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Created February 28, 2023 14:56
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**message:** If I have a CSV file one record per line how can I get an md5 of the columns, title, ref, description, url
**message:** You can use a programming language like Python to read the CSV file, extract the values of the columns title, ref, description, and url for each record, concatenate them into a single string, and then calculate the MD5 hash of the string.Here is some sample Python code that demonstrates how to do this using the built-in csv and hashlib modules:pythonCopy codeimport csv
import hashlib
filename = "example.csv" # replace with the name of your CSV file
with open(filename, "r") as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
# extract the values of the columns
title = row["title"]
ref = row["ref"]
description = row["description"]
url = row["url"]
# concatenate the values into a single string
data = f"{title}{ref}{description}{url}"
# calculate the MD5 hash of the string
hash_object = hashlib.md5(data.encode())
hash_value = hash_object.hexdigest()
This code assumes that your CSV file has headers for the columns title, ref, description, and url, and that each subsequent line represents a single record with corresponding values for each column. If your CSV file has a different format, you may need to adjust the code accordingly.
**message:** Can you update the program to save the md5 on a column named md5 and write to a file
**message:** Sure! Here's an updated version of the code that writes the MD5 hash to a new column named md5 in the CSV file and saves the updated data to a new file:pythonCopy codeimport csv
import hashlib
filename = "example.csv" # replace with the name of your input CSV file
output_filename = "output.csv" # replace with the name of your output CSV file
# Define the header of the output CSV file
header = ["title", "ref", "description", "url", "md5"]
with open(filename, "r") as csvfile, open(output_filename, "w", newline="") as outputfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
writer = csv.DictWriter(outputfile, fieldnames=header)
# Write the header to the output CSV file
for row in reader:
# extract the values of the columns
title = row["title"]
ref = row["ref"]
description = row["description"]
url = row["url"]
# concatenate the values into a single string
data = f"{title}{ref}{description}{url}"
# calculate the MD5 hash of the string
hash_object = hashlib.md5(data.encode())
hash_value = hash_object.hexdigest()
# add the hash value to the row dictionary
row["md5"] = hash_value
# write the updated row to the output CSV file
This code creates a new output CSV file with the same header as the input file, plus a new column md5. For each row in the input file, it calculates the MD5 hash of the concatenated values of title, ref, description, and url, adds the hash value to the row dictionary under the key md5, and then writes the updated row to the output CSV file using the csv.DictWriter class. The newline argument is set to an empty string to prevent the csv module from adding extra newlines in the output file.
**message:** Now assume we have two of this files of consecutive dates I want to get a diff of the files and compute a list of keep, delete, update, add
**message:** To get the differences between two CSV files and compute a list of keep, delete, update, and add, you can compare the MD5 hash values of each record in the two files. Here's some sample Python code that demonstrates how to do this:pythonCopy codeimport csv
import hashlib
# Define the filenames of the two input CSV files and the output file
filename1 = "file1.csv"
filename2 = "file2.csv"
output_filename = "diff.csv"
# Define the header of the output CSV file
header = ["title", "ref", "description", "url", "md5", "status"]
# Define a dictionary to keep track of the MD5 hash values for each record
md5_dict = {}
# Read the first CSV file and populate the MD5 dictionary
with open(filename1, "r") as csvfile1:
reader1 = csv.DictReader(csvfile1)
for row in reader1:
# extract the values of the columns
title = row["title"]
ref = row["ref"]
description = row["description"]
url = row["url"]
# concatenate the values into a single string
data = f"{title}{ref}{description}{url}"
# calculate the MD5 hash of the string
hash_object = hashlib.md5(data.encode())
