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Last active September 28, 2021 08:42
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#!/usr/bin/env -S PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python3
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# Highlight (thread, query_id, level) in the clickhouse logs,
# like the server/client does in case stdout is terminal.
# Usage example:
# < /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log | less -R
# Difference with clickhouse-server/clickhouse-client:
# - thread uses intHash64
# - query_id/source uses std::hash (on server) and StringRefHash on client
# So as you can see client/server uses different hashing algorithm for strings
# (this is due to StringRefHash does not requires constructing temporary
# string, while specialization std::hash<const char *> is just a hash for
# pointer), hence this script will not care about matching hashes either (to
# match colors).
# NOTE: it requires terminal with 256 bit coloring
import sys
import signal
# Copied from clickhouse/base/common/terminalColors.cpp
priorityColor = {
'Fatal' : '\033[1;41m',
'Critical' : '\033[7;31m',
'Error' : '\033[1;31m',
'Warning' : '\033[0;31m',
'Notice' : '\033[0;33m',
'Information' : '\033[1m',
'Debug' : '',
'Trace' : '\033[2m',
def setColor(hash_):
# Make a random RGB color that has constant brightness.
# Note that this is darker than the middle relative luminance, see
# "Gamma_correction" and "Luma_(video)".
# It still looks awesome.
y = 128
cb = hash_ % 256
cr = hash_ / 256 % 256
r = int(max(0.0, min(255.0, y + 1.402 * (cr - 128))))
g = int(max(0.0, min(255.0, y - 0.344136 * (cb - 128) - 0.714136 * (cr - 128))))
b = int(max(0.0, min(255.0, y + 1.772 * (cb - 128))))
# ANSI escape sequence to set 24-bit foreground font color in terminal.
return '\033[38;2;' + str(r) + ';' + str(g) + ';' + str(b) + 'm'
def setColorForLogPriority(priority: str):
return priorityColor.get(priority, '')
def resetColor():
return '\033[0m'
def highlight(str_):
str_ = str(str_)
return setColor(hash(str_)) + str_ + resetColor()
# Possible log messages:
# YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS.MS [ thread ] {query_id} <priority> ...
# stacktrace frame
def parseMessage(line):
parts = line.split(' ')
line_parsed = {
'date' : ' '.join(parts[0:2]),
# parts[2] == "["
'thread' : int(parts[3]),
# parts[4] == "]"
'query_id' : parts[5].strip('{}'),
'priority' : parts[6].strip('<>'),
'message' : ' '.join(parts[7:]),
message_parsed = line_parsed['message'].split(':')
line_parsed['source'] = message_parsed[0]
line_parsed['message'] = ':'.join(message_parsed[1:])
return line_parsed
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
# It is not enough to check length of the parts,
# since it can have enough parts, but won't be parsed.
return line
def highlightMessage(parts):
# Unhandled (stacktrace, ...)
if isinstance(parts, str):
line = ' '.join([
'[ {} ]'.format(highlight(parts['thread'])),
'<{}{}{}>'.format(setColorForLogPriority(parts['priority']), parts['priority'], resetColor()),
line += ':' + parts['message']
def main():
# XXX: accept bytes?
it = map(str.strip, sys.stdin)
it = map(parseMessage, it)
it = map(highlightMessage, it)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# like regular program exits (libc)
except BrokenPipeError:
sys.exit(128 + signal.SIGPIPE)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
sys.exit(128 + signal.SIGINT)
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