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Last active January 17, 2018 15:17
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Promises Best Practises and Anti Patterns

Promises Best Practices and Anti Patterns

The following might look like an opinionated article, please give your opinions as well. I am actually just publishing this to validate my thoughts. Do recommend if you agree with it.

Improving a Piece of Bad Code

So lets start with bad code. This is an example of someone who hasn't escaped callback Hell.

function getHotDog () {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        getBun().then(function (bun) {
            addSausage(bun).then(function (bunWithSausage) {
                addSauce(bunWithSausage).then(function (hotdog) {

Here all the underlying function calls return Promises, so there is no need to create new Promise but rather use return directly.

function getHotDog () {
    return getBun().then(function (bun) {
        return addSausage(bun).then(function (bunWithSausage) {
            return addSauce(bunWithSausage).then(function (hotdog) {
                return hotdog

Now because we can just pass the output of one function to another, we can just chain them like this

function getHotDog () {
    return getBun().then(function (bun) {
        return addSausage(bun)
    }).then(function (bunWithSausage) {
        return addSauce(bunWithSausage)
    }).then(function (hotdog) {
        return hotdog

Now because our functions are simple, we can even compact it down to this

function getHotDog () {
    return getBun()

Simple and easy to understand isn't it.

Multiple Variables

Now lets take an example of where you need two variables. Lets say for example you had a type of sausage and you need a particular type for bun for it. In this example we need the responses of two promises and one is dependent on another.

function getSausage () {
    return Promise.resolve({ // Can be an async func.
        type: 'soya',
        length: Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)
function getBun (len) {
    return Promise.resolve({ // Can be an async func.
        type: 'wholewheat',
        length: len
function addSausageToBun (bun, sausage) {
    return Promise.resolve({ // Can be an async func.
        bun: bun,
        sausage: sausage

function getHotDog () {
    return getSausage().then(function (sausage) {
        return getBun(sausage.length).then(function (bun) {
            // Over here we need both variables sausage & bun,
            // So that is why we are creating a closure.
            // Where we have both.
            return anddSausageToBun(bun, sausage)

You can extract the inner function out to another function, but you will be creating your closure there, so its going to be one and the same thing.

There is another option of using Promise.all but I feel that makes the code difficult to maintain. But its a personal choice.

function getHotDog () {
    return getSausage().then((sausage) => {
        return Promise.all([getBun(sausage.length), sausage]
    }).then(([bun, sausage] => {
        return anddSausageToBun(bun, sausage)

Error Handling

Now that we know how to chain promises, lets see some error handling. Can you differentiate between these two?

function requestA(url) {
    return fetch(url).then(function (res) {
        return doSomething(
    }).catch(function (err) { // <- See this <<<<<<<<
        return fallbackForRequestFail()

function requestB(url) {
    return fetch(url).then(function (res) {
        return doSomething(
    }, function (err) { // <- Change here. <<<<<<<<<<
        return fallbackForRequestFail()

There is a very important difference between the above two examples, people who only recently have moved from jQuery to React/Redux Stack who would have started using Axios, Fetch or other similar libraries feel that React started eating up their errors rather than propagating them forward.

But its not React / Redux eating your errors.

Lets say for example you have a Runtime Error in the doSomething function above, in the requestA flow of things, your error would go into the catch and then fallbackForRequestFail would be called, when actually it should be fallbackForRuntimeError or should be logged so that you are notified rather than it just mysteriously dissappearing.

function requestA(url) {
    return fetch(url).then(function (res) {
        // Gets called if request succeeds
        return doSomething(
    }).catch(function (err) {
        // Gets called if request fails, or even if .then fails
        return fallbackForRequestFail()

function requestB(url) {
    return fetch(url).then(function (res) {
        // Gets called if request succeeds
        return doSomething(
    }, function (err) {
        // Gets called if request fails
        return fallbackForRequestFail()

So in essence in the requestB flow of code, only function will be called amongst the two. And any other error like Runtime Error will be propagated ahead which you can handle individually or just log such errors to your error logging service and fix them on a case by case basis.

Log Unhandled Rejected Promises

In the Browser

window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', event => {
    // Can prevent error output on the console:
    // Send error to log server
    log('Reason: ' + event.reason);

In Node.js

process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason) => {
    console.log('Reason: ' + reason);


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