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Created September 10, 2012 13:42
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Fix issue #1068
* Epg from XMLTV
* @package stalker_portal
* @author
class Epg
private $db;
private $cleaned_epg = array();
private $day_begin_datetime;
private $now_datetime;
private $cur_program_id;
private $cur_program_idx;
private $cur_program_page;
private $cur_program_row;
//private $correction_time = 0; // minutes
private $settings = array();
private $real_ids = array();
public function __construct(){
$this->db = Mysql::getInstance();
$this->day_begin_datetime = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00");
$this->now_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$this->settings = $this->getSettings();
* Update EPG from all EPG setting records.
* @param bool $force
* @return string
public function updateEpg($force = false){
$result = '';
foreach ($this->settings as $setting){
$result .= $this->updateEpgBySetting($setting, $force);
$result .= "\n";
return $result;
* Update EPG from one DB setting record.
* @param array $setting
* @param bool $force
* @return string Update result.
public function updateEpgBySetting($setting, $force = false){
$str = "From {$setting['uri']}\n";
if (strpos($setting['uri'], 'http') === 0){
$etag = '';
$headers = get_headers($setting['uri'], 1);
if ($headers === false){
return "\n"._("Source")." ".$setting['uri']." "._("unavailable")."\n";
if (!preg_match("/200 OK/", $headers[0])){
return "\n"._("Source")." ".$setting['uri']." "._("unavailable")."\n";
if (!empty($headers['ETag'])){
$etag = $headers['ETag'];
}else if (!empty($headers['Last-Modified'])){
$etag = $headers['Last-Modified'];
$etag = time();
$etag = md5_file($setting['uri']);
if ($setting['etag'] == $etag && !$force){
return _("Source")." ".$setting['uri']." "._("not changed")."\n";
if (preg_match("/\.gz$/", $setting['uri'])){
$handle = gzopen($setting['uri'], 'r');
$contents = gzread($handle, 30000000);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($contents);
$xml = simplexml_load_file($setting['uri']);
$ids_arr = $this->getITVids();
$insert_data = array();
$data_arr = array();
foreach ($xml->programme as $programme){
$itv_id_arr = @$ids_arr[$setting['id_prefix'].strval($programme->attributes()->channel)];
if ($itv_id_arr){
///$correction_time = (int) Mysql::getInstance()->from('itv')->where(array('id' => $itv_id_arr[0]))->get()->first('correct_time');
$start = strtotime(strval($programme->attributes()->start));
$stop = strtotime(strval($programme->attributes()->stop));
/*$start_ts = strtotime(strval($programme->attributes()->start)) + $correction_time*60;
$mysql_start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $start_ts);
$stop_ts = strtotime(strval($programme->attributes()->stop)) + $correction_time*60;
$mysql_stop = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $stop_ts);
$duration = $stop_ts - $start_ts;*/
//$title = addslashes($programme->title);
$title = strval($programme->title);
foreach ($itv_id_arr as $itv_id){
//$this->cleanEpgByDate($start_ts, $itv_id);
$correction_time = (int) Mysql::getInstance()->from('itv')->where(array('id' => $itv_id))->get()->first('correct_time');
$start_ts = $start + $correction_time * 60;
$mysql_start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $start_ts);
$stop_ts = $stop + $correction_time * 60;
$mysql_stop = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $stop_ts);
$duration = $stop_ts - $start_ts;
$real_id = $itv_id.'_'.$start_ts;
if (isset($this->real_ids[$real_id])){
$this->real_ids[$real_id] = true;
$this->cleanEpgByDate($start_ts, $itv_id);
$data_arr[$itv_id][] = array(
'ch_id' => $itv_id,
'time' => $mysql_start,
'time_to' => $mysql_stop,
'duration' => $duration,
'real_id' => $real_id,
'name' => $title
$err = 0;
$done = 0;
$xml_ids_done = '';
$xml_ids_err = '';
$total = 0;
foreach ($data_arr as $itv_xml_id => $data){
$result = $this->db->insert('epg', $data);
if ($result->insert_id()){
$xml_ids_done .= "xml_id #".$setting['id_prefix'].$itv_xml_id."\n";
$xml_ids_err .= "xml_id #".$setting['id_prefix'].$itv_xml_id."\n";
$setting['etag'] = $etag;
$event = new SysEvent();
$str = sprintf(_("Updated %d channels from %d, %d errors"), $done, $total, $err)." \n";
$str .= "<b>"._("Errors").": </b>\n".($err? $xml_ids_err : $err)."\n";
$str .= "<b>"._("Successful").": </b>\n".$xml_ids_done."\n";
return $str;
* Return all EPG setting records.
