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Created May 16, 2022 13:25
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use anyhow::{Result, Context, bail, ensure};
use orion::aead::SecretKey;
// Inspired by the great doc over here
/// Get a 24-byte random nonce
pub fn nonce() -> Result<[u8; 24]> {
let mut result = [0u8; 24];
getrandom::getrandom(&mut result)?;
/// Get a SecretKey that will be used to encrypt/decrypt the data
/// # Arguments
/// - `password` - The password used to encrypt/decrypt the data
/// - `salt` - The salt used to strengthen the encryption
fn get_key_from_password(password: &str, salt: &[u8]) -> Result<SecretKey> {
use orion::hazardous::stream::chacha20::CHACHA_KEYSIZE;
use orion::kdf::{derive_key, Password, Salt};
let password = Password::from_slice(password.as_bytes()).with_context(|| "Password error")?;
let salt = Salt::from_slice(salt).with_context(|| "Salt is too short")?;
let kdf_key = derive_key(&password, &salt, 15, 1024, CHACHA_KEYSIZE as u32)
.with_context(|| "Could not derive key from password")?;
let key = SecretKey::from_slice(kdf_key.unprotected_as_bytes())
.with_context(|| "Could not convert key")?;
/// Encrypts the plaintext with the given password and returns the ciphertext. The nonce is generated at each call to strengthen the encryption.
/// Otherwise there's a chance the key is weakened if the same nonce is used.
/// The nonce is 24 byte (following the XCHACHA_NONCESIZE property).
/// The ciphertext will be 40 bytes longer than the plaintext because of the XCHACHA_NONCESIZE + POLY1305_OUTSIZE size.
/// ## Format
/// {0,24: nonce} {24,: ciphertext} ...
/// ## Arguments
/// - `plaintext`: The plaintext to encrypt
/// - `password`: The password to use for the encryption
/// - `salt`: The salt to use for the encryption
/// ## Returns
/// The ciphertext
pub fn encrypt(plaintext: impl AsRef<[u8]>, password: impl AsRef<str>, nonce: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
use orion::hazardous::{
aead::xchacha20poly1305::{seal, Nonce, SecretKey as XSecretKey},
// Fetch param as refs
let plaintext = plaintext.as_ref();
let password = password.as_ref();
let nonce = nonce.as_ref();
// Get high-level API key
let key = get_key_from_password(password, nonce)?;
// Convert high-level API key to low-level API key
let key = XSecretKey::from_slice(key.unprotected_as_bytes()).with_context(|| "Key is invalid")?;
// Create a Nonce struct from the generated nonce
let nonce = Nonce::from_slice(nonce).with_context(|| "Nonce is too short")?;
// Get the output length
let output_len = match plaintext.len().checked_add(XCHACHA_NONCESIZE + POLY1305_OUTSIZE) {
Some(min_output_len) => min_output_len,
None => bail!("Plaintext is too long"),
// Allocate a buffer for the output
let mut output = vec![0u8; output_len];
// Encrypt the plaintext and add it to the end of output buffer
seal(&key, &nonce, plaintext, None, &mut output[XCHACHA_NONCESIZE..])
.with_context(|| "Could not convert key")?;
/// Decrypts the ciphertext with the given password and returns the plaintext.
/// ## Arguments
/// - `ciphertext`: The ciphertext to decrypt
/// - `password`: The password to use for the decryption
/// ## Returns
/// The plaintext as bytes
pub fn decrypt(ciphertext: impl AsRef<[u8]>, password: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
use orion::aead::open;
use orion::hazardous::stream::xchacha20::XCHACHA_NONCESIZE;
let ciphertext = ciphertext.as_ref();
let password = password.as_ref();
ensure!(ciphertext.len() > XCHACHA_NONCESIZE, "Ciphertext is too short");
// Get the key from the password and salt
let key = get_key_from_password(password, &ciphertext[..XCHACHA_NONCESIZE])?;
open(&key, ciphertext).with_context(|| "Ciphertext was tampered with")
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