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Last active September 21, 2022 22:11
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Exploration of bit operations to compute the next permutation with constant number of ones

Next Permutation

... code to view each step of the "next permutation" bit manipulation algorithm ...

import math
import numpy as np
n = 20
def bin(v):
return np.binary_repr(v, width = n)
v = 0b1001110000
t = (v | (v - 1)) + 1
w = t | ((((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1)
# print("=" * 55)
print(f"v = {bin(v)}")
print(f"v - 1 = {bin(v - 1)}")
print(f"v's least significant 0 bits set to 1")
print(f"v | (v - 1) = {bin(v | (v - 1))}")
print(f"t = (v | (v - 1)) + 1 = {bin((v | (v - 1)) + 1)}")
# print()
# print(f" 6 = {bin(6)}")
# print(f"-6 = {bin(-6)}")
print(f" v = {bin(v)}")
print(f"-v = {bin(-v)}")
print(f"v & -v = {bin(v & -v)}")
print(f" t = {bin(t)}")
print(f"-t = {bin(-t)}")
print(f"t & -t = {bin(t & -t)}")
print(f"t & -t = {bin(t & -t)}")
print(f"v & -v = {bin(v & -v)}")
print(f"(t & -t) // (v & -v) = {bin((t & -t) // (v & -v))}")
print(f"((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1 = {bin(((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1)}")
print(f"((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1 = {bin(((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1)}")
print(f"(((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1 = {bin((((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1)}")
print(f"t | ((((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1) = {bin(t | ((((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1))}")
print(f"in = {bin(v)}")
print(f"out = {bin(w)}")
v = 00000000001001110000
v - 1 = 00000000001001101111
v's least significant 0 bits set to 1
v | (v - 1) = 00000000001001111111
t = (v | (v - 1)) + 1 = 00000000001010000000
v = 00000000001001110000
-v = 11111111110110010000
v & -v = 00000000000000010000
t = 00000000001010000000
-t = 11111111110110000000
t & -t = 00000000000010000000
t & -t = 00000000000010000000
v & -v = 00000000000000010000
(t & -t) // (v & -v) = 00000000000000001000
((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1 = 00000000000000000100
((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1 = 00000000000000000100
(((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1 = 00000000000000000011
t | ((((t & -t) // (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1) = 00000000001010000011
in = 00000000001001110000
out = 00000000001010000011
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