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Created October 7, 2022 10:57
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Console bank that does withdrawal and deposit transaction. Can also check balance.
class Account {
Account(this.accountNumber, this.accountBalance, this.accountName);
final String accountName;
final int accountNumber;
int accountBalance;
checkBalance() => print("Your account balance is $accountBalance");
makeDeposit(int depositAmount) {
accountBalance = accountBalance + depositAmount;
print("Money deposited successfully");
makeWithdrawal(int withdrawAmount) {
if (withdrawAmount <= accountBalance) {
accountBalance = accountBalance - withdrawAmount;
} else {
print("Insufficient funds");
void main() {
final String myAccountName = "Lawal Azeez Ayotunde";
final int myAccountNumber = 0137823780;
int myAccountBalance = 1000;
int withdrawAmount = 100;
int depositAmount = 100;
Account myAccount =
new Account(myAccountNumber, myAccountBalance, myAccountName);
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