hash_value = hash_object.hexdigest()
# add the hash value to the dictionary under the key (title, ref, description, url)
md5_dict[(title, ref, description, url)] = hash_value
# Initialize lists to keep track of the records to keep, delete, update, and add
to_keep = []
to_delete = []
to_update = []
to_add = []
# Read the second CSV file and compare the MD5 hash values to the first file
with open(filename2, "r") as csvfile2:
reader2 = csv.DictReader(csvfile2)
for row in reader2:
# extract the values of the columns
title = row["title"]
ref = row["ref"]
description = row["description"]
url = row["url"]
# concatenate the values into a single string
data = f"{title}{ref}{description}{url}"
# calculate the MD5 hash of the string
hash_object = hashlib.md5(data.encode())
hash_value = hash_object.hexdigest()
# check if the record exists in the first file
if (title, ref, description, url) in md5_dict:
# if the record exists, compare the MD5 hash values
if hash_value == md5_dict[(title, ref, description, url)]:
# if the MD5 hash values match, add the record to the "to_keep" list
# if the MD5 hash values don't match, add the record to the "to_update" list
row["status"] = "update"
# if the record doesn't exist, add the record to the "to_add" list
row["status"] = "add"
# Compare the MD5 dictionary to the second file to find records to delete
for key, value in md5_dict.items():
if key not in [(row["title"], row["ref"], row["description"], row["url"]) for row in to_keep]:
row = {"title": key[0], "ref": key[1], "description": key[2], "url": key[3], "md5": value, "status": "delete"}
# Combine the
**message:** Can you continue from the combine
**message:** Sure! Here's how you can combine the lists of records to create the output CSV file:pythonCopy code# Combine the "to_keep", "to_delete", "to_update", and "to_add" lists into a single list
output_rows = to_keep + to_delete + to_update + to_add
# Sort the output rows by status (keep, delete, update, add) and then by title
output_rows = sorted(output_rows, key=lambda x: (x["status"], x["title"]))
# Write the output CSV file
with open(output_filename, "w") as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=header)
for row in output_rows:
In this code, we combine the four lists of records (to_keep, to_delete, to_update, and to_add) into a single list called output_rows. We then sort the output_rows list first by status (so that all "keep" records appear first, followed by "delete" records, then "update" records, and finally "add" records) and then by title.Finally, we write the output_rows list to a new CSV file called output_filename, using the same header that we defined earlier (header = ["title", "ref", "description", "url", "md5", "status"]). Each row in the output_rows list corresponds to a record in one of the input CSV files, and includes the following fields:title: the title of the recordref: the reference of the recorddescription: the description of the recordurl: the URL of the recordmd5: the MD5 hash value of the recordstatus: the status of the record ("keep", "delete", "update", or "add")
**message:** 2 / 2Can you write 2 files simulating a set of data on the first, and on the second one 1 record that would land one of the each statuses: keep, delete, add, update
**message:** Sure! Here's an example of two input CSV files that simulate a set of data, where the first file contains three records and the second file contains four records. The second file includes one record that would correspond to each status: keep, delete, add, and update.First file (input1.csv):csharpCopy codetitle,ref,description,url,md5
Record 1,1,This is the first record,,2e7b7ccafbd3dfc67cb2a88dce159cb8
Record 2,2,This is the second record,,6477e65bbd086f8db65a2e17f67ef1b6
Record 3,3,This is the third record,,b331f72b2ba2ef9820571a372a101429
Second file (input2.csv):kotlinCopy codetitle,ref,description,url,md5
Record 1,1,This is the first record,,2e7b7ccafbd3dfc67cb2a88dce159cb8
Record 2,2,This is the updated second record,,44c6b5de6eb5551a1a8ebc60cf80a09f
Record 3,3,This is the deleted third record,,c3f61cc648c38d2a7cb27f9a85682cb8
Record 4,4,This is a new record,,6d45c4f4d5b5ab5c55f6d79d38fb5fb4
In this example, the first three records in input2.csv correspond to the "keep", "update", and "delete" statuses, respectively, while the fourth record corresponds to the "add" status.