* @return array
private function getSettings(){
return $this->db->from('epg_setting')->get()->all();
* Update EPG settings.
* @param array $setting
* @return MysqlResult
private function setSettings($setting){
if (isset($setting['id'])){
return $this->db->update('epg_setting',
'uri' => $setting['uri'],
'etag' => $setting['etag'],
'updated' => 'NOW()'
array('id' => $setting['id']));
return $this->db->insert('epg_setting',
'uri' => $setting['uri']
* Return array of xmltv_id=>ch_ids.
* @return array Array(xmltv_id => array(id, id, ...,id))
private function getITVids(){
$valid_channels = $this->db->from('itv')->where(array('xmltv_id!=' => ''))->get()->all();
$ids = array();
foreach ($valid_channels as $channel){
if (!array_key_exists($channel['xmltv_id'], $ids)){
$ids[$channel['xmltv_id']] = array();
$ids[$channel['xmltv_id']][] = $channel['id'];
return $ids;
* Delete program for channel using date.
* @param string $date
* @param int $itv_id
* @return MysqlResult
private function cleanEpgByDate($date, $itv_id){
$real_from = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $date);
$date = date("Y-m-d", $date);
$from = $date." 00:00:00";
$to = $date." 23:59:59";
/*if (!@$this->cleaned_epg[$itv_id]){
$this->cleaned_epg[$itv_id] = array();
if (!array_key_exists($itv_id, $this->cleaned_epg)){
$this->cleaned_epg[$itv_id] = array();
//if (!@$this->cleaned_epg[$itv_id][$date]){
if (!array_key_exists($date, $this->cleaned_epg[$itv_id])){
$this->cleaned_epg[$itv_id] = array($date => 1);
'ch_id' => $itv_id,
'time>=' => $real_from,
'time<' => $to
* Return current program page.
* @return int
public function getCurProgramPage(){
return $this->cur_program_page;
* Return current program index in list.
* @return int
public function getCurProgramIdx(){
return $this->cur_program_idx;
* Find current program.
* @param int $ch_id
* @return array|null $program
public function getCurProgram($ch_id){
/*$ch_id = intval($ch_id);
$program = $this->db
'ch_id' => $ch_id,
'time<=' => 'NOW()',
//'time_to>' => 'NOW()'
'time_to' => 0,
'time_to>' => 'NOW()'
), 'OR ')
->orderby('time', 'DESC')
return $program;*/
return $this->getProgramByChannelAndTime($ch_id);
public function getProgramByChannelAndTime($ch_id, $datetime = 'NOW()'){
$ch_id = intval($ch_id);
$program = $this->db
->select('*, TIME_FORMAT(epg.time,"%H:%i") as t_time')
'ch_id' => $ch_id,
'time<=' => $datetime
'time_to' => 0,
'time_to>' => $datetime
), 'OR ')
->orderby('time', 'DESC')
return $program;
public function getAllProgramForCh(){
$ch_id = intval($_REQUEST['ch_id']);
return $this->db
->select('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) as start_timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time_to) as stop_timestamp, name')
'ch_id' => $ch_id
//'time<=' => 'NOW()'
* Return current program and $num_programs next.
* @param int $ch_id
* @param int $num_programs
* @return array
public function getCurProgramAndFewNext($ch_id, $num_programs){
$cur_program = $this->getCurProgram($ch_id);
if (empty($cur_program['id'])){
return array();
$epg = $this->db->from('epg')
->select('epg.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(epg.time) as start_timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(epg.time_to) as stop_timestamp, TIME_FORMAT(epg.time,"%H:%i") as t_time, TIME_FORMAT(epg.time_to,"%H:%i") as t_time_to')
'epg.ch_id' => $ch_id,
'epg.time>=' => $cur_program['time']
$reminder = new TvReminder();
$reminders = $reminder->getAllActiveForMac(Stb::getInstance()->mac);
$tv_archive = new TvArchive();
$archived_recs = $tv_archive->getAllTasksAssoc();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($epg); $i++){
if (array_key_exists($epg[$i]['real_id'], $reminders)){
$epg[$i]['mark_memo'] = 1;
$epg[$i]['mark_memo'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists($epg[$i]['ch_id'], $archived_recs) &&
$epg[$i]['start_timestamp'] > $archived_recs[$epg[$i]['ch_id']]['start_timestamp'] &&
$epg[$i]['start_timestamp'] < $archived_recs[$epg[$i]['ch_id']]['stop_timestamp']){
$epg[$i]['mark_archive'] = 1;
$epg[$i]['mark_archive'] = 0;
return $epg;
* Return current program and 5 next.
