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Created January 6, 2019 06:47
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foxdot pattern into common music
(in-package #:shiny)
;; scuffer version of FoxDot's song ""[1]
;; using lisp's "Common Music" patterns. And some custom helpers[2].
;; [1]:
;; [2]:
;; Scale.default="minor"; Clock.bpm=120
(setf (bpm *tempo*) 120f0)
;; d1 >> play("G(:-)", rate=-1/2,
;; pshift=var([0,3],[6,2])+(0.1,0),
;; pan=(-1,1),
;; room=1,
;; amp=2)
(bbuffer-load "/home/sendai/projects/FoxDot/FoxDot/snd/g/upper/0_Stab.wav" 'G)
(bbuffer-load "/home/sendai/projects/FoxDot/FoxDot/snd/_/colon/hh01.wav" 'C)
(bbuffer-load "/home/sendai/projects/FoxDot/FoxDot/snd/_/hyphen/0_hihat_closed.wav" '-)
;; TODO: pshift
(let ((pan (make-cycle '(0f0 1f0)))
(shift (make-cycle (make-var '(6 2) '(0 3))))
(notes (make-cycle (make-var 1 '(G (C -))))))
(defun d1 (time)
(bbplay (next notes)
:amp .3 :rate -.5
:pan (next pan) :rpitch (next shift))
(aat (+ time #[1 b]) #'d1 it)))
(aat (tempo-sync #[4 b]) #'d1 it)
(defun d1 ())
;; d2 >> play("x-", sample=2).sometimes("stutter", 4, dur=3)
(bbuffer-load "/home/sendai/projects/FoxDot/FoxDot/snd/x/lower/2_kick_drum.wav" 'x)
(bbuffer-load "/home/sendai/projects/FoxDot/FoxDot/snd/_/hyphen/2_hihat_closed.wav" '--)
(defun d2 ())
;; TODO: usage of make-weighting is WRONG there
(let ((notes (make-cycle
(make-cycle '(x --)
(make-weighting (iota 12 :start 4)))
(make-cycle (make-var 4 '(x --)) 1)))))
(defun d2 (time)
(bbplay (next notes) :amp .4)
(aat (+ time #[1 b]) #'d2 it)))
(aat (tempo-sync #[4 b]) #'d2 it)
;; d3 >> play(" I ", sample=2, hpf=(0,2000), lpf=(300,0), hpr=0.5)
(bbuffer-load "/home/sendai/projects/FoxDot/FoxDot/snd/i/upper/2_rock_snare.wav" 'II)
(defun d3 ())
(let ((notes (make-cycle '(NIL NIL II NIL)))
(lpf (make-cycle '(300 0)))
(hpf (make-cycle '(0 2000))))
(defun d3 (time)
(when-let ((n (next notes)))
(bbplay n :amp .5 :lpf (next lpf) :hpf (next hpf) :lpr .5 :hpr .5))
(aat (+ time #[1 b]) #'d3 it)))
(aat (tempo-sync #[4 b]) #'d3 it)
;; b1 >> dbass(var([0,6,5,2],[6,2]),
;; dur=PDur(3,8,[0,2]),
;; sus=2,
;; chop=4,
;; rate=4)
(defun b1 ())
(let ((scale (ov-scale :C5 :minor))
(dur (make-cycle
(list (make-cycle (pdur 3 8 0))
(make-cycle (pdur 3 8 2)))))
(notes (make-cycle
(make-var '(6 2 6 2) '(0 6 5 2)))))
(defun b1 (time)
(let ((d (next dur)))
(p time (nth (next notes) scale) (rcosr 30 5 5) d 0)
(aat (+ time #[d b]) #'b1 it))))
(aat (tempo-sync #[4 b]) #'b1 it)
;; p2 >> blip([0,1,[[3,4],2]], dur=[4,3,1],
;; drive=PWhite(0.2,0.7),
;; oct=6,
;; lpf=2000,
;; room=1/2,
;; echo=0.75,
;; echotime=6,
;; sus=1).penta().spread()
(let* ((dur (make-cycle '(4 3 1)))
(scale (ov-scale :C6 :pentatonic))
;; NOTE: cannot use (make-var) as this is a sub-sub pattern
(notes (make-cycle
(list 0 1 (make-cycle
(list (make-cycle '(3 4) 1)
(defun p2 (time)
(let ((d (next dur)))
(play-midi time (nth (next notes) scale) 40 d 0)
(aat (+ time #[d b]) #'p2 it))))
(aat (tempo-sync #[4 b]) #'p2 it)
(fp 10 10)
(defun p2 ())
;;k1 >> klank(oct=5, lpf=200, lpr=0.5)
(dsp! dsp-klank
(freq1 freq2 freq3 freq4 freq5 freq6 freq7 freq8 amp lpf lpr)
(:defaults 523.2503 587.32855 622.253
698.4553 783.98944 830.608
932.3258 1046.5002
.01 200 .5)
(with-samples ((n (white-noise))
;;(n (* n (impulse 2 1 .1)))
;;(n 523.2503)
(in (+ (incudine.vug:ringz n freq1 1)
(incudine.vug:ringz n freq2 1)
(incudine.vug:ringz n freq3 1)
(incudine.vug:ringz n freq4 1)))
;;(in (downsamp 2 in))
(in (lpf in lpf lpr))
(in (* amp in)))
(stereo in)))
(defun k1 ())
(incudine:free (node 25))
(let* ((scale (ov-scale :C5 :minor))
(notes (nths '(0 1 2 3) scale))
(midinotes (mapcar #'midihz notes)))
(defun k1 (time)
(destructuring-bind (a b c d) midinotes
(dsp-klank a b c d :amp .001 :lpf 200 :lpr .5 :id 100))
;;(aat (+ time #[1 b]) #'k1 it)
(aat (tempo-sync #[4 b]) #'k1 it)
(set-control 100 :amp .0001)
(incudine:free (node 100))
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