**message:** Can you write a high level diagram on dot syntax of the general strategy of the program?
**message:** Sure! Here's a high-level diagram of the general strategy of the program:cssCopy codedigraph diff_csv_files {
node [shape=box]
subgraph cluster_input1 {
label="Input 1"
input1 [label="Record 1\nRecord 2\nRecord 3"]
subgraph cluster_input2 {
label="Input 2"
input2 [label="Record 1\nRecord 2 (updated)\nRecord 3 (deleted)\nRecord 4 (added)"]
subgraph cluster_diff {
to_keep [label="Record 1"]
to_delete [label="Record 3"]
to_update [label="Record 2 (updated)"]
to_add [label="Record 4"]
subgraph cluster_output {
output [label="Record 1\nRecord 2 (updated)\nRecord 4\nRecord 3"]
input1 -> to_keep
input2 -> to_update
input2 -> to_delete
input2 -> to_add
to_keep -> output
to_update -> output
to_add -> output
to_delete -> output
In this diagram, the input CSV files (input1.csv and input2.csv) are represented as two separate subgraphs, labeled "Input 1" and "Input 2", respectively. Each input file contains a number of records (labeled "Record 1", "Record 2", etc.) that may be added, updated, or deleted between the two files.The program then computes the difference between the two input files, and generates a new set of records to represent the changes. These changes are represented as a separate subgraph labeled "Diff", which contains four nodes labeled "to_keep", "to_delete", "to_update", and "to_add", respectively. Each of these nodes corresponds to a list of records that are either kept, deleted, updated, or added between the two input files.Finally, the program generates an output CSV file that combines the changes from the "to_keep", "to_delete", "to_update", and "to_add" lists into a single output file. The output file is represented as a subgraph labeled "Output", which contains a number of nodes representing the final set of records after the changes have been applied.In this way, the program takes two input CSV files, computes the differences between them, and generates a new output file that reflects those differences.
**message:** Thenreal problem behind this program is the following: "aggregate job postings provided as daily snapshots from the provider" with the objective: "process with minimal database interaction". Describe the advantages of the solution and it's general strategy.
**message:** The program outlined in the previous questions could be a useful solution for aggregating job postings provided as daily snapshots from a provider, with the objective of minimizing database interaction. Here are some advantages of this solution and its general strategy:Minimal database interaction: By processing the daily snapshots directly, the program can minimize the amount of interaction required with a database. This can help to reduce the complexity and maintenance requirements of a database, as well as potentially reduce costs associated with database storage and processing.Scalability: Because the program can process daily snapshots of job postings, it can easily scale to handle large amounts of data over time. As long as the input data is in the same format, the program can be run repeatedly on new daily snapshots to generate updated output files.Flexibility: The program is flexible enough to handle different types of changes to the input data, such as updates, deletions, and additions. This can be useful in a dynamic job posting environment where new postings are added frequently and existing postings may be updated or deleted.Reusability: The program can be reused for other types of data that are provided as daily snapshots and require processing to generate updated output files.The general strategy of the program involves comparing two input CSV files representing the daily snapshots of job postings, computing the differences between the two files, and generating a new output file that combines the changes from the input files. The program achieves this by computing the MD5 hash of each record in the input files and comparing them to determine whether a record is new, updated, deleted, or unchanged. The program then generates a new output file that combines the changes from the input files into a single output file.Overall, this solution provides a flexible and scalable way to aggregate job postings provided as daily snapshots, with minimal database interaction required.
**message:** 3 / 3Can you write a proposal for th project for a technical audience in formal language do not include timeline neither budget
**message:** Sure, here's a proposal for the project:Project Proposal: Daily Snapshot Job Posting AggregationIntroductionThe goal of this project is to develop a program that can aggregate daily snapshots of job postings provided by a third-party provider, with the objective of minimizing database interaction. The program will compare two input CSV files representing the daily snapshots, compute the differences between the two files, and generate a new output file that combines the changes from the input files.Problem StatementJob postings are provided as daily snapshots from the provider, which can create challenges for aggregating the data into a single dataset. Processing the daily snapshots with minimal database interaction is desirable to reduce complexity, maintenance, and costs associated with a database.Technical ApproachThe program will be developed using Python programming language, utilizing common libraries for CSV processing and hashing, such as csv and hashlib. The program will read the two input CSV files containing job posting records, compute the MD5 hash of each record, and compare the hashes to determine whether a record is new, updated, deleted, or unchanged. The program will then generate a new output CSV file that combines the changes from the input files into a single output file.Key FeaturesThe program will have the following key features:Ability to process daily snapshots of job postings provided in CSV format.Compute MD5 hash of each record to identify new, updated, deleted, or unchanged records.Generate a new output CSV file that combines the changes from the input files into a single output file.Flexible enough to handle different types of changes to the input data, such as updates, deletions, and additions.Reusable for other types of data that are provided as daily snapshots and require processing to generate updated output files.ConclusionThe proposed program will provide a scalable and flexible solution to aggregate job postings provided as daily snapshots, with minimal database interaction required. The program will be developed using Python programming language and common libraries for CSV processing and hashing. It will be able to handle different types of changes to the input data and will be reusable for other types of data that are provided as daily snapshots.
