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Created November 16, 2022 17:51
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using sets in javascript
// utility fns
var getUid = function(length) {
var i, uid, min, max;
length = length || 32;
uid = '';
min = 0;
max = - 1;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uid +=[Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min];
return uid;
}; = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'];
var benchmark = function (fn) {
return function ( {
var s =;
var r = fn(rest);
var e =;
return [r, e - s];
var byProperty = function (property, value) {
return x => x[property] === value;
var randomBetween = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
var randomCase = (cases) => cases[randomBetween(0, cases.length - 1)];
var clamp = (a, min = 0, max = 1) => Math.min(max, Math.max(min, a));
var lerp = (start, end, amt) => (1 - amt) * start + amt * end;
var invLerp = (x, y, a) => clamp((a - x) / (y - x));
var reScale = (o, n, x) => lerp(n[0], n[1], invLerp(o[0], o[1], x));
var log = x => { console.log(x); return x }
var identity = x => x;
var sum = x => x.reduce( (p, c) => p + c, 0 );
var average = x => sum(x) / x.length;
var min = x => x.reduce( (p,c) => Math.min(p,c), Infinity );
var max = x => x.reduce( (p,c) => Math.max(p,c), -Infinity );
var chart = x => console.log('\n' + => x.join('')).join('\n') + '\n');
var byNeighborhood = (data, x) => data.filter(h => h.neighborhood == x);
var repeatTimes = (fn, times) => Array.from(Array(times)).map((x, i) => fn(x, i));
var pipe = (...fns) => (x) => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x);
var compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduceRight((acc, fn) => fn(acc), x);
var composeAsync = (...fns) => input => fns.reduceRight((chain, func) => chain.then(func), Promise.resolve(input));
var pipeAsync = (...fns) => input => fns.reduce((chain, func) => chain.then(func), Promise.resolve(input));
Filtering functions
This functions return the outcome of a comparison statement
var isNotEmpyString = x => x != '';
var isInAmericana = x => x.neighborhood == 'Americana';
var isInCentro = x => x.neighborhood == 'Centro';
var twoRoomsOrMore = x => x.rooms >= 2;
Maping functions
This functions return a transformed value
var onlyPrice = x => x.price;
var trimString = x => x.trim();
Reducing functions
This functions return a transformed value
var min_ = [(p,c) => Math.min(p,c), Infinity];
var max_ = [(p,c) => Math.max(p,c), -Infinity];
var average_ = [(p,c,i,a) => i === a.length - 1 ? p+c/a.length : p+c, 0];
var neighborhoods_raw = `
Jardines Universidad
La Calma/Pinar
La Estancia
Santa Teresita
Ciudad Granja
San Pedro Tlaquepaque
var neighborhoods = neighborhoods_raw.split('\n').filter(isNotEmpyString).map(trimString);
var buildHouse = function () {
return {
id: getUid(),
neighborhood: randomCase(neighborhoods),
rooms: randomBetween(1,4),
parking: randomBetween(0,3),
price: randomBetween(1000000, 4000000)
// var data = [
// {id: '89asdjdas897das', neighborhood: 'neighborhood1', rooms:2, parking:0, price: 700000}
var data = Array.from(Array(1000)).map(buildHouse);
//In Javascript we have two types of sets
var set = new Set();
var weakSet = new WeakSet();
var realNumbersArr = Array.from(Array(10)).map((x,i) => i);
var realNumbers = new Set(realNumbersArr);
var oddNumbers = new Set(realNumbersArr.filter(x => x%2 > 0));
var evenNumbers = new Set(realNumbersArr.filter(x => x%2 === 0));
console.log('Real Numbers', realNumbers);
console.log('Odd Numbers', oddNumbers);
console.log('Even Numbers', evenNumbers);
console.log('is 0 a real number', realNumbers.has(0));
console.log('is 0 an even number', evenNumbers.has(0));
console.log('is 0 an odd number', oddNumbers.has(0));
var union = (a,b) => new Set([...a, ...b]);
var intersection = (a,b) => new Set([...a].filter(x => b.has(x)));
var difference = (a,b) => new Set([...a].filter(x => !b.has(x)));
var simetricDifference = (a,b) => union(difference(a,b), difference(b,a));
var isSuperSet = (a,b) => [...b].filter(x => !a.has(x)).length == 0;
var isSubSet = (a,b) => [...a].filter(x => !b.has(x)).length == 0;
var areEqualSets = (a,b) => isSuperSet(a,b) && difference(a,b).size === 0;
var unionNumbers = union(oddNumbers, evenNumbers);
console.log('union', unionNumbers)
console.log('O U E = R', areEqualSets(realNumbers, unionNumbers))
var allHouses = new Set(data);
var housesInAmericana = new Set(data.filter(byProperty('neighborhood', 'Americana')));
var houses1Room = new Set(data.filter(byProperty('rooms', 1)));
var houses1Parking = new Set(data.filter(byProperty('parking', 1)));
// houses in americana and 1 room
console.log( intersection(housesInAmericana, houses1Room) );
// houses in americana and 1 room and 1 parking
console.log( intersection(intersection(housesInAmericana, houses1Parking), houses1Room) );
// houses not in Americana
console.log( difference(allHouses, housesInAmericana) );
// houses not in Americana and 1 room
console.log( intersection(difference(allHouses, housesInAmericana), houses1Room) );
/* IKIGAI */
var activities = [
'resolving issues',
'understand things',
'personal development',
'explaining things',
'tv shows',
'video games',
'taking pictures',
'world cultures',
'helping people',
'making videos',
'giving advice',
'web design',
'computer graphics',
var chooseActivities = x => new Set(Array(x).fill(1).map(x => randomCase(activities)));
var activitiesSet = new Set(activities);
var loveSet = chooseActivities(18);
var goodSet = chooseActivities(18);
var needSet = chooseActivities(18);
var paySet = chooseActivities(18);
var loveGood = intersection(loveSet, goodSet);
var loveNeed = intersection(loveSet, needSet);
var goodPay = intersection(goodSet, paySet);
var needPay = intersection(needSet, paySet);
var ikigai = [loveSet, goodSet, needSet, paySet].reduce((a,v) => intersection(a,v), activitiesSet);
console.log('would hate jobs', [...difference(needSet, loveSet)]);
console.log('boring jobs', [...difference(goodSet, loveSet)]);
console.log('hated but rich job', [...difference(difference(goodSet, paySet), loveSet)]);
console.log('would love jobs and have a good time', [...loveGood]);
console.log('would love jobs and make an impact', [...loveNeed]);
console.log('nice pay and have a good time', [...goodPay]);
console.log('nice pay and make and make an impact', [...needPay]);
console.log('The best jobs', ikigai);
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