* @param int $ch_id
* @return array
public function getCurProgramAndFiveNext($ch_id){
return $this->getCurProgramAndFewNext($ch_id, 5);
* Returns an array of programs on channels for next 9 hours.
* @return array
public function getEpgInfo(){
return $this->getEpgForChannelsOnPeriod(array());
public function getEpgForChannelsOnPeriod($channels_ids = array(), $from ='', $to = '', $limit = 0, $offset = 0){
$db = clone $this->db;
if (empty($channels_ids)){
$channels_ids = Itv::getInstance()->getAllUserChannelsIds();
if (empty($from)){
//$from = 'NOW()';
$from = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$from_ts = strtotime($from);
if (empty($to)){
$to = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", (time() + 9*3600));
$to_ts = strtotime($to);
$result = array();
foreach ($channels_ids as $ch_id){
$program = $db
->select('epg.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(epg.time) as start_timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(epg.time_to) as stop_timestamp, TIME_FORMAT(epg.time,"%H:%i") as t_time, TIME_FORMAT(epg.time_to,"%H:%i") as t_time_to')
'epg.ch_id' => $ch_id,
'epg.time_to>' => $from,
'epg.time<' => $to,
if ($limit){
$program = $program->limit($limit, $offset);
$result[$ch_id] = $program->get()->all();
//$week_day_arr = System::word('week_arr');
$week_day_arr = array(_('SUNDAY'),_('MONDAY'),_('TUESDAY'),_('WEDNESDAY'),_('THURSDAY'),_('FRIDAY'),_('SATURDAY'));
$now_ts = time();
$recorder = new StreamRecorder();
$user_rec_ids = $recorder->getDeferredRecordIdsForUser(Stb::getInstance()->id);
$tv_archive = new TvArchive();
$archived_recs = $tv_archive->getAllTasksAssoc();
$reminder = new TvReminder();
$reminders = $reminder->getAllActiveForMac(Stb::getInstance()->mac);
foreach ($result as $ch_id => $epg){
for ($i = 0; $i < count($epg); $i++){
$epg[$i]['display_duration'] = $epg[$i]['duration'];
$epg[$i]['larr'] = 0;
$epg[$i]['rarr'] = 0;
if ($epg[$i]['start_timestamp'] < $from_ts){
$epg[$i]['larr'] = 1;
$epg[$i]['display_duration'] = $epg[$i]['duration'] - ($from_ts - $epg[$i]['start_timestamp']);
if ($epg[$i]['stop_timestamp'] > $to_ts){
$epg[$i]['rarr'] = 1;
$epg[$i]['display_duration'] = $epg[$i]['duration'] - ($epg[$i]['stop_timestamp'] - $to_ts);
/*if ($epg[$i]['start_timestamp'] < $now_ts){
$epg[$i]['mark_memo'] = null;
if (array_key_exists($epg[$i]['real_id'], $user_rec_ids)){
$epg[$i]['mark_rec'] = 1;
$epg[$i]['rec_id'] = $user_rec_ids[$epg[$i]['real_id']];
$epg[$i]['mark_rec'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists($epg[$i]['real_id'], $reminders)){
$epg[$i]['mark_memo'] = 1;
$epg[$i]['mark_memo'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists($epg[$i]['ch_id'], $archived_recs)){
//var_dump($epg[$i]['start_timestamp'], $archived_recs[$epg[$i]['ch_id']]['start_timestamp'], $archived_recs[$epg[$i]['ch_id']]['stop_timestamp']);
//if (time() > $archived_recs[$program[$i]['ch_id']]['start_timestamp'] && time() < $archived_recs[$program[$i]['ch_id']]['stop_timestamp']){
if ($epg[$i]['start_timestamp'] > $archived_recs[$epg[$i]['ch_id']]['start_timestamp'] &&
$epg[$i]['start_timestamp'] < $archived_recs[$epg[$i]['ch_id']]['stop_timestamp']){
$epg[$i]['mark_archive'] = 1;
//$epg[$i]['position'] = date("i", $epg[$i]['start_timestamp']) * 60;
//$epg[$i]['media_len'] = $epg[$i]['stop_timestamp'] - $epg[$i]['start_timestamp'];
$epg[$i]['mark_archive'] = 0;
$epg[$i]['mark_archive'] = 0;