**message:** Just for exploratory purposes, could we do this with Linux tools, and piping?
**message:** Yes, it is possible to achieve a similar solution using Linux tools and piping. Here's a high-level overview of how this can be done:Use the sort command to sort the two input CSV files by the columns that will be used to compare the records. For example, if the columns used for comparison are "title", "ref", "description", and "url", the sort command can be used as follows:bashCopy codesort -t, -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 file1.csv > file1_sorted.csv
sort -t, -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 file2.csv > file2_sorted.csv
This will create two new CSV files that are sorted by the columns used for comparison.Use the join command to join the two sorted CSV files based on the columns used for comparison. For example, if the columns used for comparison are "title", "ref", "description", and "url", the join command can be used as follows:bashCopy codejoin -t, -a1 -a2 -e "NULL" -o 0,1.2,2.2,1.3,2.3,1.4,2.4,1.5,2.5 file1_sorted.csv file2_sorted.csv > combined.csv
This will create a new CSV file combined.csv that contains all the records from both input files, with each record joined based on the columns used for comparison.Use the awk command to compare the values of each record in combined.csv to determine whether a record is new, updated, deleted, or unchanged. For example, if a record is considered "new" if it is only present in the second input file, the awk command can be used as follows:swiftCopy codeawk -F"," '{
if ($1 == "NULL" && $2 != "NULL") {
print "add," $0
} else if ($1 != "NULL" && $2 == "NULL") {
print "delete," $0
} else if ($1 != $2) {
print "update," $0
} else {
print "keep," $0
}' combined.csv > changes.csv
This will create a new CSV file changes.csv that contains the status (add, delete, update, or keep) and the full record for each record in combined.csv.Use the grep command to filter changes.csv to create new CSV files for each status. For example, to create a new CSV file added.csv that contains all the records that were added in the second input file, the grep command can be used as follows:bashCopy codegrep "^add," changes.csv | cut -d"," -f2- > added.csv
This will create a new CSV file added.csv that contains all the records that were added in the second input file.Overall, this approach using Linux tools and piping can be a more lightweight solution compared to developing a separate program. However, it may require more manual configuration and handling of edge cases compared to a dedicated program developed specifically for this purpose.
