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Automatic configuration of the Auth0 Login Page and Email Templates

Customzing the Password Reset Page

Go to the API v2 explorer and generate a token with update:tenant_settings. Then call the tenants endpoint with the new HTML:

PATCH https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/api/v2/tenants/settings

  "change_password": {
    "enabled": true,
    "html": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n  ..."

Customizing the Login Page

Go to the API v2 explorer and generate a token with read:clients and update:clients. Then click on API Key/Secret to figure out what your Global Client ID is (API Key).

Then you should call the following endpoint with the token: GET https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/api/v2/clients/{YOUR_GLOBAL_CLIENT_ID}

  "custom_login_page": "<!DOCTYPE h...",
  "custom_login_page_on": false

In order to activate and update the custom login page you need to call the following endpoint PATCH https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/api/v2/clients/{YOUR_GLOBAL_CLIENT_ID} with this payload:

  "custom_login_page": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n  <h...",
  "custom_login_page_on": true

Customizing Email Templates

These endpoints are still using API v1.

Email types:

  • verify_email
  • welcome_email
  • reset_email
  • blocked_account

Getting a Token

Go to https://{YOUR_AUTH0_CLUSTER}/docs/api/management/v2 and click the API Key/Secret link to get your Global Client ID and Secret.

Then you can call the following endpoint to get an API v1 token:

var request = require("request");

var options = {
  method: 'POST',
  url: 'https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/oauth/token',
  headers: {
    'cache-control': 'no-cache',
    'content-type': 'application/json'
  body: {
    grant_type: 'client_credentials',
    client_id: '{GLOBAL_CLIENT_ID}',
    client_secret: '{GLOBAL_CLIENT_SECRET}'
  json: true

request(options, function(error, response, body) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);


Get an Email Template

Call GET https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/api/emails/{TEMPLATE_TYPE} which returns:

  "template": "verify_email",
  "tenant": "sandrino-dev-eu",
  "from": "",
  "subject": "Welcome here!",
  "resultUrl": "",
  "body": "<html>\n...",
  "disabled": false,
  "urlLifetimeInSeconds": 432000,
  "syntax": "liquid"

This will return 404 if the template has not been configured.

Create an Email Template

To create an email template you can call POST https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/api/emails/ with the following payload:

  "template": "verify_email",
  "tenant": "sandrino-dev-eu",
  "from": "",
  "subject": "Welcome here!",
  "resultUrl": "",
  "body": "<html>\n  ...",
  "disabled": false,
  "urlLifetimeInSeconds": 432000,
  "syntax": "liquid"

Update an Email Template

To update an email template you can call PUT https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/api/emails/{TEMPLATE_TYPE} with the following payload:

  "tenant": "sandrino-dev-eu",
  "from": "",
  "subject": "Welcome here!",
  "resultUrl": "",
  "body": "<html>\n  <head>...",
  "disabled": false,
  "urlLifetimeInSeconds": 432000,
  "syntax": "liquid"

Note, you can set disabled: true to disable an email.

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