$epg[$i]['on_date'] = $week_day_arr[date("w", $epg[$i]['start_timestamp'])].' '.date("d.m.Y", $epg[$i]['start_timestamp']);
$result[$ch_id] = $epg;
return $result;
public function getDataTable(){
$page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
$ch_id = intval($_REQUEST['ch_id']);
$from = $_REQUEST['from'];
$to = $_REQUEST['to'];
$default_page = false;
$page_items = 10;
$all_user_ids = Itv::getInstance()->getAllUserChannelsIds();
$channel = Itv::getChannelById($ch_id);
$total_channels = Itv::getInstance()
->in('id', $all_user_ids)
$ch_idx = Itv::getInstance()
->in('id', $all_user_ids)
->where(array('number<=' => $channel['number']))
if ($ch_idx === false){
$ch_idx = 0;
if ($page == 0){
$default_page = true;
$page = ceil($ch_idx/$page_items);
if ($page == 0){
$page == 1;
$ch_idx = $ch_idx - ($page-1)*$page_items;
$user_channels = Itv::getInstance()
->in('id', $all_user_ids)
->limit($page_items, ($page-1)*$page_items)
//$display_channels_ids = array_map(function($element){return $element['id'];}, $user_channels);
$display_channels_ids = array();
foreach ($user_channels as $element){
$display_channels_ids[] = $element['id'];
$raw_epg = $this->getEpgForChannelsOnPeriod($display_channels_ids, $from, $to);
$result = array();
foreach ($raw_epg as $id => $epg){
$channel = $user_channels[array_search($id, $display_channels_ids)];
$result[] = array(
'ch_id' => $id,
//'name' => Itv::getChannelNameById($id),
'name' => $channel['name'],
'number' => $channel['number'],
'epg_container' => 1,
'epg' => $epg);
$time_marks = array();
$from_ts = strtotime($from);
$to_ts = strtotime($to);
$time_marks[] = date("H:i", $from_ts);
$time_marks[] = date("H:i", $from_ts+1800);
$time_marks[] = date("H:i", $from_ts+2*1800);
$time_marks[] = date("H:i", $from_ts+3*1800);
if (!$default_page){
//$ch_idx = 0;
//$page = 0;
if (!in_array($ch_id, $display_channels_ids)){
$ch_idx = 0;
$page = 0;
$ch_idx = array_search($ch_id, $display_channels_ids) + 1;
//var_dump($display_channels_ids, $ch_id, $ch_idx);
return array('total_items' => $total_channels,
'max_page_items' => $page_items,
'cur_page' => $page, // $page?
'selected_item' => $ch_idx,
'time_marks' => $time_marks,
'from_ts' => $from_ts,
'to_ts' => $to_ts,
'data' => $result);
public function getDataTableForSingleChannel(){
$page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
$ch_id = intval($_REQUEST['ch_id']);
$default_page = false;
$page_items = 14;
if ($page == 0){
$default_page = true;
//$page = ceil($ch_idx/$page_items);
if ($page == 0){
$page == 1;
public function getWeek(){
$cur_num_day = date('N')-1;
//$week_short_arr = System::word('week_short_arr');
$week_short_arr = array(_('Sun'),_('Mon'),_('Tue'),_('Wed'),_('Thu'),_('Fri'),_('Sat'));
array_push($week_short_arr, array_shift($week_short_arr));
//$month_arr = System::word('month_arr');
$month_arr = array(_('JANUARY'),_('FEBRUARY'),_('MARCH'),_('APRIL'),_('MAY'),_('JUNE'),_('JULY'),_('AUGUST'),_('SEPTEMBER'),_('OCTOBER'),_('NOVEMBER'),_('DECEMBER'));
$year = date("Y");
$month = date("m");
$day = date("d");
$week_days = array();
for ($i=0; $i<=13; $i++){
$w_day = date("d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, $day-$cur_num_day-7+$i, $year));
$w_month = date("n", mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, $day-$cur_num_day-7+$i, $year))-1;
$week_days[$i]['f_human'] = $week_short_arr[$i % 7].' '.$w_day.' '.$month_arr[$w_month];
$week_days[$i]['f_mysql'] = date("Y-m-d", mktime (0, 0, 0, $month, $day-$cur_num_day-7+$i, $year));