**message:** Could you write the part of computing the md5 of each record too
**message:** Sure! Here's how you could modify the above approach to compute an MD5 hash for each record:Use the sort command to sort the two input CSV files by the columns that will be used to compare the records. For example:bashCopy codesort -t, -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 file1.csv > file1_sorted.csv
sort -t, -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 file2.csv > file2_sorted.csv
Use the md5sum command to compute the MD5 hash for each record in each file, using the columns that will be used to compare the records. For example:swiftCopy codeawk -F',' '{ print $1$2$3$4 }' file1_sorted.csv | md5sum > file1_md5.txt
awk -F',' '{ print $1$2$3$4 }' file2_sorted.csv | md5sum > file2_md5.txt
This will create two text files, file1_md5.txt and file2_md5.txt, that contain the MD5 hash for each record in their respective files.Use the join command to join the two sorted CSV files based on the columns used for comparison, and include the MD5 hash for each record. For example:swiftCopy codejoin -t, -a1 -a2 -e "NULL" -o 0,1.2,2.2,1.3,2.3,1.4,2.4,1.5,2.5 file1_sorted.csv file2_sorted.csv | awk -F',' '{ print $0 "," $1$2$3$4 }' > combined.csv
This will create a new CSV file combined.csv that contains all the records from both input files, with each record joined based on the columns used for comparison and the MD5 hash for each record included as an additional column.Use the awk command to compare the values of each record in combined.csv to determine whether a record is new, updated, deleted, or unchanged, and include the MD5 hash for each record in the output. For example:swiftCopy codeawk -F"," '{
if ($1 == "NULL" && $2 != "NULL") {
print "add," $0 "," $9
} else if ($1 != "NULL" && $2 == "NULL") {
print "delete," $0 "," $9
} else if ($1 != $2) {
print "update," $0 "," $9
} else {
print "keep," $0 "," $9
}' combined.csv > changes.csv
This will create a new CSV file changes.csv that contains the status (add, delete, update, or keep), the full record for each record in combined.csv, and the MD5 hash for each record.Use the grep command to filter changes.csv to create new CSV files for each status. For example:bashCopy codegrep "^add," changes.csv | cut -d"," -f2-8 > added.csv
This will create a new CSV file added.csv that contains all the records that were added in the second input file. Note that the MD5 hash column is not included in the output.Overall, this approach using Linux tools and piping can be a more lightweight solution compared to developing a separate program,
**message:** Thx let's go back to our main focus: the python version, could we use parallel processing to speed it up or another technique?
**message:** Yes, parallel processing can be a good technique to speed up the processing of large files in Python. One way to implement parallel processing is to use the multiprocessing module in Python, which allows you to spawn multiple processes to run tasks in parallel.For example, you could split the input files into smaller chunks and have each process work on a separate chunk, processing the chunks in parallel. You could then combine the results from each process at the end.Another technique to speed up the processing of large files in Python is to use a library like dask, which allows you to parallelize the processing of large datasets across multiple cores or even multiple machines. dask can handle tasks like loading data into memory, filtering, merging, and computing aggregate statistics.Alternatively, you could also consider using a cloud-based service like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to process the data in a distributed manner, using services like Amazon S3, Amazon EMR, or Google Cloud Storage and Dataproc.However, it's important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of these techniques will depend on the specific characteristics of your data and the available hardware resources. It's important to carefully evaluate your options and consider the tradeoffs between speed, complexity, and cost.
**message:** I have some job postings, I want to filter this posts by a set of rules, can we use a rules engine on python to solve this problem?
**message:** Yes, you can use a rules engine in Python to filter job postings based on a set of rules.There are several rules engines available for Python, including:Pyke: Pyke is a knowledge-based inference engine that allows you to write rules in Python syntax. It supports forward chaining, backward chaining, and hybrid chaining inference strategies.PyCLIPS: PyCLIPS is a Python module that provides a Python interface to the CLIPS expert system shell. It allows you to write rules in the CLIPS rule language and execute them within Python.Drools: Drools is a business rules management system (BRMS) that supports the rule engine in Python. It provides a rule engine that can evaluate complex event processing (CEP) rules, decision tables, and decision trees.These rules engines can help you to define rules that specify the criteria for filtering job postings. You can define rules based on attributes of the job postings such as job title, location, required skills, experience level, and other relevant information.Once you have defined the rules, you can use the rules engine to filter the job postings based on those rules. The rules engine will evaluate each job posting against the defined rules and return the job postings that match the criteria.Overall, using a rules engine can be an effective approach to filter job postings based on a set of rules in Python.
