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Created November 23, 2016 05:18
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// create srcset images for kirby
function img($image, $options = array()) {
// defaults
$defaults = array(
"alt" => $image->title()->or(''),
"widths" => [100, 100, 100],
"class" => "",
"lazy" => false,
// merge
$settings = array_merge($defaults, $options);
// set local variables
$alt = $settings['alt'];
$widths = $settings['widths'];
$class = $settings['class'];
$lazy = $settings['lazy'];
// configure sizes
$breakpoints = array(640, 1280, 1920);
// get image width
$width = $image->width();
// create an image for each breakpoint
$thumbs = array();
foreach ($breakpoints as $point) {
// don't upsize images
if ($width >= $point) {
array_push($thumbs, thumb($image, array('width' => $point), false) . " {$point}w");
} else {
array_push($thumbs, $image->url() . " {$width}w");
// string it together
$srcset = "";
$count = 1;
foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) {
$srcset .= $thumb;
if ($count < count($thumbs)) {
$srcset .= ", ";
// default source for image
$src = thumb($image, array('width' => 1000), false);
// convert sizes into proper formatting
$sizes = "";
$count = 1;
foreach ($widths as $width) {
switch ($count) {
// small
case 1:
$sizes .= "(max-width: 768px) {$width}vw, ";
// medium
case 2:
$sizes .= "(min-width: 768px) {$width}vw, ";
// large
case 3:
$sizes .= "(min-width: 1024px) {$width}vw";
# code...
// alignment
$vertical = $image->vertical()->or('center');
$horizontal = $image->horizontal()->or('center');
$align = "object-position: $vertical $horizontal";
// build attributes
$attr = array(
'alt' => $alt,
$lazy ? 'data-src' : 'src' => $src,
$lazy ? 'data-srcset' : 'srcset' => $srcset,
'sizes' => $sizes,
'class' => $lazy ? "lazy" : $class,
'style' => $align
return html::tag('img', null, $attr);
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