributes['ignoreSystemFiles'] && $entry=="."
|| $attributes['ignoreSystemFiles'] && $entry==".."
|| $attributes['ignoreSystemFiles'] && $entry==".DS_Store"
|| $attributes['ignoreSystemFiles'] && $entry=="Thumbs.db"){
$index--; //Subtract from index so the right number of entries is returned
// echo "ELSE! array push '$entry'\n";
array_push($contentsArr, $entry); //Add the files to the array
}//push entry
return $contentsArr;
// echo "count: ".count($contentsArr)."\n";
}//if handle
// echo "RETURNING:nothing <br>";
//Set the directory:
$dir = "../../".str_replace(get_bloginfo('siteurl')."/", "", $templateDirectory."/functions"); // take out the host to get just the path to the theme
//Need to add the '../../' to get to the root. If your siteurl is the same as your homeurl you will only need 1 '../'
//Create an array with each value of the dir
$functionsArr = phpReadDir($dir, array(
'ignoreSystemFiles' => true
//If there are files, include them:
foreach($functionsArr as $function){
//^^^^^^^^^^ /include_functions ^^^^^^^^^^
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