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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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  • Save azbones/5733906c6b2b3374ae9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save azbones/5733906c6b2b3374ae9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is the main code for my 2015 new year's card
//This code is written in Processing which is a programming language
//for visual arts. You can download it for free at
//Collin's attempt at modern art- exploding cherry blossoms...BOOM!
PImage img;
String[] names;
void setup(){
size(1280, 800);
names = loadStrings("names.txt");//load names to make each card unique
img = loadImage("cherry.jpg");//load cherry blossom for color pallette
void draw(){
//make each person a unique piece of art using their name to seed randomness
for(String name:names){
int hash_val = hash_name(name);//use your name to create a unique random seed w/ hash func
randomSeed(hash_val);//your name is now creating the art
float iters = random(5,80);
float xoff = 0.0;
float yoff = 0.0;
for(int a=0; a < iters; a++){
xoff = xoff + .03;
yoff = yoff + .03;
float line_color = random(0, 3);
float alpha = random(100,255);
color pix_1 = img.get(int(random(img.width)),int(random(img.height)));
color pix_2 = img.get(int(random(img.width)),int(random(img.height)));
stroke(pix_1, alpha);
float stroke_w = random(60);
float y_start = random(height);
float x_start = random(width);
float y_finish = random(height);
float x_finish = random(width);
float x1 = noise(xoff) * width;//perlin noise keeps it mellow
float y1 = noise(yoff) * height;
float x2 = noise(xoff) * width;
float y2 = noise(yoff) * height;
float blur_value = random(.6);
filter (BLUR, blur_value);
bezier(x_start, y_start, x1, y1, x2, y2, x_finish, y_finish);
if ((a%4)==0){
int new_x = int(random(0,1280));
int new_y = int(random(0,800));
int in_x = 200;
int in_y = 200;
translate(new_x, new_y);
rotate(noise(xoff) * TWO_PI);
flower(pix_2, in_x, in_y);//call cherry blossom func to draw flowers
exit();// I wonder if anyone will actually read this part...
void flower(int clr, float in_x, float in_y){
//draw cherry blossom using MATH
strokeWeight(random(1, 8));
int alpha_val = int(random(10,100));
stroke(clr, alpha_val);
int ped = 5;
int r = int(random(5,50));
float p = TWO_PI/ped;
float p2 = PI/ped;
float a = r * cos(p2);
float b = r * sin(p2);
float r2 = sqrt(sq(r - a) + sq(b));
float an = asin( b/r2);
for(int i =0; i < ped; i++ ) {
float an2 = i * p;
float x = cos(an2) * r;
float y = sin(an2) * r;
arc(x, y, r2 * 2, r2 * 2, an2 + an + PI, an2 + TWO_PI + PI - an);
int hash_name(String name){
//take name from list and hash to int to seed random function
int s_len = name.length();
IntList name_num;
name_num = new IntList();
for (int i=0; i<s_len; i++){
int hash = 1;
for (int i:name_num){
hash = hash+(31*i);//it's not SHA-256...
return hash;
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