//if (intval($cur_num_day) === $i){
if ($week_days[$i]['f_mysql'] === date("Y-m-d")){
//var_dump($cur_num_day, $i);
$week_days[$i]['today'] = 1;
$week_days[$i]['today'] = 0;
return $week_days;
public static function getById($id){
return Mysql::getInstance()->from('epg')->where(array('id' => $id))->get()->first();
public static function getByRealId($real_id){
return Mysql::getInstance()->from('epg')->where(array('real_id' => $real_id))->get()->first();
public function getSimpleDataTable(){
$ch_id = intval($_REQUEST['ch_id']);
$date = $_REQUEST['date'];
$page = intval($_REQUEST['p']);
$default_page = false;
$page_items = 10;
$from = $date.' 00:00:00';
$to = $date.' 23:59:59';
//$epg = $this->getEpgForChannelsOnPeriod(array($ch_id), $from, $to);
$program = Mysql::getInstance()
->select('epg.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(epg.time) as start_timestamp, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(epg.time_to) as stop_timestamp, TIME_FORMAT(epg.time,"%H:%i") as t_time, TIME_FORMAT(epg.time_to,"%H:%i") as t_time_to')
'epg.ch_id' => $ch_id,
'epg.time>=' => $from,
'epg.time<=' => $to
$total_items = count($program);
$ch_idx = Mysql::getInstance()
'epg.ch_id' => $ch_id,
'epg.time>=' => $from,
'epg.time<' => 'NOW()',
//var_dump($ch_idx, date('Y-m-d'));
if ($page == 0){
$default_page = true;
$page = ceil($ch_idx/$page_items);
if ($page == 0){
$page = 1;
if ($date != date('Y-m-d')){
$page = 1;
$default_page = false;
$program = array_slice($program, ($page-1)*$page_items, $page_items);
$now = time();
$recorder = new StreamRecorder();
$user_rec_ids = $recorder->getDeferredRecordIdsForUser(Stb::getInstance()->id);
$tv_archive = new TvArchive();
$archived_recs = $tv_archive->getAllTasksAssoc();
$reminder = new TvReminder();
$reminders = $reminder->getAllActiveForMac(Stb::getInstance()->mac);
for ($i=0; $i<count($program); $i++){
if ($program[$i]['stop_timestamp'] < $now){
$program[$i]['open'] = 0;
$program[$i]['open'] = 1;
/*if ($program[$i]['start_timestamp'] < $now){
$program[$i]['mark_memo'] = null;
if (array_key_exists($program[$i]['real_id'], $reminders)){
$program[$i]['mark_memo'] = 1;
$program[$i]['mark_memo'] = 0;
//if (in_array($program[$i]['id'], $user_rec_ids)){
if (array_key_exists($program[$i]['real_id'], $user_rec_ids)){
$program[$i]['mark_rec'] = 1;
$program[$i]['rec_id'] = $user_rec_ids[$program[$i]['real_id']];
$program[$i]['mark_rec'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists($program[$i]['ch_id'], $archived_recs)){
if (($program[$i]['start_timestamp'] > $archived_recs[$program[$i]['ch_id']]['start_timestamp'] &&
$program[$i]['start_timestamp'] < $archived_recs[$program[$i]['ch_id']]['stop_timestamp']) ||
($archived_recs[$program[$i]['ch_id']]['wowza_archive'] && $program[$i]['start_timestamp'] < (time() - date("i")*60-date("s"))) ){
$program[$i]['mark_archive'] = 1;
//$program[$i]['position'] = date("i", $program[$i]['start_timestamp']) * 60;
//$program[$i]['media_len'] = $program[$i]['stop_timestamp'] - $program[$i]['start_timestamp'];
$program[$i]['mark_archive'] = 0;
$program[$i]['mark_archive'] = 0;
if ($default_page){
$cur_page = $page;
$selected_item = $ch_idx - ($page-1)*$page_items;
$cur_page = 0;
$selected_item = 0;
return array(
'cur_page' => $cur_page,
'selected_item' => $selected_item,
'total_items' => $total_items,
'max_page_items' => $page_items,
'data' => $program
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