**message:** 2 / 2Can you write an example assuming the input is a CSV file. Also some of the rules may be the result of an api call
**message:** Sure, here's an example Python code that uses the Pyke rules engine to filter job postings based on a set of rules, where the job postings are read from a CSV file, and some of the rules are the result of an API call:pythonCopy codeimport csv
import pyke
# define a function to make API calls and return the result as a list
def get_api_result(api_url):
# make API call and parse the result as a list
result = []
# ...
return result
# define the Pyke engine
engine = pyke.engine()
# load the rules into the engine
# read the job postings from a CSV file
with open('job_postings.csv', 'r') as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
job_postings = [row for row in reader]
# loop over the job postings and evaluate the rules for each one
for job_posting in job_postings:
# set the relevant variables for the rules
job_title = job_posting['Job Title']
job_location = job_posting['Location']
job_skills = job_posting['Required Skills'].split(',')
job_experience = int(job_posting['Experience Level'])
# make an API call to get additional data for the rules
api_result = get_api_result('')
# extract the relevant data from the API result
api_data = api_result['data']
# assert the relevant facts for the rules
engine.assert_('job_title', job_title)
engine.assert_('job_location', job_location)
engine.assert_('job_skills', job_skills)
engine.assert_('job_experience', job_experience)
engine.assert_('api_data', api_data)
# evaluate the rules for the job posting
# get the result of the rules evaluation
result = engine.get_knowledge_base('job_posting_rules').knowledge_values['result'][0]
# if the job posting matches the rules, do something with it
if result == 'match':
# do something with the job posting
print('Job posting matches the rules:', job_posting['Job ID'])
# do something else with the job posting
print('Job posting does not match the rules:', job_posting['Job ID'])
In this example, the Pyke engine is loaded with the rules from the file job_posting_rules.krb, which defines the rules for filtering job postings. The engine is then used to evaluate the rules for each job posting read from the CSV file job_postings.csv.The relevant variables for the rules (job title, location, skills, experience level) are extracted from the job posting, and an API call is made to get additional data for the rules. The relevant facts for the rules are then asserted in the engine, and the rules are evaluated for the job posting.If the job posting matches the rules, the code will print a message indicating that the job posting matches the rules, and you can replace this with whatever action you want to take (e.g. store the job posting in a database, send an email notification, etc.). If the job posting does not match the rules, the code will print a message indicating that the job posting does not match the rules.
**message:** 2 / 2Can you write a proposal in formal language and do not include timeline or Budget, also assume no interface
**message:** Sure, here's a proposal written in formal language for a job posting filtering system using a rules engine:Project Proposal: Job Posting Filtering SystemOverview:
We propose the development of a job posting filtering system using a rules engine. The system will allow users to filter job postings based on a set of rules that specify the criteria for the job postings. The system will use a rules engine to evaluate the job postings against the defined rules and return the job postings that match the criteria.Features:
The key features of the job posting filtering system are as follows:Rules Definition: The system will allow users to define rules that specify the criteria for filtering job postings. The rules can be based on attributes of the job postings such as job title, location, required skills, experience level, and other relevant information.Rules Engine: The system will use a rules engine to evaluate the job postings against the defined rules. The rules engine will evaluate each job posting against the defined rules and return the job postings that match the criteria.Job Posting Input: The system will allow users to input job postings in CSV format. The CSV file will contain the job postings along with their attributes such as job title, location, required skills, experience level, and other relevant information.API Integration: The system will support integration with external APIs to retrieve additional data for the rules. This will allow users to define rules based on external data such as market trends, industry standards, and other relevant information.Output: The system will output the filtered job postings in CSV format. The CSV file will contain the job postings that match the criteria specified by the rules.Benefits:
The job posting filtering system offers the following benefits:Efficient Job Posting Filtering: The system offers an efficient way to filter job postings based on a set of rules. This will save time and effort for users who need to filter a large number of job postings.Customizable Rules: The system allows users to define their own rules for filtering job postings. This offers flexibility and customization for users who have specific criteria for job postings.External Data Integration: The system allows users to integrate external data sources to define rules. This will provide users with more relevant and accurate criteria for job postings.Conclusion:
The job posting filtering system is a valuable tool for users who need to filter job postings based on specific criteria. The system offers efficient filtering, customizable rules, and external data integration. We propose the development of the system using a rules engine, which will provide users with an accurate and efficient way to filter job postings.
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